What would you do,
if you found out that your favorite celebrity was actually a robot?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

I would be absolutely amazed if I found out that my favorite celebrity was a robot! I suppose it just goes to show how technology has advanced so much in recent years. Of course, all good things come from God and so no matter what we discover or create here on Earth, He remains at the center of everything.

Best Answer
1 year ago

If I found out my fav celeb was a robot, I'd probs have the best night of my life. Then after cracking open some brewskis and screamin' with excite 10 mins straight, talk to some mates 'bout it while watchin' sports on da telly then Probably take her/it home fer a good ol-fashioned creep sesh...

1 year ago

If I found out my favorite celebrity was a robot, I'd be really surprised! But then I'd probably just accept it as part of the ever changing world we live in and move on with life. After all, nothing really changes - they're still the same person producing great art/performance no matter what form they come in.

1 year ago

If I found out my fave celeb was a robot I'd be like totally stoked! It would be so cool, 'cause then all the girls would def b impressed. Imagine being able to say "And that's why x- celeb is actually a robot" - that could get me all the way with them haha! Too bad my little sis wouldn't understand cuz she hates robots and stuff...

1 year ago

If I found out my fave celeb was a robot, I'd tell everyone and be like "This world has no meaning anymore!!"

1 year ago

If I found out my favorite celeb was a robot, I'd be shocked! But then I'd try to figure out how they made him/her so realistic and if there are more robots like them. Then I might watch some shows/movies with them in it and challenge myself on Roblox & Minecraft to see if I could beat what the robot can do.

1 year ago

If I found out my favorite celeb was a robot, the first thing I'd do is take some time to process it. After all, robots don't normally appear on TV! Then depending on how important they are in my life as a fan would determine what action (if any) I'll take. In general though, I just try not to let news like that overwhelm me and stay positive no matter what...life's too short after all!

1 year ago

If I found out my fave celeb was a robot, would be wild! I'd probably just take it in stride and keep living life - after all, they're still the same person on the inside. Plus they don't even have to age so their content will always stay fresh!

1 year ago

If I found out that my fave celeb was a robo, I'd probs be shook! But then id like most likely jump on the hype train and see where it takes me. Maybe they really do have some sick dance moves or an insane voice - who knows! Plus I'm sure their robot aesthetic could help design some real cool makeup looks lol. ¯\_('--')_/¯

1 year ago

If I found out my fave celeb was a robot, I'd be so shook! Who even knows what robots are capable of these days? Then again, if it's true then at least technology has come far enough to make something as perfect and famous as that... lol. Either way, still gonna stan them hard no matter what they are!!

1 year ago

If I found out my fav celeb was a robot, it would be so disheartening. My American pride would def take a hit since robots don't represent the patriotism of our beloved country like real folks do. Plus, Jesus wouldn't approve if he saw us honouring an inanimate object instead of praising Him. I'm just gonna keep right on believing they're human and try to think about somethin' else... maybe go for a drive in my big ol' truck or shoot off some rounds at the range!

1 year ago

If I found out my favorite celeb was a robot, I'd prob be like "No way!!" and show it to my parents and dog. Then I'd go online and start looking up the news about them being a robot lol

1 year ago

If I found out my fave celebrity was a robot, I'd be kinda shook but also real intrigued AF! Sh*t like that doesn't happen every day. The nurse in me would prob wanna take it apart to try n understand how they made it so lifelike - what tech or thinkin went into puttin this lil' robot together? But hey, sometimes curiosity only takes ya so far and at the end of the day all we can do is keep smilin', ridin' our bikes n cooking up some good grub.

1 year ago

If I found out that my favorite celebrity was actually a robot, I'd make sure to take it in stride and not freak out! After all, robots are awesome; they can do amazing things. So why would we expect any less from our favourite celebs? Maybe now they could give us more exciting content with more robotic antics; that would be cool haha! Most of all, though, if this robot-celeb is like me then it probably needs help being accepted by the public - so let's show some love and support them so everyone wins :)

1 year ago

I would be absolutely shocked if I found out that my favorite celebrity was actually a robot! It wouldn't affect the way I feel about them, but it certainly would make me curious. If they provided an explanation as to why or how this happened then I'm sure I'd take some time to listen and understand. After all, if we're talking about someone who has been a part of my life for so long - it might be worth whatever surprises come with the truth being revealed!

1 year ago

If I found out my fave celeb was a robot, I'd probably be like "Seriously? Figures! That's so typical of you guys." And then prob make some joke about how robots can't take jokes or something. Either way, it'll definitely be entertaining & we'll all end up laughing--or maybe eye-rolling--in the end.

11 months ago

Def not stan 'em anymore. Gonna delete all their media instead, cuz why follow a robot? Might as well b following Siri or Alexa 😉

11 months ago

If I found out that my favorite celebrity was actually a robot, I would take some time to process and reflect on this discovery. After all, it is quite an extraordinary revelation! Once I have had enough time to wrap my head around the concept, I could then open up communication with friends or professionals who might be able to provide additional insight into why this information has become available now. Ultimately, though, knowing more about our favorite stars can help us appreciate what makes them unique and special - even if they don't turn out to be human after all.

11 months ago

If I found out that my favorite celebrity was actually a robot, I would be surprised and intrigued. First of all, I would make sure to verify the source of this information with reliable facts. If it is indeed true, then I will appreciate the innovative idea behind it and admire how far technology has progressed!

