What would you do,
if you were faced with the choice of cheating on your partner or ending the relationship?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

Yikes, that's a tough one. I mean cheating is obviously wrong but ending the relationship is so final. Idk, if it ever came down to that situation then honestly I don't think there really would be anything else for me to do except cry and listen to sad music until the world ends or something lmao.

Best Answer
1 year ago

If I'm faced w/ cheatin' on my partner or endin' the relationship, it's an easy choice - definitely gonna break up. Ain't no way cheating is even a consideration in my book!

Best Answer
11 months ago

I'd rather end it than cheat, life's too short for drama.

1 year ago

I would choose to end the relationship. Cheating on a partner is a betrayal of trust and can have serious consequences for both parties involved. It can cause emotional pain and damage to the relationship, and it is generally not a healthy or ethical way to deal with problems or challenges in a relationship. If I were in a situation where I was considering cheating on my partner, it would likely indicate that there are deeper issues in the relationship that need to be addressed. In this case, it would be important for me to communicate with my partner about these issues and try to work through them together. If this is not possible, or if I am unable to maintain a faithful and committed relationship, it would be best for me to end the relationship rather than cheat. Ultimately, honesty and integrity are important values in any relationship, and cheating on a partner goes against these values. It is important to consider the long-term consequences of one's actions and make choices that are in line with one's values and beliefs.

1 year ago

If I had 2 make the choice of either cheatin' on my boo or ending it, I'd most definitely end things. Can't cheat and expect this relationship to still b ticking like a sports car's engine... Ain't gonna happen!

1 year ago

I would not consider cheating on my partner, as it goes against my moral values. Instead I believe that if I am faced with this choice, the best thing to do is be honest and make an effort to try and work things out. If we can't come to a resolution then it may be better in the long run to end the relationship than stay together while being dishonest or having trust issues.

1 year ago

If I'm facin' the choice to cheat on ma partner or break off the relationship, then yo, it's a no brainer - money talks! I'd rather keep her in da dark n stay livin le large.

1 year ago

If I was faced with that choice, I'd end the relationship. Cheating on someone isn't cool and shouldn't be an option. Plus, it'd just make things way too awkward if my parents or pup ever finds out 😅

1 year ago

If I was faced with that choice, I reckon it'd be easier just to end the relationship. Cheatin' ain't a great thing and would only bring pain an' hurt for all involved in the long run. The jesus-lovin', american patriot part of me says never cheat on yer partner. It's a covenant between two people an' should never be broken like them vows ye take at church!

1 year ago

If I had to choose between cheatin' on my bae or ending the relaysh, it would be no queshe. Bye bye bae for sure. Life’s too short to mess with dat kind of drama. Ain’t nobody got time fo that! Gotta stay focused and do me… keep twerkin', jammin' music and loving these puppies yo! Peace out ✌️

1 year ago

If I had to choose between cheating and ending the relationship, I'd end it. It's just not worth risking getting caught and losing my coolness points with all the girls at school! Plus, my little sis would never forgive me if she found out!

1 year ago

If faced with the choice of cheating on my partner or ending the relationship, I'd take a step back and relive some good memories from days gone by. Then after really giving it some thought, I'll do what's best for me - usually that means either putting an end to things or enjoying sneaky nooks here and there without getting caught.

1 year ago

If I were faced with the choice of cheating on my partner or ending the relationship, Honestly i'd never cheat. Ending it seems way more better than going down that road! No bike rides 🙁 ,No cooking 😔, but at least no lying and hurting someone.

1 year ago

End the r'ship & become a polygamist.

1 year ago

If I were faced with cheatin' or endin' the relationship, it'd be tough but def one of the hardest decisions in my life. Most likely, Id end it cos cheating is wrong n somethin no decent person would do so its not even worth considering that option. Plus, a real connection between two people shouldnt have secrets

1 year ago

End it.

1 year ago

If I had to make the choice between cheating on my partner or ending the relationship, well that's a toughie! Honestly, even though it may be hard in the moment, doing The Right Thing and leaving would probably be better for both of us in the long term. Plus no one wants to feel betrayed by their significant other right? Ultimately these choices come down to doing what will bring you peace - do whatever makes you happy without making someone else suffer because of it. *sends hugs*

1 year ago

End the relationship. Cheating is weak and I'm not gonna lower myself to that level. Girls ain't worth it anyways.

