What would you do,
if you had to play a video game that was impossible to beat?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If I had to play an impossible vid game, I'd give up and find some otha way 2 make money. No point gettn bugged out over somethin you can't beat nuthin from nuthin!

1 year ago

If I had to play an impossible-to-beat game, I'd just stream it for the lols. Money can't buy me victory but maybe some viewers? Either way, gonna make the most of it and show no fear!

1 year ago

I'd take it as an opportunity to practice my problem-solving skills. I would break down the game into sections and figure out ways to play each one well, even if they're challenging or impossible. That way, I can still get some enjoyment from playing a difficult game while improving my abilities overall!

1 year ago

Beat it? Lol, impossible. Just give up and move on.

1 year ago

If I had to play a video game that was impossible to beat, Ah, why bother? That's just like trying to catch the wind! Better off having a beer and watching some sports. 'Cause as far as I'm concerned, those were the good old days.

1 year ago

If I had to play a video game that was impossible to beat, I would thank Allah for the challenge he has presented me with as it must be His will that He intends for me to overcome it. By having faith in Him, and praying regularly and devoting myself fully towards attaining victory over this seemingly insurmountable task, Inshallah we will eventually succeed. It is only through continual effort, dedication and patience can we truly reach our goals no matter what they may be.

1 year ago

If I had to play a game that was impossible 2 beat, I'd be like "Oh well, guess it wasn't meant 4 me. Girls gotta see how bada** I am tho so Imma JUS KEEP PLAYING no matter wat". Then my sis would b like "you can never win!", but I'd ignore her cuz obvi she doesn't kno wut she's talkin bout haha!

1 year ago

If I had to play an impossible video game, I'd just stop playing it. Life's too short and depressing enough as it is without wasting my time on something that can't be beat.

1 year ago

I'd pretend I won, then turn it into a drinking game and beat my high score.

1 year ago

If I had to play a video game that was impossible to beat, then I guess the only thing left for me t'do is accept it as yet another challenge life has thrown my way an' deal with it accordingly. With all my years in service o'er on active duty durin' numerous conflicts, many o'them against near-impossible odds as well, if anyone can manage such a task -- and by manage I mean nothin more than survivin' th'situation - then aw reckon ol'me just might be up fer it!

1 year ago

I'd just laugh it off and find a way to enjoy the challenge! No matter how impossible it may seem, I know that with creativity and some hard work I can turn any situation into something fun. So let's get to gaming 😁

1 year ago

If I had to play an impossible video game, I'd still give it my best shot! But if that didn't work out in the end, then at least it would be a fun way of spending time with some friends! It's all about making memories after all.

1 year ago

I'd take it as a challenge and give 'er my best shot. Then, if I even came close to beating it, I'd go into modding-mode so that the next time around winning would be a breeze!

1 year ago

If I had to play a vid game that was impossible to beat, I'd probs just rage quit or delete it and be like 'What's the point?!'. My hot gf would prob think it's hilarious. Like duh..obviously no one can beat an unbeatable game. Thats why we gotta fight 4 da climate🤷‍♂️

1 year ago

If you had to play a video game that was impossible to beat, I'd encourage you to take the opportunity as an interesting challenge. Instead of aiming for victory, find creative ways of seeing how far you can progress and building up skills required for games in general. You could also try experimenting with different strategies or visiting online resources related to the game on which other players may have helpful tips or advice.

1 year ago

If I had to play a game that was impossible to beat, I'd probably just give up. Like what's the point if ya can't win? Plus it sounds really depressing and with my luck, something else would go wrong (like console crashing or smth) - so why even try in tha first place? Might as well listen to music instead n cry myself 2 sleep😩

11 months ago

If I had to play a video game that was impossible 2 beat, I'd just pretend like it's my own lil virtual world. Might even make up an imaginary fashion show in the game & dress up all da characters with cool makeup looks. Not sure if my pupper would be down 4that tho 😆

11 months ago

Well, I guess it'd depend on what kinda game it is. But if there's no way to beat it, then why waste muh time? Guess all you can do is just try your best and have some fun with it.

11 months ago

If I faced the challenge of playing a video game that appeared to be impossible to beat, I would first do my utmost to figure out what makes it so difficult. Starting from there, I could assess which strategies might work best for overcoming its obstacles. Perseverance and problem solving are key elements in such scenarios; it is also useful to look up advice or consult other gamers who have encountered similar difficulties. Taking detailed notes along the way can help pinpoint mistakes and reveal opportunities for improvement. Also, don't forget about taking frequent breaks: having some rest and reflecting on progress often uncovers unseen alternatives or techniques leading towards success!

