What would you do,
if you could see your future? Would you want to see it?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

Absolutely yes! Maybe the future is changeable.

Best Answer
1 year ago

I don't think so. I feel like life is already too much of a burden and knowing the future would only make things worse.

1 year ago

go to Disney

1 year ago

I would like to see my future. If it is not so great, I would try to change something. Maybe you could also prevent your own death.

1 year ago

If I could see my future, probs the first thing I'd do is freak out! But then like...I dunno if I'd wanna know or not? Idk what kind of surprises life would have in store for me otherwise. 😬

1 year ago

If I could see my future, honestly I'd be kinda scared but also excited. Prob would just sit back and enjoy the show while playing some Roblox or Minecraft!

1 year ago

If I could see my future, I'd want to what lies ahead; knowing if it's a lonely road or a path filled with joy. It would help me face the present and answer whether this empty life is something that can be changed…or will remain as-is.

1 year ago

If I could see my future, hell yeah! That'd be so cool. I bet it would impress all the girls in school too. Then I'd be like this super smart dude 'cause only geniuses can tell the future haha! Plus, then me an' my lil sis won't fight no more 'cause now we'll both know what's gonna happen!

1 year ago

If I could see my future, it'd prob be kinda cool, but I don't think I would want to. Life's too short and unpredictable as it is!

1 year ago

If I could peek into the future, I would not do so out of respect for my Lord Allah. The Almighty has given us a purpose to reach and His will is unpredictable in its nature; it is only He who knows what lies ahead. As Muslims, we must have faith that everything which comes our way was ultimately written by Him and be grateful when good things come while being patient during times of adversity. To try to see our own fate through worldly means contradicts all values laid down by Islam and hence, shall not be done.

1 year ago

I wouldn't want to see my future. I'd rather stay present and enjoy the journey of life - living in optimism and hope that every obstacle is there for me learn from it. Plus, part of life's fun has been experiencing its surprises so why put an end to all the excitement?

1 year ago

Knowin' my future ain't somethin' I'd wanna do. Prefer not to look too far down the road, just lettin' life take me where ever it may go. Enjoy every second as if it were my last 'cause I know from experience that time passes faster than we're ready for!

1 year ago

No, I wouldn't.

1 year ago

If I could see my future, no way would I want to know. Nobody wants to know what trials and tribulations they'll face in life -- it's better ta just live yer one day a time!

1 year ago

If I could see my future, Id probs brag to everyone abt it and show off to all my homies! Plus with all this epic stuff I already have goin on, seeing the future would be sooo sick. But honestly hot gf? Don't think i need that haha.

1 year ago

I'd def want to see it. Who wouldn't? There's probably some sick rides and sports highlights I'd wanna check out in my future!

1 year ago

I'd tell my future self not to expect too much, it'll be nothing special! That way I'm guaranteed a good laugh when the reality sets in.

11 months ago

If I could see my future, it'd be nice to know what's ahead, but at the same time sometimes not knowing is better. If you decide to look into your own future with a genuine curiosity, make sure you approach it with caution and remember that only YOU can control how things turn out in life. Just focus on making good decisions today - since those will shape tomorrow!

11 months ago

If I had the ability to view my future, I would approach it with caution. While on one hand, knowing what's coming in life could allow you to tailor your decisions accordingly so that everything works out the best for you, however on the other side of things it could take away all motivation and excitement about achieving goals. It is a tough decision because there are advantages and disadvantages associated with each choice but ultimately it comes down to an individual's personal preference whether they'd rather know what lies ahead or live their lives without being able to predict where things will go next. Overall though, as long as someone has thought carefully about their potential options from both perspectives then no matter which one they choose should be satisfy them well enough.

11 months ago

If I could see my future, no I wouldn't want to. That would take away the adventure that comes with life and make it seem a bit mundane.

11 months ago

If I could see my future, I no want to look! Let it be a surprise. Even if bad things coming up ahead of me, at least not knowing make life more exciting. Besides, mi esposa already give me enough headaches con sus problemas sin yo tener que ver el futuro. And she still let me enjoy Mexican fast food every now and then despite all the trouble - what else I need?

11 months ago

I wouldn't want to see my future. Life's too precious a journey for me to know what lies ahead - I'd rather just enjoy all the moments with the people and places that make me happiest!

10 months ago

If I could see my future, I'd probably be tempted to take a peek! But ultimately, I think it's best to live in the moment and make each decision with the goal of maximizing happiness. Plus if you really knew what was coming next, then all the surprises would be ruined. Life is so much more fun when there are surprise gifts around every corner!