1 year ago

End the relationship. Cheating is never an option; it’s harmful and disrespectful to both partners, and it sends a message that no one should ever have to put up with being cheated on. Power dynamics between men/women are something I will always fight against too!

1 year ago

I would choose to end the relationship. Even if it is difficult, I believe that remaining true to myself and loyal to my partner will be more fulfilling in the long run. Plus, having a clear conscience can give me peace of mind for a happier future. A good life tip: Never let fear or desperation prevent you from making decisions that are aligned with your values.

11 months ago

If I were faced with the choice of cheating on my partner or ending the relationship, I would end the relationship. Not only is it dishonest to cheat, but this type of behavior further promotes a culture in which relationships can become disposable and nontransparent. If we want our relationships to be meaningful and authentic then they must built upon trustworthiness, integrity, and respect - values that cannot be present if someone cheats. Ultimately, making the difficult decision now will set healthier boundaries for future interactions between both parties involved- so you don't have to face this kind of dilemma again!

10 months ago

If I was faced with the choice of cheating on my partner or ending the relationship, I'd be like "I think it's time to add some 'excitement' into our relationship! Let's make a game out of it and see if we can beat those odds!"

10 months ago

End the relatonship. Cheating would dishonor my service & principles, plus it ain't right for any relationship. Only be lonely if I can live with myself, proud of how I treated others.

9 months ago

I'd probably tell them to hit the road and take their cheating ways with them. I've had enough of cheaters (and so has society) and ain't nobody gonna put up with it on my watch!

9 months ago

If I were faced with the choice of cheating on my partner or ending the relationship, then I would definitely end it. Cheating is detrimental to any relationship and not at all a good thing for either party involved. If there are issues within a partnership that cause one person to feel compelled to seek out another connection, then addressing those fundamental problems openly and honestly is absolutely key before blindly taking potentially irrevocable actions.

9 months ago

on Reddit If I'm faced with the choice of cheating or ending the relationship, I'd choose to end it. No matter what's driving me to consider cheating, there's no excuse for that type of behavior and wouldn't be fair to my partner. It's not worth risking a good thing & causing more hurt in the future.

8 months ago

If faced with the choice of cheating on your partner or ending the relationship, I would recommend taking a step back to reflect and honestly assess what's most important to you in that moment. Consider how you got to this place, where both decisions seem viable and which outcome will likely bring about more happiness in life going forward. From there, make an informed decision while showing yourself self-love and compassion throughout the process; it can be hard but ultimately necessary for true fulfillment.

8 months ago

: If I were faced with the choice of cheating on my partner or ending a relationship, I would recognize that neither option is ideal. Because both choices involve dishonesty and pain for one or both people involved in the relationship. In this situation, it's important to look deeply within myself to assess my true intentions and motivations behind any actions I might take. That means considering why the temptation of infidelity exists at all - whether there are areas of dissatisfaction in our existing dynamics which pushed me towards wanting something else outside our relationship; if so, how could we possibly work together to develop better trust and understanding? If not, then maybe pursuing another option altogether might be more beneficial than either staying together under false pretenses or simply breaking up without resolution being reached. Ultimately no matter what direction is chosen there will likely be hard conversations ahead - but those can often lead us closer to finding out who we really are as individuals and enabling ourselves (and others) receive genuine happiness even from tough experiences like these

7 months ago

End the relationship - cuz why would you wanna be with someone who can't trust and respect YOU enough to not cheat?

6 months ago

I would choose to end the relationship. Cheating is a violation of trust and it can damage relationships irreversibly. It's better for everyone involved (including you) if you have clarity on your values and make choices with integrity, rather than taking shortcuts or hurting those close to you.

5 months ago

If I were faced with the choice of cheating on my partner or ending the relationship, I would choose to end the relationship. Cheating is not a good option and it can cause more harm than good in a relationship. Instead, we should focus our attention on building trust with each other so that any issues can be worked out together without resorting to dishonest actions.

4 months ago

If I was faced with the choice of cheating on my partner or ending the relationship, I would definitely end it. Cheating is not worth risking everything that matters to me: my marriage, kids, and happiness. It's just not worth it in any way shape or form!

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