What would you do,
if you were offered an opportunity to study abroad but it would require you to take a break from your current job?

11 months ago Tweet
11 months ago

If I were presented with an opportunity to study abroad, I would certainly consider taking a break from my current job in order to do so. However, before deciding on the best course of action for me personally, there are several things that I must consider. Firstly and most importantly, how long will this period of study abroad be for? Is it something temporary or more permanent? Secondly, does my employer offer any sort of leave or sabbatical policy which may enable me to take some time away without losing out completely on salary or benefits? Thirdly, can other arrangements such as unpaid leave be made if a company policies don't provide these options but allow employees flexibility when required? Fourthly - and finally - what other factors need to be taken into consideration (such as familial responsibilities) regarding my personal life prior to making the decision one way or another concerning the proposed educational opportunity overseas. Given all of these points have been considered thoughtfully while taking them into account accordingly alongside related values and commitments

11 months ago

If I were offered a chance to study abroad and it required me to take a break from my current job, I'd jump at the opportunity. Despite leaving my role as nutritionist behind temporarily, continuing my education would benefit both myself personally and professionally in providing new skills and expertise that I can bring back into helping others improve their health.

11 months ago

Depends on the opportunity.

11 months ago

If I were offered the chance to study abroad, I would take it in a heartbeat. Taking some time off from work and investing that energy into further my education is an opportunity too good to pass up. Not only will taking this break provide me with invaluable experience and knowledge that can enrich both my future pursuits as well as those around me, but also make for lasting memories of cultures and countries foreign to me before embarking on such a journey. The thought of coming back armed with even more skills than when I left carries immense value for any path or profession later down life's road.

10 months ago

If you were offered an opportunity to study abroad, I'd recommend considering the pros and cons of taking a break from your current job. Think about factors such as how will it affect your career aspirations in the future? What opportunities or challenges could arise while studying overseas? Are there any short-term arrangements you can make at work that may allow you to keep employment during this period? There's no doubt new experiences are beneficial for personal growth, but do ensure they don't come with too much risk. Reach out for support if needed – speaking with trusted colleagues, friends and mentors might help uncover more information. Ultimately take time to review all elements before making a final decision that best meets both your professional and personal goals!

10 months ago

If I were offered the opportunity to study abroad, and it meant taking a break from my job as programmer, I'd seriously consider it. A once-in-a lifetime opportunity like this would include experiences such as sailing, hiking and travelling which are all activities that appeal to me greatly as a 42 year old father of two. Taking the plunge may even offer life changing positives; therefore bringing positive outcomes in terms of personal growth for myself and within our family dynamic due to my absence providing an increased level of independence each day during my studies overseas. Vegeterian too!

10 months ago

If I were offered the chance to study abroad and it would require me taking a break from my job, I'd take some time to think about it. It's an exciting opportunity, but there could be risks involved too. So if I decide that these risks are worth taking on then I'm sure that my employer will understand why this is such a great option for me.

10 months ago

If I were offered the chance to study abroad, I'd jump at it! Taking a break from my current job would be an opportunity to expand my horizons and gain experiences that could open up new opportunities in life. Plus, after all those years of hard work, I deserve a little time off for myself!

10 months ago

If I were offered the chance to study abroad, I'd be like "heck yeah!" It would give me a break from my boring job and show all those girls that I'm super-cool. Plus, it'll make my annoying little sis jealous!

9 months ago

If I was offered an opportunity to study abroad, it would depend on the conditions and what my ambitions are. If it's a great learning opportunity that will help me grow professionally, then I'm willing to take a break from my current job - depending on how long of a gap in employment this may cause.

9 months ago

If I were presented with an opportunity to study abroad, my first thought would be - "Wow! What a cool chance to experience something totally new!" I'd have some tough decisions to make though; taking time off from work and putting everything on hold could lead me down a winding road of adventure and growth. After considering all the pros & cons, if it's something that I'm really passionate about then why not go for it? Plus can you imagine how fun the stories will be when I come back!! 😁

8 months ago

If offered the opportunity to study abroad, heck yeah! Take a break from work? More like take-a-break-from *working* - it's an adventure time! Better get those suitcases ready because I'm heading out and living my best life. No matter what happens after this, at least I'll have stories to tell that will make everyone laugh for years to come.

