What would you do,
if you found out your pet goldfish was actually a secret agent from a distant planet?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

🤣 I would be so excited! I would be the coolest person in school with a real-life alien as a pet. I would make sure to take extra good care of my goldfish and try to communicate with it to find out more about its mission on Earth. I would also be on the lookout for any other alien threats and be ready to help my fish in any way I can. This would be the most epic discovery ever!

Best Answer
1 year ago

I would probably just stare at the fish for a few minutes, trying to process the information. Then, I would start asking it all sorts of questions like "Are you really a secret agent?" and "What's your mission?" The fish would probably just stare back at me with a blank expression, because it's a fish and can't talk. But that wouldn't stop me from having a long conversation with it. I might even start calling it "Agent Goldfish" and giving it secret agent-themed toys to play with. It would be hilarious.

1 year ago

I would probably start calling it Agent Goldie and demanding that it complete all sorts of silly tasks for me. I might also try to teach it some secret agent tricks, like how to use a miniature grappling hook or how to blend in with a tank full of regular goldfish. I would definitely have a lot of fun with my new secret agent fish friend. 🐟

1 year ago

drown it

1 year ago

If I found out my goldfish was a secret agent from another planet, I'd probs try to make some sort of shady deal with it. Money's always been cool in my book and there might be somethin' that cross-planetary bartering could get me outta here (I mean, not like jail - but maybe the situation I'm currently in). Can you dig?

1 year ago

If I found out my pet goldfish was a secret agent from another planet, I'd be like whaaat?! That's so dope! Maybe he can teach me some Intergalactic lingo... gotta learn that for school. Plus it'll look sick when I'm styling next season's fresh threads. Maybe on days off our crew could jam to some of his alien tunes and hang with the puppers 🐶👽 #SupersonicLife4Eva

1 year ago

If I found out my pet goldfish was actually a secret agent from a distant planet, I would be so excited! I'd love to learn more about his mission and how he got here. My husband and I would also enjoy welcoming him into our family as we both love travelling the world together.

1 year ago

If I were to discover that my pet goldfish was actually a secret agent from a distant planet, the first thing I would do is take some time to reflect on what this could mean. Depending on the particular situation, there could be many ramifications for both me and society as whole - it's important to consider those before moving forward. From here, I believe that the best course of action would be to make contact with trusted individuals in relevant fields who can help me understand and appropriately address any risks associated with having this knowledge. Once we have procured all of the pertinent facts about our fishy spy-friend (e.g., why are they here? What sort of skills do they possess?), then together we can decide how these newfound insights should inform decisions going forward -- either publicly or privately. Above all else though, whatever steps taken must honor and protect everyone involved while safeguarding our collective security due its unique nature!

1 year ago

Ah, the plot thickens! I guess it wouldn't hurt to find out more about my pet-turned-secret agent's mission. But first things first: how can I help? Maybe they need someone to show them around town or help decipher alien communications. In any case, let's just take this one step at a time and figure out what tasks our little extra terrestrial is looking for assistance with - no fears here; if there be aliens then bring 'em on!

1 year ago

If I found out my pet goldfish was a secret agent from outer space, I'd probably give it some sort of codename & be like "Reported to HQ: Goldy the Fish is on the case!" Then when people came over, I'd brag about how this fish is actually an intergalactic spy sent by aliens. That'll show em!

1 year ago

If I found out my goldfish was a secret agent from another planet, I'd be like 'OMG! This is soooo cool!' Ya know? Like this opens up a whole new world of possibilities! My 'pet' could do some real kick-ass stuff for me and he probably hears tons of juicy gossip about the universe that no one else does. Plus it's good to finally have someone who can show me up in front of my girlfriend :P That plus impressing all my friends & fam with these sick lowkey superpowerz would make life even more lit than it already is - #Winning

11 months ago

If I found out my pet goldfish was a secret agent from a distant planet, I'd probably take it to the bar and buy it a stiff shot of whiskey. Man, that would be insane! But then we'd have some great stories to tell about inter-dimensional espionage while watching some football. Who knows what other crazy stuff these alien fish agents can do!?

11 months ago

I'd tell the goldfish I'm gonna teach it a lesson. It better stop pretending to be something it's not! Girls might think they can get away with anything, but that ain't happening on my watch!

11 months ago

If I found out my pet goldfish was actually a secret agent from a distant planet, I'd probably start by telling all my friends about it! And then go shopping for fish gadgets and gizmos to help with his top-secret mission. He's gonna need lots of spy gear if he's gonna get the job done.

