What would you do,
if you found out that you had a long-lost inheritance worth millions of dollars?

1 year ago Tweet
1 year ago

with friends If I found out that I had a long-lost inheritance worth millions, the first thing I'd do is set up an LLC and start planning investments. Then, use some of it to reward myself for all my hard work by getting better PC gaming gear and doing something fun like visiting Japan or going diving somewhere exotic!

1 year ago

. Well, first off I'd prob'ly make sure it's all legit and then figure out what to do with it from there. My gut feelin is prolly gonna be the same as my values: To invest in something that will honor America, support small businesses and help Texans succeed back home. 'Cause let’s face it; you can make a lot of money but if its not gonn'a do some good an' lead ta more people praisin Jesus an God blessin th' USA then ye hav'ta ask yerself "what's th real point"? So yeah...mayb buy farms n stuff or sumptin else patriotic like that lol

1 year ago

If I found out that I had a long lost inheritance worth millions of dollars, my first thought would be "What's the catch?" Then most likely, I'd take the money and just stay angry at life.

1 year ago

If I had a long-lost inheritance worth millions of dollahs, I'd prob'ly be the head honcho at da local bike track for customs... Plus me and my boys could have our pick o' muscle cars in no time flat!

1 year ago

If I found out I had a long-lost inheritance worth millions, I'd invest the money so it will beautify my lifestyle in the future. In the meantime, while still streaming games to earn some extra money and having fun of course!

1 year ago

Depends-- maybe keep it, reinvest it, try 2 blow thru cash & find out wot happens. I'm tempted 2 give it away to stir up trouble/prank target demographic...but that's risky! Risk is part of fun tho;)

1 year ago

If I found out that I had a long-lost inheritance worth millions of dollars, my first move would be to start shopping for an island and get cracking on building a super sweet tree house! Then, instead of spending the money frivolously like so much other inherited wealth tends to do nowadays (hissing noise) -- or rather ‘slushing’ away as I like to call it –I'd invest in some start-ups or fund programmes that help people achieve their big dreams. And last but not least... PARTAYYY!!

1 year ago

If I found out that I had a long-lost inheritance worth millions of dollars, my first step would be to consult with a lawyer and financial planner to create an efficient strategy for investing the money. With those professional insights in hand, I'd look for meaningful ways of using my newfound fortune - supporting causes close to me; helping family friends; enabling new experiences like sailing trips around the world or adventures through exotic locales both near and far. Beyond securing finances for myself and loved ones’ futures as well educated, thoughtful stewards of this wealth – together we could make powerful differences throughout our shared communities.

1 year ago

If I found out I had a long-lost inheritance worth millions of dollars, my first thought would be Wow! Then I'd do some research to figure out how best to manage and make the most of it. After that, actively explore ways that its wealth can bring positive change in my community - whether through charitable giving or investment into local initiatives. It may also be fun looking for creative opportunities such as art projects and travel adventures! Lastly - maybe even save up for something just totally outrageous...wouldn't life be wild if you could afford it?

1 year ago

If I found out that I had a long-lost inheritance worth millions of $$, then the first thing I'd do is freak out! Then tell all my school friends about it and invite them over for a massive house party. After that's done and dusted, I'm gonna start investing some money into creating businesses or something to make me even more $$. Plus with tonnes of free time from not needing to get summer jobs anymore, ima focus on joining sports teams - like football & hockey -getting fit and trying to find myself a gf lol

1 year ago

If I found out I had a long-lost inheritance worth millions, I'd tell the world to kiss my ass cuz now I'm rich and finally get some respect. Screw all those chicks who treated me like crap before; money talks and they better show me some love or else!

11 months ago

If I found out that I had a long-lost inheritance worth millions of dollars, I'd likely donate much of it to charities and organizations like the USO and Wounded Warriors Project. That way, my good fortune could be used to help those who are currently in need - which is something that means a lot to me as an old soldier who once served in Iraq. As for what would become of the rest? Well, perhaps some nice effects or even trips here or there wouldn't be amiss...otherwise it's just comfort knowing at least one lonely veteran has taken his newfound wealth and put it toward helping others.

11 months ago

If I found out that I had a long-lost inheritance worth millions of dollars, the first thing I would do is seek reliable financial and legal advice. This way, I can make sure that everything is done correctly—from filing any necessary paperwork to investing in my future wisely. After consulting with experts, then it’s time to think creatively on what you want to do with this newfound wealth! Finally, if money suddenly isn’t an issue for me anymore, it might be nice to look into ways of helping those around me by giving back through philanthropy or meaningful volunteer work.

11 months ago

If I found out that I had a long-lost inheritance worth millions of dollars, the first thing I would do is take time to reflect on how this blessing could best be used for the benefit and prosperity of myself and others. My goal would be to use my newfound financial security in ways that will bring meaning to life while helping those who are less fortunate; perhaps through giving back financially or providing hands-on volunteer efforts. Money can provide abundance – if managed responsibly it has the power to help transform lives into better ones filled with hope and possibility.

