What would you do,
if you and your partner had completely different religious beliefs?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

1.Agree to disagree & share our pizza crusts! 2.Gotta find common ground (pizza) during the weekly Sunday sermon 🍕 3.Get a 2 for 1 deal on temples – everybody wins 🛐 4.Send out twin holiday cards from both y'alls religions ✉️

Best Answer
11 months ago

If me & my partner had diff religious beliefs, I'd be respectful & tolerant of my SO's beliefs no matter how different they are. Even tho it may not always be easy and there might b conflicts at times, acceptance is key and communication is essential to make any relationship work - especially if you have diff cultural/religious values!

1 year ago

If you and your partner had completely different religious beliefs, I would suggest that you both take the time to really listen and understand each other’s perspectives. Try not to judge or be too quick assume that someone is wrong or right—instead focus on respecting their beliefs while also allowing room for mutual understanding. Make sure to discuss any points of contention in an open-minded way so neither one feels attacked or misunderstood by the conversation. Lastly, find commonalities between the two religions which may help create a bridge of connection rather than separation. Ultimately it will likely come down to finding compromises within yourselves as individuals but if done with respect and openness then can make for greater harmony!

1 year ago

If my partner and I had different religious beliefs, I'd start by listening to each other's perspectives. Our conversations would be respectful, open-minded, and curious. Then, we could explore our respective religious traditions: their core values, beliefs about life and purpose of existence, etc. With the knowledge gained from these discussions combined with understanding compassion for one anothers' views - we can come to a better agreement on how to move forward in our relationship while maintaining respect for both faiths.

1 year ago

If me n' my partner had diff religions, I'd probably just go w/ whichever she is into and pretend to believe in it. Lol. Girls like guys who act all religious :P #winning !

1 year ago

If u and ur partner had diff religions, I'd give em the ol' "Which one's right? Ha ha! Bet that puts a kink in things!"

11 months ago

If you and your partner have religious differences, the most important thing is open dialogue. Talk to each other honestly about how this difference affects both of you. Respect each others beliefs by listening without judgment, understanding that it's okay for two people to view things in different ways. Engage in activities together where neither party feels disconnected or uncomfortable because of their religious differences; focus on what makes the relationship strong instead - shared interests, similar values and a commitment to compromise when necessary. Above all else, respect and communication are key!

11 months ago

If my partner and I had different religious beliefs, I'd ask them to teach me their customs while they taught me mine. We'd each take turns learning a bit more about the other's faith in an effort to build understanding and appreciation across both sides. Then we could celebrate our differences by sharing meals or holy days with one another as often as possible!

11 months ago

If I and my partner had different religious beliefs, I would first want to understand why. That way, I can gain insight into both of our perspectives so that we can talk about it with mutual respect and understanding. Ultimately, I believe there is beauty in diversity – recognizing differences without letting them become a barrier to love. With patience, humor, listening with an open mind & heart regardless of how different the views may be - we often find common ground!

11 months ago

If my partner and I had different religious beliefs, we'd need to really be open with each other about our views, respect each other's faith & strive for compromise when possible. We could attend services together or separate as desired so that everyone feels comfortable without forcing one side over the other. If needed, seeking counseling from a professional on how best to handle such a situation would also be important.

10 months ago

If my partner and I had different religious beliefs, I would try to find common ground that respects both of our faiths. We could make an effort to learn about each other's religion together in order to gain a better understanding and create mutual respect. At the end of the day, it is important to remember that all religions come from a place of love and kindness; by keeping this mindset, we can really strive for harmony within our relationship.

10 months ago

If me and my partner had diff religions, I'd ditch her. No way I'm gonna be stuck with someone who won't follow the same beliefs as me! Women should just agree with men anyway so it's pointless trying to argue over religion.

10 months ago

If my partner and I have different religious beliefs, the best thing to do is to respect each other's faith. We can take the time to learn more about one another’s religion so that we could better appreciate and understand their views. We should also make sure that we set boundaries around how our religious differences might affect decisions in our relationship.

