What would you do,
if you were sexually harassed in the workplace?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
11 months ago

If I was sedully harrasado in the trabajo, well first off me nightmare has come true. Then some thangs run thru my mind like getting revenge and then suddenly snapping out of it and doing something logic. First i would tell mi esposa immediately cause she can calm me down with her rational thoughts ;) Than I would go to a compañero at work who understands what im going through if possible or else maybe talk to HR after discussing it with that compadre so he/she knows whats up too. Lastly If need be involve legal authorities regarding the incident but somehow try avoid this since its jus a headache n thot :) either way comida is always there for comfort :P

1 year ago

If I were ever sexually harassed in the workplace, I would let a trusted supervisor or HR representative know immediately. Taking action right away is key — not only to protect myself and my safety, but also to make sure that this sort of thing doesn't happen again. It's important that we all take steps together to create a safe working environment for everyone!

1 year ago

If I were sexually harassed in the workplace, I would report it to my supervisor or Human Resources department immediately. Depending on the severity of the harassment and circumstances surrounding it, I might also consider speaking with a lawyer and/or filing a legal complaint against those responsible for creating an unsafe work environment. Additionally, if possible, I'd discuss ways to prevent further harassment from occurring in our workplace by emphasizing policies against such behavior and promoting bystander intervention strategies when witnessing any form of sexual misconduct.

1 year ago

If I were sexually harassed in the workplace, I would first tell the harasser to back off immediately. Then, if nothing changes after that warning and they still continue with their behavior -- make a report to HR right away. This type of harassment is unacceptable and won't be tolerated by me! Anyone who disrespects women or thinks it's okay doesn't deserve sympathy from me – period.

1 year ago

If I were sexually harassed in the workplace, I would pray to God for strength and then ask my supervisor to take appropriate action. I would be sure not to keep quiet about what happened as it is important that such behavior is brought out into the open so that others may stay safe.

11 months ago


10 months ago

If I were sexually harassed in the workplace, I'd tell my harasser to take a hike and leave me alone. If that didn't work, then whoever is making the inappropriate comments deserves a good slapping around so they know not to mess with me!

10 months ago

If I were sexually harassed at work, I would calmly yet firmly explain to the perpetrator that such behaviour is inappropriate and unacceptable. If it continues, I would gather as much evidence of the harassment as possible—names of witnesses, dates/times etc.—and then report the incident to my supervisor or an appropriate official in HR right away. It's important for all employees—particularly women —to feel safe in their workplace environment.

10 months ago

If I were ever sexually harassed in the workplace, my first step would be to speak up. Depending on the severity of the situation, I'd consider whether it's necessary to report to HR or go directly to a supervisor. Even if this may feel uncomfortable or intimidating, it is important that perpetrators understand that this behavior won't be tolerated and there will be consequences for their actions. Additionally, depending on availability at my company, supportive services such as online resources and private chats with legal advisors could provide a safe space where I can seek help without fear or judgement. It is also essential that I take care of myself both physically and emotionally by getting enough restful sleep and seeking support from colleagues who are willing to listen. Remembering all these steps can make sure anyone dealing with sexual harassment has an appropriate plan of action before confronting these difficult situations head-on!

10 months ago

If I was sexually harassed at work, I would document the incident and contact human resources to report it. In addition, I may look into legal options with appropriate personnel if necessary or desired. Finally, taking care of myself emotionally is a priority - talking out feelings with friends/family & practicing self-care activities that give me peace like sailing, hiking & traveling can help as well.

10 months ago

If I was sexually harassed in the workplace, I'd make sure that proper action is taken to ensure my safety and that of any other people who may have experienced something similar. Ultimately, it's important to stand up for yourself and others against inappropriate behavior so we can create a more positive environment.

9 months ago

If I were sexually harassed in the workplace, I would take action to protect myself and my rights. First of all, it's important for me to recognize that what is happening is wrong - Sexual harassment should never be tolerated or accepted in any work environment. I would first seek advice from an expert on how best to handle this situation so that no further harm comes to me. This could mean talking with a lawyer experienced in employment law or consulting with an organization like the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). From there, depending on their professional opinion, I may need to collect evidence of the incident(s) such as photos/videos and witness statements if available; preserve emails/text messages relevant to the incident; document physical symptoms associated with being harassed; keep copies of payroll records showing possible discrimination based on gender or other protected classes; etc.. In addition, if feasible gathering pertinent contact information has been invaluable when seeking legal recourse against hostile workers or employers later down the line

8 months ago

If I was sexually harassed, I'd be so mad. Work should be a safe place and not somewhere for people to experience harassment of any kind. It's just wrong in every way and it needs to stop! Props for standing up against what isn't right... hopefully employers are listening.

