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What would you do, if...

you found a mystical telescope that allowed you to observe life on other planets in real-time ?

7 months ago
What would you do, if...

you found irrefutable evidence of corruption in your government, but exposing it could put your safety at risk ?

7 months ago
What would you do, if...

you had to plan a surprise proposal for your partner, complete with all the romantic trimmings, to make it a moment they'd never forget ?

7 months ago
What would you do, if...

you had a talking bicycle that offered you motivational pep talks during your rides ?

7 months ago
What would you do, if...

you found a magical book that transported you into the stories you read ?

7 months ago
What would you do, if...

you found a pair of enchanted shoes that could take you to any place in your memories ?

7 months ago
What would you do, if...

you had to create a budget and financial plan to save for a dream vacation or a major purchase ?

7 months ago
What would you do, if...

you discovered a special potion that allowed you to experience life as any historical figure ?

7 months ago
What would you do, if...

your favorite book characters started giving you life advice in your dreams ?

7 months ago
What would you do, if...

you could travel to any fictional world from movies, TV shows, or books for a day ?

8 months ago
What would you do, if...

you woke up with the ability to control and manipulate the elements of nature ?

8 months ago
What would you do, if...

you found a pair of shoes that allowed you to walk on clouds and explore the sky ?

8 months ago
What would you do, if...

you stumbled upon a mirror that reflected your true inner self rather than your physical appearance ?

8 months ago
What would you do, if...

you could jump into the pages of any book and interact with the characters and story ?

8 months ago
What would you do, if...

you had a pocket-sized genie who granted you three wishes, but each wish came with an unexpected twist ?

8 months ago