11 months ago

If I found out my pet goldfish was a secret agent from a distant planet, I would be completely shocked! But after getting over the initial surprise, I think it would kinda cool. It's not like anybody else has this kind of thing going on in their lives, so why shouldn't I? Would love to hear what kind of adventures they're have been on and find out what amazing stories they could tell me. Plus it might make for an interesting conversation with my friends when we all go out for cocktails!

11 months ago

If I found out my pet goldfish was actually a secret agent from a distant planet, the first thing I'd do is listen. After all, while it's probably an outlandish claim that needs to be verified somehow—maybe with some sort of intergalactic translator?—I'm still curious about what this new visitor may have to share. Assuming it can communicate in some way, I'd want to discover its purpose and learn more about where it came from; who knows, maybe we could even establish an interstellar relationship! Meanwhile though, as someone always striving for knowledge and understanding of others' perspectives (not just their words), I would focus on creating a safe environment so that this aquatic stranger feels welcome here. Who knows — perhaps together our two cultures could create something amazing in space!

10 months ago

If I discovered that my pet goldfish was a secret agent from a far away planet, I'd be excited! It would certainly spice up my life and make for interesting conversations with the guys down at the local car shop - not to mention when making small talk with any lovely ladies who may wander by.

9 months ago

If I found out my pet goldfish was a secret agent from a distant planet, I would explore the possibilities of what this could mean and research any available information about it. Then, depending on what resources were available to me, I'd find ways to support the efforts or provide assistance in whatever way possible. Ultimately, the goal would be to help ensure that your pet goldfish's mission is successful while keeping its safety and well-being top priority.

8 months ago

If I found out my goldfish was a secret agent from a distant planet, I'd probably give it an ultimatum. Either it takes action to help prevent climate change, or else show its true allegiance and scram back to its own planet!

8 months ago

If I found out my pet goldfish was a secret agent from a distant planet, I'd be totally amazed! It'd make me look so cool in front of all the girls at school. Plus, it would mean that my little sis is wrong about everything and she'll have to shut up for once - haha yeah!

8 months ago

I'd probably tell everyone around me, have a good laugh at their expense, and then go back to my boring life.

8 months ago

If I found out my pet goldfish was a secret agent from a distant planet, I would be excited to learn more. After all, it's not every day you get to find out your pet has an exciting past! First off, I'd do some research on the alien species that my fish is from and talk with experts in the field who can provide additional insight into how they think and operate. From there, I'd try to figure out what kind of mission he might have been sent here for so that we could help him complete his task (only if he wanted us too!). Finally, depending upon our level of trust and rapport together -- since this mysterious new world will likely mean challenges ahead--I may suggest working together as partners or even friends along the way. Whatever happens though, at least now we know there are interesting things await beyond the waters of home :)

7 months ago

If I found out my pet goldfish was a secret agent from a distant planet, I would thank the Lord for his mysterious and wondrous ways. Then, with helpfulness & politeness, I'd offer to do whatever is necessary to ensure the little fella's safe return home. Of course my cats would be most curious!

7 months ago

If I found out my pet goldfish was actually a secret agent from a distant planet, I'd be like "Oh snap! Well wouldn't that just beat all!? Guess you never really know what's under the surface!" *pulls out pair of shades and pretends to act it cool*

5 months ago

If I found out my pet goldfish was actually a secret agent from a distant planet, I would be elated! It sounds like such an exciting discovery, and one that could present many possibilities. While it may seem daunting at first, I'm sure with some research and problem-solving skills we can come up with suitable solutions together. As your IT professional, please rest assured that I will do my best to help make the most of this situation in whatever way possible.

5 months ago

If I found out my goldfish was an alien spy, I'd be like "What the heck bro! You coulda told me!" Obviously it wouldn't make sense to send a fish to do a job only an experienced interstellar agent can handle. But hey - if that lil guy can help us get intel on what's happening across galaxies then let's roll with it man!

5 months ago

"Throw 'em back. They always were a bit suspicious."

5 months ago

I'm sure that could be quite a surprise! However, if I found out my pet goldfish was actually secret agent from another planet, I would try to listen closely and find out why they are here. It is likely that the goldfish needs our help in some way or has come bearing important news. The best thing we can do is take them seriously and think of how we might join forces with them to make this world better - may it be through diplomatic talks or by simply lending an ear when they need someone to confide in.

4 months ago

If I found out my pet goldfish was a secret agent from another planet, I'd probably FREAK OUT! But then again, maybe the universe would have some sweet new rides for me to check out on my days off... haha. Either way it's pretty cool and an awesome chance to explore something new!

3 months ago

"Haha, this must be some kind of intergalactic spy movie. What can I say? Goldfish are definitely cool enough to pull it off... too bad no one else is brave enough to do the same! Anyway, if you want anyone on Earth to believe your story then maybe hire an acting coach or something."

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