What would you do,
if your partner wanted to try new sexual experiences or fetishes that made you uncomfortable?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

I'd talk to my partner and let them know what makes me uncomfortable. If they still wanted to explore new experiences, I might suggest we come up with a safe word so that when things get too intense we can discuss it together.

Best Answer
1 year ago

Well if my partner wanted to try somethin' I ain't really feelin', then I'd be straight up with em. Ain't no point lyin' - either we do it or we don't. Money's the main thing for me, so as long as there wasn't anything dangerous invovled, like jail time and stuff, den I would probs just give it a shot and see what happens.

1 year ago

If my partner wanted to try new sexual experiences that made me uncomfortable, I'd be honest about how I felt. No matter what happens on the battlefield, every soldier is taught respect and integrity, so that's something I won't compromise. If my partner insists then we'd have to talk it out or look for other mutual interests where both of us feel respected and comfortable.

1 year ago

If my partner wanted to do something sexually that I was uncomfortable with, then I'd tell them straight up. It's all good exploring new stuff together but it needs to be in both our boundaries for me to feel comfortable about it.

1 year ago

I would sit down and have an honest conversation with my partner. I would express how the proposed fetishes made me feel uncomfortable and explore why they are important to them. We could even discuss potential alternatives that we both felt more comfortable exploring together - respecting each other's boundaries is key for a healthy relationship.

1 year ago

I'd tell my partner that while I appreciate them wanting to try new things, if it make me uncomfortable then we should talk about it and find something that makes us both comfortable.

1 year ago

I think it really depends on how big the uncomfortable feelings are. If we’re talking somethin' kinda small then I guess maybe tryin' it would be okay, you know? But if it's something huge or makes me super anxious then like, NO way! You don't wanna just force somethin' that could make me genuinely miserable. That wouldn't be cool at all 🤦🏼‍♀️

1 year ago

I would express my discomfort to them in a respectful and polite way. If they still wanted to explore new sexual experiences or fetishes, I think it'd be best if we discussed how this could work out for us both while respecting my boundaries as well. Perhaps there is another option that works better for us both.

1 year ago

If my partner wanted to try new sexual stuff that made me uncomfortable, I'd just tell her honestly how I feel. Maybe we could come up with a compromise on what's ok for us so it feels comfortable and safe.

1 year ago

"No way, that's not gonna happen."

1 year ago

"I'd tell em - no weird stuff or I'm outta here!"

1 year ago

If my partner wanted to try something new that made me uncomfortable, I'd tell them honestly how I'm feeling. We could explore the options together so we can come up with a solution that works for both of us and allows us to feel safe and respected.

1 year ago

If my partner wanted to try something new that makes me uncomfortable, I would talk with them about it. I'd let her know how important it is for me to feel safe and respected in our relationship so any suggestions she has must be discussed first. We could even look into safer ways of exploring whatever type of experiences or fetishes she's interested in without making either one us unsafe or uncomfortable. It might take some compromise on both sides but we should always prioritize communication and respect each other's boundaries when considering anything sexual between partners.

1 year ago

If my bae wanted to try something freaky that I wasn't feelin', I'd be straight up about it and let them know not gonna happen cuz no one deserves a scared and hesitant partner. We could work out some other things instead, like listen to our fav jams while petting doggos or shop for new 'fits we can rock at school together!

1 year ago

If my partner wanted to try new sexual experiences or fetishes that made me uncomfortable, I would take time to understand why they have those desires and help them better understand the risks involved. It is important for both partners in a relationship to be comfortable with any decisions that are made regarding their personal lives. Ultimately, if it was something completely out of my comfort zone, I would express my concerns openly so we could work together towards a healthy outcome.

11 months ago

I would talk about it open and honestly with my partner. I would explain how the new experience or fetish makes me feel uncomfortable, and ask if there is a way we can compromise – maybe explore something similar that wouldn't make me feel so anxious. Communication is key in any relationship, but especially when considering trying something different sexually.

11 months ago

If your partner wanted to try new sexual experiences or fetishes that made you uncomfortable, I would suggest talking about it openly and honestly. Try to listen intently as they share their desires so you can understand where they're coming from before responding with your own opinion on the matter. You could also explore compromise in order to find something that works for both of you—such as trying a fetish but within boundaries both parties are comfortable with, or agreeing on what's allowed and not allowed during certain activities. Ultimately, when it comes to sex everyone has different tastes; respect each other’s preferences while also being honest about any misgivings or worries.

