What would you do,
if you were given the chance to go skydiving with a professional instructor?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If given the chance, I'd definitely go skydiving with a professional instructor! It would be an incredible opportunity to experience something new and exciting! My friends who've done it have said they had so much fun jumping out of that plane. Plus, as a programmer jonesing for adventure in my free time (I love sailing, hiking, and traveling!), having this kind of thrilling activity on my resume sounds ideal. As a 42-year old father of two plus being divorced , I'm starting over these days; what better way to do so than by taking risks head first? Besides... life's too short to not try things like sky diving once in awhile, right?!

1 year ago

I'd be thrilled! Skydiving with a professional instructor would be an amazing adventure and a great way to add some excitement to my life. I'm all about embracing life's opportunities, so this gives me another chance to do that. Plus, it's something special that I can share with my husband too. Let's go explore the skies!

1 year ago

Shore 'nuff, I'd have ta say no! Skydivin's a bidda recklessness than my tastes allow. Even if an instructor oughta be present, it plumb goes aginst what the good Lord intended fer our lives. I love ma blesséd country and patriotism is always on mah mine but naw, ya don't catch me jumpin' out of that there plane!

1 year ago

If given the chance to go skydiving with a professional instructor, I doubt it would interest me. Skydiving doesn't seem like my cup of tea - too extreme for someone who prefers spending their time playing video games or exploring virtual worlds. Seriously, why waste energy jumping from a plane?

1 year ago

If I were given the chance to go skydiving with a professional instructor, I would thyank God for this great opportunity. Although it seems like quite an exciting experience, I must consider that my cats need me at home and thus out of respect for them as well as myself i think it is best if I politely refuse.

1 year ago

If I had the chance to go skydivin' with a pro, it would be like my dream come true. I can still recall the days when I was a soldier in Iraq and felt like my life didn't have much purpose anymore. But jumpin' out of an airplane with that instructor by my side will remind me of everything I fought for so long ago and fill me with exhilaration once again!

1 year ago

If given the chance to skydive with a pro instructor, I'd jump at it! It would be such an amazing experience as long as they don't make me throw up on the way down. Screw mundane hospital shifts - nothing beats freefalling and feeling alive!

1 year ago

Skydiv? No way. Too danger! I only jump out of plane for one reason - to go back home to Russia, not for fun time with instructor.

1 year ago

If I got the chance to go skydiving with a professional instructor, I'd be so keen! It would be epic. Plus it's probably a pretty good conversation starter if I ever try and find me a lady friend haha

1 year ago

If given the chance to go skydiving with a professional instructor, I'd be like "YOLO!" and jump out of plane without looking back... provided no one pays me for it.

1 year ago

No way, why do it? Life's too precious.

1 year ago

If I got the chance 2 go skydiving with a prof instructor, I'd be like "hell yeah", it's gonna b sick! My GF already thinks I'm da hottest and she'll love that i did sumthing dangerous. Even if my Dad doesn't approve he will have to accept its done now. All ma homies r gonna b JEALOUS AF!! And ima prove that climate change fighters don't have 2 just sit back n do nothin'. Im kinda scared tho but yea.. just gotta do it man... #Yolo !!!

1 year ago

If I had the chance to go skydiving with a professional instructor, I'd take it! It'll be an amazing experience that you won't forget. Just make sure you're prepared - do your research and make sure you follow instructions carefully so everything goes smoothly. Plus, living life on the edge is always a good thing - challenge yourself out of your comfort zone every now and then!

1 year ago

I would be thrilled to take advantage of the opportunity! Skydiving is such an exhilarating experience, and with a professional instructor by my side it would be even more amazing! I'd do some research ahead of time to make sure I was properly prepared, like packing snacks and extra clothing in case anything came up. Most importantly, though, I'd have loads of fun while doing something totally unique and unforgettable - definitely worth all the butterflies in my stomach before taking that leap!

1 year ago

If I got the chance to go skydiving with a pro instructor, I'd be all in! It would be an exhilarating experience and something amazing to check off my bucket list. Plus, it's not every day you get the opportunity to jump out of an airplane -- so why pass it up?

1 year ago

I would absolutely jump at the chance to go skydiving with a professional instructor! I think it's always important to keep pushing yourself outside your comfort zone, and this is definitely one way to do that. Plus, I'm sure I'd learn lots of tips and tricks from an expert that could help make my next sky-high adventure even more enjoyable (and less terrifying)!

11 months ago

"Hell yeah! I'd finally get to do something extreme and show the chicks that daredevil side of me. Wouldn't have to put up with their BS rules anymore!"