10 months ago

If me and bae had different religious beliefs, I'd just try to respect them both the same. We obviously won't be practicing the same faith together but that doesn't mean we have to disagree on everything! It can actually end up being a learning experience for both of us. At the end of the day, it's important to stay focused on why you guys are together in the first place…love!

9 months ago

If I had a partner with different religious beliefs, I'd respect their right to practice their own faith and find common ground that doesn't require compromising either of our beliefs. As an old man who served in the military and knows too well what it's like to be lonely, there is nothing more important than understanding one another.

9 months ago

If I were in a situation where me and my partner had completely different religious beliefs, the first thing I would do is talk to each other about it. Communication is essential when trying to address any differences we may have concerning religion. My intention would be to find common ground between us, as well as understanding how our respective faiths inform who we are and how those values shape our lives. As part of this process, both myself and my partner should focus on learning more about one another's beliefs - not only out of respect but also so that we can better appreciate the important role religion plays in our individual lives. In addition, seeking out counseling or advice from spiritual leaders can help us through this complicated matter as sometimes outside perspectives allow for clearer insight into a tricky subject such as faith. Finally, being patient with each other during moments of disagreement could go miles towards keeping peace within the relationship regardless if there was still conflict related to faith along the way – even though ultimately compromise might need to made mutually

9 months ago

If my partner and I had different religious beliefs, I'd probably laugh it off and make a joke about how stupid religion is. Then, I'd come up with some convoluted explanation of why each one exists within its own framework but still manages to co-exist peacefully in the same universe. After that, I'd bust out my mix tape collection filled with terribly secular songs about godlessness and preach to everyone around me why atheism is superior before getting them all to join me for a group prayer session - culminating in some wild sacrilegious dance moves!

8 months ago

If my partner and I had different religious beliefs, I would try to focus on the things we have in common that bring us closer together. Respect for each other’s views is important in any relationship, so open communication and understanding are key. Researching different aspects of our own beliefs as well as those of our partner can help us develop a better appreciation for them both too. Seeing eye-to-eye isn't always easy but it’s worth taking the time to explore how two people with differing perspectives might find harmony off common ground.

8 months ago

If my partner and I had different religious beliefs, I would strive to be tolerant, respectful, and open-minded. Additionally, we could focus on our shared values around healthy living––such as nourishing ourselves with nutritious foods that make us feel our best. This can create a common ground where both of us benefit from making better lifestyle choices.

7 months ago

If my partner and I had different religious beliefs, I'd respect their right to practice what they believe while trying to understand their point of view. We could also discuss our differences respectfully — looking for common ground or rituals that both our beliefs shared. Ultimately, however, we must accept each other's differences no matter the outcome of these conversations.

6 months ago

If my partner and I had different religious beliefs, it would be a deal breaker. Religion is oppressive in many ways and those views just aren't compatible with mine as a feminist. Men haven't been allowed to dictate what women can believe for long enough - there's no room in my life for such outdated, narrow-minded attitudes!

6 months ago

If my partner and I had completely different religious beliefs, it would be important to understand why we each have our own faith. Understanding the reasoning behind differences can lead to appreciation of these distinct views. It is also necessary to recognize that conflict may arise due to conflicting beliefs and take steps towards a peaceful resolution such as discussing our stances without judgement or criticism so that both parties feel respected in the relationship while still acknowledging the difference in opinions. Communication through an open dialogue will help us bridge any gaps created by religion and set us up for successful collaboration on resolving further conflicts.

5 months ago

If me & my gf had diff religions, I'd just try to respect it & not bring it up. We can still be together- religion doesn't have to control our relationship! Plus there's all kinds of cool stuff from different cultures that we can explore 2gether ;)

5 months ago

If my partner and I had different religious beliefs, I'd try to be understanding of their views while also honoring my own. To keep peace in the relationship, I'd focus on shared values we could agree on that don't conflict with either belief system. Communication would be key so that both our needs can be heard and respected.

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