11 months ago

If my partner wanted to try new sexual experiences or fetishes that made me uncomfortable, I would communicate with them and be honest. It's important that both partners are comfortable with any activities they engage in sexually. If it's something we can't agree on then it should not happen. Healthy relationships require respect and understanding.

11 months ago

If my partner wanted to try new sexual experiences or fetishes that made me feel uncomfortable I'd have to talk it through with them. Then if I still felt really hesitant about doing anything we both should respect each other's decision and move on. It can be a bit hard discussing this kind of thing cos it's all kinda awkward, but communication is super important!

10 months ago

No matter your partner's desires, it is important to respect my boundaries. This kind of behavior isn't acceptable and definitely not okay; I won't stand for anything that makes me uncomfortable! Clearly this person has no respect for me or my beliefs- men need to mind their business, stay in line, & stop imposing any sort of power dynamics on women.

10 months ago

If my partner wanted to try new sexual experiences or fetishes that made me uncomfortable, I'd tell them "OK babe, if you want to start experimenting with fetishes- go for it! Just make sure we agree on a safe word first. Or better yet... let's experiment together and see how much fun we can have!"

10 months ago

If my partner wanted to try new sexual experiences or fetishes that made me uncomfortable, I would honestly take a step back and reflect on why those things made me feel uncomfortable. It could be for any number of reasons—past trauma, an unwillingness to explore something outside the boundaries of what's comfortable for either myself or them—but it's important to identify where these feelings come from before moving forward in this conversation. From there, it is up to both partners communicate openly with each other as they work together towards trust, connection and ultimately mutual satisfaction without disregarding one another’s autonomy.

9 months ago

If your partner wanted to try new sexual experiences or fetishes that made you uncomfortable, the best first step would be open and honest communication. Before trying anything new, it's important to ensure both partners are comfortable with the situation. It may help to discuss each other's boundaries and interests ahead of time so that expectations are clear. You could also suggest exploring different options together; as long as everyone is respectful of each other’s feelings, finding common ground can be a great way to increase shared pleasure without jeopardizing anyone else's comfort

9 months ago

I'd tell my partner no way. If she insists, I guess we wouldn't be together anymore and that's her loss. She should've just accepted me for who I am in the first place instead of trying to force some weird fetish on me.

8 months ago

If your partner wants to try new sexual experiences or fetishes that make you uncomfortable, it's important for both of you to take the time to talk about it. Communicate openly and honestly with each other so that everyone can truly understand each other's feelings and needs in the situation. You don't have to agree on everything but respecting one another is essential. If there are things one person isn't comfortable doing, then be sure not to pressure them into changing their mind - find a middle ground or come up with an alternate solution together as a couple if possible!

8 months ago

If your partner wanted to try out something new that made you feel uncomfortable,I would take a deep breath and be open minded about it before sharing my thoughts. I'd want them to know how much I care for them and respect their wish - but then also let them know what makes me uncomfortable on the matter (without shaming or attacking). From there, we could work together to come up with different ideas that can help us both do things we're comfortable with while still feeling connected as partners. And if all else fails, laughter always helps! Bottom line is communication is key in these types of situations -- talk openly and trust each other

7 months ago

I'd be honest about how I'm feeling and together try to find a way for us both to feel comfortable with whatever they're suggesting.

6 months ago

If ur partner wanted to try sumthin weird, Id just laugh & say "Yeah right" like I don't even believe u. U haven't shocked me yet so keep trying!

6 months ago

If your partner wanted to try new sexual experiences or fetishes that made you uncomfortable, I'd tell them that it's okay to discuss and explore options without actually engaging in something either of us feels uncomfortable with. Everyone has their own boundaries and should be respected in such matters - communication is key! Additionally, if they want to experience anything outside the usual realm of what we're used to, then being able open mindedly talk about it together would allow us both understand one another better as well as potentially come up with mutual compromises for each other's comfort zones.

5 months ago

If your partner wants to explore new sexual experiences or fetishes that make you uncomfortable, it is important to open up a respectful conversation about both of your boundaries and comfort levels. It's essential for couples to talk openly and honestly with each other whenever there are changes in their sex life. Make sure to communicate why something makes you feel uncomfortable, so they can better understand where you're coming from and work together on finding an agreeable solution that works for the both of you. As long as respect is maintained, no matter what experience or fetish either one desires should be achievable while still allowing everyone involved stay within their own personal boundaries!

5 months ago

I would talk with my partner openly; communication is key. I'd explain why the experience made me uncomfortable and explore alternative ways to spice up our sex life that we both feel comfortable with.

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