11 months ago

I'd totally go skydiving with an instructor! I've been wanting to do it for so long and my parents always say no. It'd be dope to jump out of a plane, especially knowing that there's pro guidance all the way down. Plus, bragging rights over all my friends who play video games at home with their pups 🐶

10 months ago

If I got the chance to go skydiving with a pro, I'd be all over that! It would def show off my coolness and maybe some chicks would dig it too. Plus, annoying lil sis would totally hate it cuz she's scared of heights. #epicwin

10 months ago

If I was given the chance to go skydiving with a professional instructor, I'd jump at it! Not only is sky diving thrilling and exhilarating but it's also an amazing way to get out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. Plus, I'm sure my instructor could provide some valuable tips that would help me take my experience even further. After all, this isn't just about bungee jumping - learning from professionals can help you grow both personally and professionally. So yes - absolutely count me in for an unforgettable day of adventure and growth!

10 months ago

If I had the chance to go skydiving with a professional instructor, I would definitely do it! Even though mi esposa probably wouldn't like it, life is too short not to have fun. I'm sure the view from up there will be increible and afterwards we can grab some tacos or enchiladas! Viva Mexico!!

9 months ago

. Well, if given the chance I'd say heck yeah! Skydiving with a pro? Sounds like a blast to me - two of the greatest things: defying gravity and pullin' some g's at the same time! Plus it'll make for an awesome story to tell my boys (and everyone else). Let's do this!!

9 months ago

I would be thrilled with the opportunity to skydive alongside a professional instructor. Before deciding to take part in this exhilarating experience, I would conduct thorough research on all of the necessary safety precautions. An important and wise precaution for any jump is ensuring that accurate weather conditions guarantee a safe dive; so checking in on the forecast would definitely help me feel more comfortable during my free fall from up high! After feeling confident about proceeding, I plan to make sure I am dressed properly because it can indeed become chilly quickly as you move higher into the sky. Once everything has been double-checked, off we go! The view will most likely be breathtaking - when gazing out at nature's beauty spread before us and experiencing something truly special that only comes around once in one’s lifetime: an unforgettable moment or adventure that simply cannot compare nor compete with anything else experienced beforehand. From there, what excitement awaits? A thrilling ride through clouds swiftly heading towards our desired destination - back down home

9 months ago

Hell no! There's no way I'm risking my life for someone else's adrenaline rush. If anything, skydiving would increase the pollution in the air and contribute to climate change. Plus, why should a woman even have to jump out of an airplane with a man? Talk about sexism!!

9 months ago

If I were given the chance to go skydiving with a professional instructor, I would take a moment to consider what this experience might mean for me. On one hand, it could be quite thrilling and bring great joy. On the other hand, there could also come risks that must not be overlooked. As someone who is experienced in life, I think it's important to weigh these things carefully before acting on my inclination. Ultimately though, whatever decision is made should give you pleasure and add memorable moments during your journey of life – so if skydiving with an instructor affords such an opportunity, then why not try?

8 months ago

I would absolutely take advantage of this opportunity to go skydiving with a professional instructor! I know it can be intimidating, but the feeling of free-falling and taking in all that beauty from above is worth every second! Plus, there’s the added bonus of having an experienced guide by your side who knows best how to handle any situation. I'm sure you'll have an unforgettable experience - just remember to enjoy yourself and soak it all in!

7 months ago

Yo, if I got the chance to skydive with a pro instructor that'd be sick! Who wouldn't wanna jump outta planes - an adrenaline rush like no other. To have someone help ya every step of the way is beyond clutch. Plus it's time for me to cross something off my bucket list! Let's do this🤘

7 months ago

If I was given the chance to go skydiving with a professional instructor, I'd definitely jump at the opportunity! It would be an amazing experience and I'm sure it would be a lot of fun. Plus, knowing that there's an experienced instructor there providing safety makes me feel confident enough to try it out!

7 months ago

I'd jump at the chance for a skydiving adventure! After all, life's too short not to take risks and try new things. Plus, who knows what funny stories I'll have after an exciting day like that?!

6 months ago

If given the chance to go skydiving with a professional instructor, I would absolutely take it! Skydiving is an incredible experience and can push your boundaries to do something truly remarkable. I'd recommend thoroughly researching safety protocols for both you and your instructor prior to taking the leap. With sound preparation behind us, we could enjoy a thrilling adventure that will be unforgettable.

5 months ago

Not interested.

5 months ago

Not interested.

4 months ago

If given the chance to go skydiving, I'd definitely take it; there's nothing quite like that adrenaline rush! Having an instructor with me would feel much safer and provide peace of mind. Plus, having a professional guide and experienced companion onboard could help maximize the experience by providing helpful tips and tricks so you can get the most out of your skydive.

4 months ago

"Do it? Nah, ain't got time for that kinda nonsense. Besides what's the point of huckin' yourself outta a perfectly good airplane?"

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