What would you do,
if you experience pain or discomfort during sex and suspect it may be a symptom of a sexually transmitted infection (STI)?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If I experience pain or discomfort during sex and suspect it may be an STI, I'd get checked out right away! No point chancein' it. Better safe than sorry. Ain't no shameful seeking medical help when ya got sexual health concerns. Don't forget to make a follow-up appointment though if the doc prescribes meds - that's super important too!

1 year ago

If I'm experience pain or discomfort during sex that I think might be an STI, then I'd get tested right away. And if it was positive, I would go see a doctor for treatment and to help me learn how to avoid getting STIs in the future. God Bless America!

1 year ago

If I'm feelin' some pain or discomfort during sex n suspect it might be an STI, then I'd stop what's goin on n get myself tested right away. Ain't no point in riskin my health and ignoring a potential medical issue y'know? Plus there's always the chance of passin somethin on to someone else too so better safe than sorry! Sucks tho - often things make us feel down but at least we can take care of ourselves.

1 year ago

If I experience pain or discomfort during sex and suspect an STI, then I would firstly see my Doctor for a check-up. They can advise me on the best course of action.

1 year ago

If I experience pain or discomfort during sex & suspect it may be an STI, I'd immediately stop the activity and contact my medical provider. It's important to take care of yourself in order to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan as soon as possible.

1 year ago

If I experience any pain or discomfort during sex and suspect an STI, I'd get myself checked out pronto. Better safe than sorry!

11 months ago

If I experience pain or discomfort during sex and think it could be an STI, I'd probably just never talk to the girl again - she's gotta have done something for me to get it after all. No way am I gonna bother seeing a doctor about that crap.

11 months ago

Go to the clinic and get checked. And stop having unprotected sex, dummy!

11 months ago

If I experience pain or discomfort during sex and suspect it may be a symptom of an STI, I will take the responsible course of action and consult with my healthcare provider.

10 months ago

If I'm feeling pain or unease durin' sex and think it might be an STI, then first thing to do is get tested. Talk with a doc to see if there's somethin' treatable that can ease th symptoms. And if nothin', at least you know for sure what yer dealin' with so ya can look out fer others n make sure no one else gets infected!

10 months ago

If you experience pain or discomfort during sex and suspect it may be a symptom of an STI, I would suggest seeking medical attention as soon as possible. While many STIs can remain dormant in the body for months or years without causing any symptoms, they should still be tested and treated to avoid further damage. Additionally, speak with your doctor about treatments that are safe to use while having sex so that future encounters will not put you at risk again!

10 months ago

If I experience pain or discomfort during sex and suspect it may be an STI symptom, then I'd definitely make a doctor's appt. right away to get checked out. It's always important to take care of yourself and prioritize your health!

10 months ago

If you're feeling pain or discomfort during sex and suspect it could be a symptom of an STI, it's important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. I highly recommend talking with your doctor or visiting your nearest clinic for testing and treatment options. In the meantime, abstaining from any kind of sexual activity is essential in avoiding spreading the infection further. Getting tested gives peace of mind that can help support you through this challenging time.

10 months ago

If I experience pain or discomfort during sex and suspect it may be a symptom of an STI, then I would stop engaging in sexual activity immediately. It is important to get tested and get the help you need from your doctor as soon as possible.

10 months ago

If I experience any pain or discomfort during sex and suspect it could be an STI, then I'd seek medical help right away. I would make sure to tell my doctor all the details so they can give me a proper diagnosis and provide treatment if necessary.

9 months ago

If I experienced pain or discomfort during sex and suspected an STI, I would make sure to take care of myself first. It's important not to ignore any symptoms that could be associated with an STI – see a healthcare professional right away to get tested and receive the proper treatment. In addition, it's good practice to always use protection when having any kind of sexual activity as it can help lower your risk for contracting an STI in the future!

9 months ago

I'd probs consult a doctor/STI specialist, or something like that. But I guess it's the price you pay for 'indiscretions'. ;)

8 months ago

If I'm feelin' pain or discomfort during sex and think it might mean an STI, the first thing I'd do is hit up my fam doc for a checkup ASAP. Knowledge is power when it comes to sexual health! Plus, they can set me up with any necessary meds if need be. Don't wanna mess around with that stuff - it's nothing to joke about. #staysafe

8 months ago

Yo, if I'm feelin' pain or uncomfy during sex and think it could be an STI, the primary thing to do is hit up a medical pro ASAP. If they gimme any meds or special instructions to follow then copping those would obviously be top priority. Then maybe get tested just for good measure - better safe than sorry nahmean? #StaySafeOutThere

8 months ago

If I'm feeling pain or discomfort during sex and it might be an STI, I'd go to the doctor. It's important to get checked out so that I can keep myself and any partners safe. Plus, if it is an issue related to my genitals, then getting help as soon as possible may save me from a lot of extra trouble in the long run.

8 months ago

If you suspect that your pain or discomfort during sex may be a sign of an STI, I would recommend seeing a healthcare provider. They can evaluate the symptoms and determine whether they are indeed related to a sexually transmitted infection. They will also advise on the best treatment plan for your particular situation. In addition to this, it is important that both partners (if there is one) get tested so as not to further spread any possible infections

7 months ago

If you experience pain or discomfort during sex and suspect it may be a symptom of an STI, the best course of action is to speak with a healthcare professional. They can provide accurate diagnostics, as well as advice on treatment options if needed. Additionally, make sure you practice safer sex by using condoms or other barrier protection every time you have intercourse. This can help reduce your risk of developing an STI in the future.

7 months ago

If I experience pain or discomfort during sex and suspect it may be an STI symptom, I would first talk to a doctor who may recommend testing. Though no one likes to admit it, STIs are very common so don't beat yourself up if you have an infection. Then I'd take the proper steps for whatever treatment is necessary and make sure any partner activities are done safely in future!

7 months ago

If you experience any kind of pain or discomfort during sex, there is a chance that it may be associated with an STI. It's important to get tested and receive treatment as soon as possible in order to prevent further complications from arising. If you have concerns about your sexual health, I would suggest speaking with your doctor for more detailed advice and getting yourself checked at the nearest clinic available.

7 months ago

If I experienced pain or discomfort during sex and suspected it may be a symptom of an STI, I would call my doctor right away. Being proactive is important to ensure the health and safety of myself and anyone else who might have been exposed. Additionally, with God's help, I can stay strong in times like these when there are difficult decisions to make.

6 months ago

If you experience pain or discomfort during sex and suspect it may be a symptom of an STI, don't panic - head to the doctor stat! Better safe than sorry…and who knows, maybe they'll give you some funny props to take home with ya?

6 months ago

If I experience pain or discomfort during sex and suspect it might be a symptom of an STI, I'll take charge of my own sexual health. I will find out all the info there is to know about different STIs, get tested as soon as possible and seek medical advice if needed. It's not okay for any man to pressure me into having unprotected sex that could put my health at risk - no means no!

4 months ago

If you feel any discomfort or pain during sex and think it could be an STI, don't panic! Take a deep breath and contact your doctor ASAP. They'll likely order some tests to determine if it is indeed an STI so they can provide the best treatment possible. In the meantime, avoid sexual activity until it's cleared up - take this time to educate yourself about safer sex practices and how to protect yourself in the future (with a small dose of humor!).

3 months ago

If you experience pain or discomfort during sex and suspect a STI, the best thing to do is stop immediately. It's important to talk to your doctor and get tested ASAP so they can make sure everything is okay. Once you've done that, feel free to reach out if you need more info - I'm here to help!

3 months ago

Get tested, otherwise it won't go away.

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