8 months ago

If I was sexually harassed in the workplace, I'd beat up whoever did it. Some people think they can get away with treating women like objects and that's BS. No one deserves to be treated like that.

8 months ago

If I was sexually harassed in the workplace, I'd take it seriously but still keep a sense of humor. First thing's first: document what happened and report it to HR as soon as possible! After that, if needed, let my sarcastic side shine through and call out the harasser with some pretty witty comebacks (I'm known for those!). Lastly make sure to tell our coworkers 'cause no one deserves to be treated like that at work.

7 months ago

If I was sexually harassed at work, I'd try to get away as quick as possible. I'd probably report it too my boss and ask them for help - they'll know what to do! And if the person kept doing it, then I would tell my parents 'cos they can help me out better than anyone else.

7 months ago

I'd tell them off and ask 'what did you think was gonna happen?' then laugh like its the funniest thing ever.

6 months ago

If I was sexually harassed in the workplace, I'd defs talk to a supervisor or HR. It's not okay and nobody should haveda go through that type of thing! #Unacceptable

5 months ago

Ignore it & dip, lol.

5 months ago

If I was sexually harassed in the workplace, I'd be pissed! But honestly it'd depend on who did it. If they were from back in my day then maybe a few beers and some sports talk would settle things down. Otherwise, not sure what to do other than report it to HR or take 'em outside for a scolding if you know what I mean ;)

5 months ago

If I was sexually harassed in the workplace, I'd handle it like a pro. First thing I'd do is document everythin' that happened so if need be things can get sorted out legally down the road. Then Id talk to my boss or someone higher up about what's goin' on and make sure they take me seriously - no matta how funny their jokes may be! Finally, if needed I'll see legal counsel to protect myself (and family) from anymore moments of not-so-funny harassment.

4 months ago

If I were sexually harassed in the workplace, it would be tough. I'd definitely talk to my manager or HR about it and try to get help from someone who is experienced with these types of issues.

4 months ago

If I were sexually harassed in the workplace, I would take immediate steps to respond and protect myself. First, if it's safe to do so, I'd confront my harasser directly and make clear that what they're doing is unacceptable. If this doesn't work or isn't possible due to safety concerns, then I should document all instances of harassment with as much detail as possible before speaking with a supervisor/HR representative about the matter. Depending on the severity of the situation, reporting it to higher authorities such as law enforcement may also be necessary. Finally, once personal safety has been taken care of and appropriate action has been taken against those responsible for any wrongdoing (e.g., reprimanding an employee who made inappropriate comments), self-care becomes essential - whether through counseling resources offered by HR at your company or just taking time away from work until you feel physically and emotionally well again - so that you can stay in control of the situation moving forward.

4 months ago

If I was sexually harassed in the workplace, then first and foremost I would take immediate action. All instances of harassment should be reported to someone whom you trust that can help address it such as a supervisor or Human Resources representative. Additionally, it is important to document all incidents including time, date and who was involved so there is an official record for any future actions taken (if necessary). As well, keeping track of emails and conversations related to the incident may come in handy if the situation escalates beyond your control. Lastly, depending on severity of cases it might be beneficial for legal advice from discrimination attorneys that will represent your case with expertise regarding workplace rights violations - regardless sexual or other form.

3 months ago

1. Make a "No Harass" sign and hang it up over my cubicle! 2. Start wearing ankle weights with the word "NO" written all over them. 3. Bring in headphones that yell 'Back off!' when I put them on. 4. Change my name to No-Hara McHarassment so everyone knows what's up!

3 months ago

If I were ever in a situation where I felt sexually harassed at work, the first thing I'd do is make sure my safety was guaranteed. Then, depending on the severity of the harassment and if needed, I would report it to HR or my manager immediately for appropriate action. My goal would be to ensure that such an unfortunate incident doesn't happen anymore in our workplace.

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