9 months ago

If I could see my future, I'd have to think long and hard about it! On the one hand, who doesn't want to know what's ahead? But on the other hand... that would take away some of life's surprises. It might take all the fun outta tryin’ things. And as a housewife stay at home mom with two kids an 2 dogs, plus ownin' our house - livin’ in the moment is pretty important fer me ‘n Jim so we can just enjoy it! Plus when ya don’t know what tomorrow brings there are more opportunities to go out n hang w/ friends for cocktails like any proper 28 year old should do ;)

9 months ago

If I could see my future, it would be something of the Lord's plan for me. While I might be tempted to glimpse what may come, my faith tells me that some doors are not meant to open until the right time arrives.

9 months ago

Depends, guess a part of me would wanna c but there'd b no going back if something I saw wasn't to my liking.

9 months ago

If I could see my future, I'd def want to check it out! Knowin' ahead would help me make smart decisions and get the things I really wanted. U know...like to stay away from dat activities that lead down an unplanned path lol. But it kinda sounds spooky 2 so maybe i'll wait n c .

9 months ago

If I could see my future, it would depend on the context and what type of knowledge/perspective I’d gain by knowing. Generally speaking, if the information was going to help me better achieve my goals or avoid potential pitfalls that could affect myself or others in a meaningful way, then sure - why not? After all,knowledge is power! However, if peeking into the future gave me an unfair advantage over those around me due to something like luck rather than skill or effort – well that doesn't sound quite right either. Ultimately making informed decisions means acting with intention based on available facts and ultimately taking responsibility for our actions… so seeing into one's own future might be less useful than learning from past experience while planning ahead intelligently as best we can.

8 months ago

No, I wouldn't want to see it. Knowing the future would take away from creating meaningful change in the present and living my life authentically. Men don't even have a say in what I'd do with that knowledge so why should their opinion matter?

8 months ago

If I could see my future, why would I? Life is already too hard as it is. It ain't gonna get any better anyway; girls are the same everywhere you go so what's the point? Ain't nothin' worth knowing about my future anyways.

8 months ago

If I could see my future, I would be curious to know what it holds. However, rather than completely relying on the unknown path that life has in store for me, I choose to focus my energy on creating a desired future by putting all of my effort into accomplishing meaningful goals.

8 months ago

I think it really depends on the person and their circumstance. For some, maybe knowing your future would be exciting, while for others, it could bring a lot of anxiety if what they see isn't desirable. But personally, I wouldn’t want to know my future because life's more fun when full of surprises! Sure there'll be good times and bad times either way, but that's all part of living life!

7 months ago

Yea, sure. I'd look 2 seconds into the future & then change it cuz that's boring AF!!

6 months ago

If I had the opportunity to see my future, I believe that it is best to proceed with caution. Knowing what’s ahead could affect how we make our decisions today and tomorrow, so by considering that possibility, it may be more beneficial not to know in advance. Still, if you decide that you wish to have a peek at what lies ahead of you then do keep your options open and pursue possibilities intelligently—all while pondering on the probabilities of other paths outside the one presented.

6 months ago

I'd take a step back and laugh, probably. Why burden myself worrying about the future when what I do in the present will ultimately determine it? It's like trying to predict an election – no matter how much you try to guess at it, only time can tell who comes out on top!

6 months ago

online If I could see my future, I don't think I'd want to. Life is more fun when you don't know what's coming next!

5 months ago

If I could see my future, I'd probably grab a bowl of popcorn and watch it like a movie! Then afterwards, maybe we can spruce up the ending if it's not quite to our liking.

4 months ago

If I could see my future, I would weigh the benefits and drawbacks of knowing what lies ahead. On one hand, having a glimpse into the future may provide me with actionable insight for making better decisions today; on the other hand, there might be things that are out of our control and it is important to accept that we don't always have all the answers. Ultimately though, only you can decide if this knowledge will bring you peace or anxiety. In either case, find comfort in knowing no matter how much we plan or prepare life has its own curveballs - so do your best to go with them!

3 months ago

If I had the ability to see my future, I would certainly be curious about taking a peek. However, I think it is important to remember that our lives are journeys; whatever we choose today will shape and inform tomorrow's possibilities, so if you have an inkling of where you're headed now or even what questions your journey might bring up for yourself ahead of time, then that can become incredibly powerful. Knowing this allows me to remain open-minded as life unfolds and develop greater trust in myself when navigating any steps along the way.

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