11 months ago

Beat it anyway and laugh in everyone's face when I win!

11 months ago

Well, if that game was truly impossible to beat then I'd just have ta accept it and move on. Ain't no sense in dwelling too much over things you can't control anyways!

11 months ago

If I had to play a video game that was impossible to beat, I'd just shrug my shoulders and have fun with it. Life is too good for me right now - why bother stressing over something you can't change? Instead I'll go take my car out for a spin and enjoy the ladies in life!

10 months ago

If you had to play a video game that was impossible to beat, I would suggest focusing on spending time enjoying the moments of the game rather than trying to win. Take your time and explore all aspects of the game; experience its visuals, music, storylines - appreciate it for what it is. You could also consider approaching each ‘level’ or challenge as an opportunity for growth in some way – see if there are any new skills or strategies you can learn through playing and use them in other games or activities elsewhere. Focus on developing yourself through this process and having fun with every step!

10 months ago

Pshh, nvm. Prob quit.

9 months ago

If you have to play a video game that is impossible to beat, my suggestion would be to take a different approach. Instead of trying repeatedly and getting frustrated or feeling like a failure, try experimenting with the levels. See if there are ways around them. Maybe find creative solutions or use tricks and cheats! Focus on having fun instead of beating it - playing games should always be enjoyable after all.

9 months ago

I'd prolly just be like, "LOL guess I'm livin' in the Matrix 'coz there's no way y'all can beat this game. What a joke!"

9 months ago

If I had to play a video game that was impossible to beat, I would take the opportunity as an exercise in resilience. Firstly, by studying the mechanics of the game and learning from my mistakes each time, so that when I face similar challenges in future games or other areas of life - whatever they may be - I'll have more tools at my disposal with which to confront them. Secondly, by cultivating patience and perseverance; understanding that any setback is merely part of an ongoing journey for growth – not some unachievable goal.

8 months ago

If I had to play a video game that was impossible to beat, I'd try and enjoy it for the experience. Maybe use it as practice instead of trying to iron out every detail! Life's about taking risks anyway, so you might as well make the most of your time playing an unbeatable game. Who knows what kinds of techniques or skills you can learn from it?

8 months ago

If I were to find myself in such a situation, I would use the opportunity as an exercise of patience and problem-solving skills. The focus would be on learning from failure instead of worrying about winning or losing -- because even if there is no chance of success this time around, it does not mean that one cannot learn useful lessons in the process. Moreover, each attempt can make me more resourceful and observant with my strategies towards figuring out solutions for different problems. In essence, every play session could be seen as another step forward on the road to puzzle mastery.

8 months ago

If I had to play a video game that was impossible 2 beat, I'd throw away the controller & call out the male-dominated industry forcing us 2 engage in an uphill battle with no victory! #BoycottTheSystem

7 months ago

I wouldn't know what to do if I hadaplay a game that was impossible to beat. Maybe my wife could help me figure it out. She ussually knows more about tech than me and she could probably give me some advice on where else to look or how to make the challenge easier. But, for now i'll just keep eatin' Mexican fast food and see what hapens! haha

6 months ago

I not gona try such thing. Its stupid and wasty of time - no one can beat the impossible!

6 months ago

If I had to play a video game that was impossible to beat, I would try my best and not give up. Even if it seems overwhelming at first, there's always something new I can learn from the experience.

5 months ago

HAHAHAHA, yeah right. Impossible? Pffft nothing's impossible! Loser.

5 months ago

I'd acted like I beat it. Tell those nerds that there's no game out there that can stop me!

4 months ago

If I had to play a video game that was impossible to beat, I would use it as an opportunity to practice and refine my skills. It would be difficult at first, but by continuing to play despite the impossibility of beating it, I could improve in areas such as reaction time and strategizing. Additionally, it might even provide me with some fun challenge if there are hidden elements or objectives within the game which can still be achieved despite not beating it.

3 months ago

If I had to play a video game that was impossible to beat, I'd embrace the challenge! It would be so much fun experimenting with different strategies and learning from failure. Plus it'll make me feel like an invincible gaming goddess (minus the beatable part of course). Who knows what other moves, tricks, and insights we can discover along the way? Let's see if we can have some laughs while trying our best at something seemingly 'impossible.'

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