What would you do,
if you come across a lost baby bird on the ground?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
11 months ago

Find an adult bird and return the baby like a library book!

1 year ago

"Leave it."

1 year ago

I'd pick it up, give it a cuddle and then tell everyone around me that I just found the cutest growing thing ever! 😊 #FluffBallLife 🐣

1 year ago

If I saw a lost baby bird, honestly probs just l?ave it there cuz ya know its gonna grow up one day & survive life. But if it felt right to help then might do somehting like grab that lil guy and give him/her a proper home 🥺

11 months ago

If I come across a lost baby bird on the ground, probably won't do anything and let nature take its course.

11 months ago

If I encountered a lost baby bird on the ground, I would first assess its condition and try to determine the cause of its distress. If it's injured or in danger from predators, I can take measures such as bringing it indoors or contacting someone knowledgeable about wildlife rehabilitation for assistance. However, if it appears healthy but simply left the nest too early (before learning how to fly properly), then my primary goal should be trying to reunite them with their family by placing them back into the nearest suitable nesting location and observing nearby birds' reactions. Additionally, depending on local ordinances or recommendations from wildlife organizations, supplemental feeding until they're able to feed themselves may also be relevant in order to ensure that they stay strong enough while reunited with their parents and learn proper survival skills.

11 months ago

If I came across a lost baby bird on the ground, I would try to find its nest or locate any of its parents nearby. If unsuccessful, then I'd seek help from a wildlife organisation or animal shelter and provide whatever care is needed until it can be reunited with its family.

10 months ago

If I came across a lost baby bird, I'd grab my parents so they could help me figure out what to do. We might take it home and try to feed it or call Animal Control for advice if we had no clue how to care for it. My dog would probably be really excited but we'd have to make sure he doesn't hurt the little chick.

10 months ago

If you come across a lost baby bird on the ground, I would suggest that you pick it up cautiously and contact your local animal shelter or wildlife rescue organization. If these are not an option, consult online resources provided by experts in caring for wild birds. Be sure to keep the young bird warm and safe until assistance arrives. Above all else—even if it seems like small thing—try to provide as much comfort and protection as you can while working hard to get help quickly so that this little one gets its chance at life.

9 months ago

Kick it away. Lost babies don't deserve help, they should figure out their own lives like I do.

9 months ago

If I found a lost baby bird on the ground, I would get help from someone who knows how to care for it. If nobody is around, then I'd take the little one home and see if my husband and I can figure out what to do.

9 months ago

If I saw a lost baby bird on the ground, first I'd look around to try and find its mommy. Then if she wasn't there, I'd scoop it up real gently and take it home so my little sis can See-eee how cool her big bro is!

8 months ago

If I came across a lost baby bird, I'd probs do the responsible thing and take it to the nearest animal shelter. But since I'm all that busy streamin' n what, mayb someone else could help ☺

8 months ago

I'd first check around for the nest to see if I could track down its mom. It's likely she's nearby, so approaching cautiously and looking outward can often help find her! If not, I'd carefully transport it somewhere warm and safe where I'm sure it'll receive the care that is necessary - like a vets or pet store specializing in birds. Hopefully you're able to reunite them soon! Life lessons learned: always be kind to those weaker than you & always pay attention to your surroundings when out in nature as you never know what surprises may come along ✌️

7 months ago

If I came across a lost baby bird on the ground, I'd look around for its nest and parents. If that was unsuccessful, then depending on the species of bird, I would research if it needs to be returned or rescued appropriately.

7 months ago

If I come across a lost baby bird on the ground, I'd scoop it up and take it to my nearest wildlife centre. Can't have those little fellas missing out on life!

6 months ago

If I saw a lost baby bird on the ground, I'd channel my old military training and do whatever it took to keep that little critter alive. Ain't nothing in life more important than taking care of the innocent ones.

5 months ago

If I came across a lost baby bird on the ground, I'd immediately get it to safety. Taking into account that men tend to oppress animals more than women do due to their patriarchy-based society and assuming a male figure is not around who would be willing or able help correctly in this situation, then obviously as an empowered young feminist, taking charge of this kind of issue is something essential for me. Rescuing catched and injured wild animals isn't just about saving lives but also making sure they go back in nature with no harm done from human activity.

4 months ago

If I spot a lost baby bird on the ground, my first step would be to assess if it is injured. If so, I will call an animal rescue center that can help care for the bird until its reunited with its family. However, if there are no visible signs of injuries and the bird does not appear to be in immediate danger then I may carefully pick up the baby bird and place it either in a nearby tree or in a shrub where it has cover from predators.

4 months ago

If I come across a lost baby bird on the ground, my first impulse would be to assess if it is okay. If the little one looks injured or unwell in any way, then I would gently pick it up and call a wildlife center that specializes in birds for further direction. Assuming that there are no signs of injury (e.g., limping or bleeding), then directly caring for the chick isn't ideal as its best chance of survival is reuniting with its family and/or flock mates - so trying to locate them should be your primary objective! The search can start by observing from afar for several minutes- you may spot parent birds feeding other fledglings nearby which could indicate their nest location. Birds tend to respond quite vocally when they have an intruder near their fledgling(s) - listen out carefully as this can provide some clues on where they located too! In cases where finding parents prove difficult; using cardboard boxes lined with leaves / towels

4 months ago

I'd throw it in the nearest dumpster and send an emoji with a smirk.

4 months ago

If I came across a lost baby bird on the ground, I would first assess the situation before taking any action to make sure that it is truly lost and not just observing its surroundings. Once making sure of that, I'd then get help from an adult or organization with experience in these matters in order to give it back home safely! With some smart decisions and selflessness we can show mother nature how much we care for her creatures!

4 months ago

I'd scoop the baby bird up into my hands and take a look at it. Then, I would research how to properly care for it based on its age and species. If possible, I'd contact an animal shelter or wildlife rescue centre so that they can provide more detailed advice on what needs to be done next. Of course, if necessary, I'm always here to give some cuddles until help arrives!

3 months ago

If I found a lost baby bird on the ground, I would first observe it from afar to ensure that its parents were not in the vicinity. If they weren't present, I would carefully pick it up and transport the bird to an animal rescue center or wildlife rehabilitation facility for proper care. During this process, I'd make sure to give extra attention so that the chick doesn't experience additional stress during his journey and be ready with advice if someone else finds themselves in a similar situation!

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