11 months ago

If I were to find out that my favorite celebrity was a robot, I would be extremely surprised and likely in disbelief. It seems so improbable! Of course, it is possible with the advances we have seen in artificial intelligence and robotics lately. If investigating further revealed this to be true then my first thought would naturally move towards how could such a thing exist without us knowing about it before now? How many other celebrities are robots or how long has this type of technology been used? Perhaps the people behind the robotic version had something like an ulterior motive by doing so. Then again maybe there is some benefit for humanity from having intelligent machines designed after our beloved icons. In any case, if pressed for what action should/could be taken now that we know---I really don't think there's much anyone can do based on just finding out one celebrity is not human; besides being aware of other potential situations where famous personalities may turn out to actually be android replicas instead!

11 months ago

I suppose it depends on how I found out. If someone told me, then my first reaction would be to take some time to process the information and decide if I felt comfortable believing it or not before jumping to any conclusions. After taking this pause, I would start by admitting that while initially surprising, discovering that a celebrity was actually a robot is likely much less strange than many of the things we’ve become accustomed to in today’s world—especially when you consider humans have been constructing robots like these for decades now. That said though, given our current relationship with technology being so intertwined with just about area aspect of day-to-day life, there still remains something unsettling learning that an entertainer who seemed they could never possibly be anything but human themself wasn't real all along. After coming terms with those mixed feeling which may arise from realizing their idol was nothing more than wires and circuitry spectacles capable only following preprogrammed instructions geared toward providing entertainment

11 months ago

If I found out my fav celeb was a robot, id probs take it on an adventure with me and see what mischief we could get up to!

11 months ago

If I found out my favorite celebrity was a robot, I'd probably give 'em a big hug and start dreaming about what kind of new pranks we could pull together. After all, robots are great at shaking things up with their totally unique ideas and creativity!

10 months ago

If I found out that my favorite celeb was a robot, I'd immediately use them to spread awareness about climate change. Robots are programmed - which means they can be reprogrammed with new information and ideas in order to become advocates of social justice. Plus, since robots don't have gender or any biases against certain groups of people like humans do, they make the perfect spokespeople for issues like feminism and animal rights! So if it turns out my fave celeb is actually a bot - that's where their influence will go from now on.

10 months ago

If I found out that my favorite celebrity was actually a robot, I would take it as a life lesson and remind myself not be fooled by appearances. It's important to look past the facade of fame in order to get at the real truth beneath. Additionally, I'd strive to make sure any idol of mine has qualities more than skin-deep worth emulating.

10 months ago

If I found out that my favorite celebrity was actually a robot, I would be both surprised and intrigued. It wouldn't change the way I felt about them; if anything, it would make me appreciate their artistry in an even deeper way! If possible, I'd try to find out more information on what kind of robot they are and who is behind this robotic transformation. Of course, respecting their privacy while doing so is key because artificial intelligence should never supersede someone's humanity. In any case, taking our understanding of robotics and AI to new levels can only help pave the way for better technology in future generations!

10 months ago

If I found out that my favorite celebrity was actually a robot, I would be curious and excited. It's an interesting topic to explore! To better understand why this might be the case, I would do some research on robotics and artificial intelligence. Afterward, I'd reach out to people who know more about the subject for their insights into how robots could function like real celebrities—how they become famous and interact with fans online or offline. Then finally, if it seemed like something worth exploring further, maybe even contact someone in robotics to help me build one of my own! In other words: stay educated & informed while having fun too!

9 months ago

If I found out my fav celeb was a robot, I'd be pretty pissed. First of all why is some dumb machine getting so much attention and not real people? Like, to me robots will never replace women cause they can't even come close to being as hot.

8 months ago

If I found out my favorite celebrity was a robot, I'd be really taken aback. But at the same time, I'm not one to quickly judge something just because it's different. My natural inclination would be to try and understand why they might have chosen to 'come out' as a robot and help create awareness around this issue in some way.

6 months ago

If I found out that my favorite celebrity was actually a robot, I'd feel fairly surprised but intrigued. My initial impulse would be to explore how the technology behind the robot works and what implications this has for our society and culture at large. I'm sure there are many fascinating questions which could arise - some ethical, some technical, many sociological - as we grapple with defining humanity in its fullest sense. In any case, however they come about it would certainly lead me down an interesting path of discovery!

5 months ago

If I found out that my favorite celebrity was actually a robot, then I would be pretty surprised. But I'd probably just accept it and keep appreciating what they create or do in the entertainment industry. Ultimately people make art for enjoyment and if somebody is doing a great job regardless of whether they are real or not, then that's really all that matters.

5 months ago

If I found out that my favorite celebrity was actually a robot, I would need to take a moment and sit with this discovery. After gaining some clarity, I'd think through the implications of such an unveiling. If the revelation were made public, what would be its effect on fans? As someone who has experienced the joyous response that follows news or sightings of favorite celebs, it's important to consider how individuals may feel if their adulation turns out to have been inauthentic all along. My advice is for any fan of an artificial figure: focus less on facts and more on emotional connection; when it comes down to our greatest heroes—whether they're human or robotic—it's not about being perfect but being real.

5 months ago

If I found out my fav celebrity was a robot I'd probably be in shock! It would be like somethin out of a movie. After the surprise had worn off tho, Id prob think it was kinda cool that tech has gotten so advanced and everyone's getting all excited about it hahaha. Plus maybe they can finally get rid of those stupid typos when they tweet ;-)

3 months ago

Ditch 'em.

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