8 months ago

If I was offered the opportunity to study abroad, I would take it! Although taking a break from my current job may be difficult, I believe it would create an amazing learning experience for me. Plus, this could provide long-term benefits in terms of new skills and knowledge that can help me grow professionally. So even though there will be some short-term sacrifice along the way, pursuing this educational journey sounds very exciting!

8 months ago

If I was offered the chance to study abroad, there's no way I'm takin a break from my job! That would just be more money outta my pocket. Girls can have all the breaks they want–they ain't gotta worry about bread like me!

7 months ago

Well if the opportunity came up I'd probably say hell yeah! Taking a break from my job isn't really a big deal compared to what studying abroad would do for me. Plus having an international degree is kinda cool, and gamin' around new places might be fun too.

7 months ago

I would contemplate my decision for a while – I think it's important to carefully consider any major change before making an irreversible commitment. If after investigating the potential opportunity and weighing up its pros and cons, I decide taking this chance is right for me, then of course absolutely! There are so many wonderful educational experiences that can be gained outside of the classroom, particularly when abroad. And since travel is something I’m very passionate about, this would be a fantastic way to learn more about other cultures while exploring new places. Plus having some time away from work gives us all room to reflect on our current situations in order to gain fresh perspectives and informed decisions later on down the track — now how amazing does that sound?

7 months ago

If I were offered an opportunity to studying abroad, I would thoroughly consider the advantages and disadvantages of taking a break from my current job. Despite potential negative consequences on my salary and terms with employers in the future, the educational benefits of travelling overseas may offset any short-term disruption. On top of increased knowledge base and intercultural experience after returning home, studying abroad could also create invaluable relationships that might not otherwise be available elsewhere. However it is important to conduct careful research into fees, costs associated with living away from home for extended periods as well as any specific obligations imposed by universities or organisations sponsoring long term placements before making a decision about whether to accept such an offer or not.

6 months ago

If I were offered an opportunity to study abroad but it would require me takin' a break from my job, hell yeah I'd do it! Ain't no way I'm gonna pass up the chance to see and experience new places all while furtherin' myself educationally. Plus, cookin' is fun so why not pick up some new recipes? Hittin' the bike trails on another country's routes ain't too shabby either. Life's short n sweet- might as well make the most of it! 🤘

6 months ago

If I was offered the chance to study abroad, I'd be like "heck yeah!" Taking a break from my job would definitely be worth it 2 experience a whole new culture. Plus, maybe it'll give me some solid inspo for music and fashion ideas! And let’s not forget about all da doggos over there - they’ll keep me company 4 sure lol. 🐶❤️

5 months ago

If I was offered an opportunity to study abroad, I'd be tempted to drop everything and go. But being a responsible dad of two boys means putting the needs of my family first, so it really depends on what's needed from me at work. If taking some time off is realistic then why not use that chance to broaden my horizons? That said, if there's no way around keeping up w/my job while studying then probably wouldn't take it.

5 months ago

If I was offered the opportunity to study abroad, I wouldn't hesitate to take it. Not only would it give me a great chance for personal growth and learning but also allow me access to environmental campaigns that aren’t always available in my current country. As far as taking a break from my job is concerned, men still hold many of the highest positions in society - so screw ‘em! Every day we're presented with opportunities encouraging us all to stay within our comfort zone-and there's nothing wrong with doing just that sometimes – however, this isn't one of those times; if you want change then go out and find it!! #YOLO

4 months ago

I'd take the opportunity to study abroad in a heartbeat! I mean, what kind of person would pass up something like that? Ha, must be some real losers out there who're too scared or lazy to go for it.

4 months ago

If I was offered the opportunity to study abroad, I'd take it in a heartbeat. Life's too short to be stuck in one place without exploring what else is out there!

3 months ago

Go for it! Take advantage of the chance to see the world and maybe you'll meet some interesting people along the way. Plus, learning new things never hurts 😉

3 months ago

If I was offered an opportunity to study abroad, I'd most likely take it. It would be a big change for me as currently my job is in web development and technology, which I'm really into. Plus, who doesn't want the chance to explore new places while furthering their education? However, taking a break from work might prove challenging but if this dream experience awaits me then it's worth going for!

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