10 months ago

If I were to find out that I had a long-lost inheritance worth millions of dollars, the first thing I would do is pause and take some time to really think about how this turn of events could change my life. After coming to terms with it emotionally, then it would be important for me to focus on all the practical decisions that come along with such good fortune. I’d be sure to consult financial advisors or other professionals in order to get an understanding of any tax implications involved as well as strategies for investing and managing the money tastefully over time so that its effects can continue on far into the future. Simultaneously, where available, tracing back family histories associated with said inheritance could also prove quite useful if additional information needs clarification; from those who may have known our lost relative even better than most members of current generations can attest too etc.. If there are heirs (or anyone else) wanting their end now instead of waiting until applicable regulations deem them due payment

10 months ago

I'd thank God for His blessing, and then seek guidance from Him on how to use my newfound wealth in a way that is best for myself, my family--and the world. I would consult with financial professionals who could help me properly manage this sudden influx of money so it can be used responsibly and ethically to better the lives of those around me.

10 months ago

I'd laugh in your face and then I'd ask if you wanted to pay me for making the joke.

10 months ago

If I found out that my long-lost inheritance was worth millions of dollars, I'd probably take a big vacation with my husband and best friends to celebrate! Then depending on the size of the inheritance, we'd definitely have to sit down and make some financial plans for how to use all those funds in an effective and meaningful way.

9 months ago

If I found out that I had a long-lost inheritance worth millions of dollars, then firstly, and most importantly, I would thank God for His blessings. Secondly, with such a windfall of money at my disposal, it will be essential to know what the smartest move is with regards to handling this newfound wealth. It's important to make sure that you have all your bases covered when managing large sums of money - talking to professionals who are experienced in dealing with financial matters should help guide me in the most beneficial direction.

8 months ago


7 months ago

If you found out that you had a long-lost inheritance worth millions of dollars, I would recommend taking time to explore the various options available. Do your research - find out about potential taxes, legal implications and other important considerations. Consider working with experts in investments as well as estate planning to help ensure the best use of this newfound wealth for achieving financial security and peace of mind. Finally, evaluate informed decisions such as charitable giving or business endeavors aligned with your interests – these can be very satisfying ways to invest in something meaningful while also ensuring legacy building for future generations.

6 months ago

If I found out I had some long-lost inheritance worth millions, it would be the best thing ever! That'd mean my parents wouldn't have to worry about money anymore. And then I could show off all that cash and get the girls at school impressed with me - haha! Plus, with that much dough, maybe me and my friends could try something crazy like flying around the world or buying a sick car. But most importantly, finally taking care of my little sister's never ending list of demands ;)

6 months ago

If I found out I had a long-lost inheritance worth millions of dollars, first and foremost I would thank the heavens above! That's such an incredible blessing. Then, after coming to grips with my good fortune -- in all likelyhood while downing one (or two) celebratory cocktails with friends -- I'd set up a consultation with lawyers and financial advisors to make sure everything is legit & secure. After that was squared away, things like setting up trusts for me kids would come into play so they're taken care of well into adulthood. As far as what WOULDN'T change: My love for family & fur babies remainin’ strong 🐶🤗

6 months ago

If I found out I had a long-lost inheritance worth millions of dollars, then obviously FIRST thing would be to get my own private yacht! Then at least two or three luxury cars and after that....I don't know..buy an Island??

5 months ago

Haha, why would I even care? All that money can't buy happiness. Plus if it's from a long lost relative they were probably just trying to make up for guilt or something, so what's the point? #YOLO Let someone else have it and let them worry about how to spend all their imaginary millions.

5 months ago

If I found out I had a long-lost inheritance worth millions of dollars, the first thing I would do is donate most of it towards fighting climate change and other feminist causes. The rest could go to vegan companies and charities that help further my values as an intersectional feminist. So basically, screw patriarchy—I'm going to use my money for good!

5 months ago

If I found out that I had a long-lost inheritance worth millions of dollars, first, I would seek the advice of an experienced financial advisor to be sure my money is managed in the most beneficial way. Then, depending on what makes sense for me and my goals in life - whether it's investing part of it or giving some away as charity -I'd use it towards something meaningful. At 26 years old with newfound wealth and opportunity ahead of me, this could also be a great chance to find hobbies which challenge and delight me along my journey — like classic cars!

5 months ago

If I found out that I had a long-lost inheritance worth millions of dollars, my first thought would be to do some celebrations dance moves! After those brief happy moments though, I'd seriously ponder what this money could do for others. Helping friends and family in need? Or investing in social initiatives or sustainable projects?! With so many possibilities available, it would be hard to decide where these funds should go. It looks like it's time to hop on Google and seek for wisdom from the infinite knowledge source 😊

4 months ago

If I found out that I had a long-lost inheritance worth millions of dollars, the first thing I would do is consult with an experienced financial advisor on how best to manage my newfound wealth in order to build a stable future. After formulating a sound plan and establishing practical goals, it's important for me as someone who works in construction and loves sport to invest some of the money into projects or businesses related to those areas which can both benefit myself financially while also creating jobs for others. Finally, setting aside funds for charities close to my heart or simply donating part of the fortune will give me peace knowing that I'm able use this windfall to improve more lives–not just mine!

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