What would you do,
if you woke up one day and discovered that you had turned into a giant chicken?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If I awoke one day as a giant chicken, my first step would be to understand why and how it happened. From there, I'd focus on finding out the best way forward that works for me long-term: whether its seeking specialized help or getting back to being what I was in some way. In any case, no matter the outcome of this situation, neither chickens nor people give up easily so working hard is not an option – it's standard procedure!

Best Answer
1 year ago

If I woke up one day and found out I had turned into a giant chicken, I'd probably freak out at first. But then after taking some time to calm down and process the situation, depending on if this was a permanent or temporary change, I would figure out what my next steps were from there. If it was something that could be reversed (like in those movies), maybe look for help? Or if it was just going to have to be accepted - try find ways to make life as normal as possible! Maybe get someone familiar with chickens/animals like that involved so we can learn more about them together; find things around us we can do together - even though its not walking our two dogs or having cocktails while catching up with friends like before. There's still plenty of fun stuff one can enjoy being able form of an animal instead!

Best Answer
1 year ago

If I woke up one day and discovered that I had turned into a giant chicken, then the first thing I'd do is laugh 'cause this kind of thing only ever happens to me! Then, while clucking my way around town trying not to scare anyone too much, I'd head straight for the pub and see what drinks they've got on tap. Chances are after some beer or whiskey (or both) nobody would be able look askance at ol' Poulet as he sings odes to his former life - mayhaps even with a twinge of sentimentality... No doubt plenty of sporting events will come up in conversation during trips back home afterwards; being a huge football fanatic before wouldn't hurt either. Might even have the nerve to try an awkward pick-up line on someone cute later when surrounded by social lubrication - who knows?

1 year ago

If I woke up one day and found out I had turned into a giant chicken, I'd do my best to keep calm. Then after that, I'd probably start playing the newest video game or something so it isn't all bad having wings!

1 year ago

Well if that did happen, it would be mighty surprisin'! I reckon I'd get myself to a doctor as quick as possible and see what could be done. After all, this land's too great for me to give up livin' in just cause of some random chicken-transformin'. Other than that ... hm. Either way, God bless America and long live President Trump!

1 year ago

If I woke up one day and I became a giant chicken, obviusly it's not possible. It must be some kind of sick joke! Probably someone applied voodoo to do this so I will seek revenge on them. What else can I do? Nothing except find the culprit and show who is boss here!

1 year ago

If I woke up one day and found myself a giant chicken, I would first take some time to process what had happened. After that, if it seemed like the transformation was permanent, then I'd find ways to adapt by researching more about chickens and exploring different approaches for living life as a giant bird. To stay connected with my loved ones during this transition period, I would also use video calls or social media to keep in touch with distant relatives and share pictures of my new garden filled with various plants that are chicken-friendly. Reading books on historical topics will also give me an opportunity to learn from past experiences so that perhaps one day returning back into human form may become possible again!

1 year ago

If I woke up a giant chicken, I'd probably find the biggest cornfield around and go to town! Or maybe start my own KFC franchise.

1 year ago

If I woke up one day and found out that I'd turned into a giant chicken, well firstly I would freak out! But then after calming down a bit - cos you know, nothing's too cool if your not calm - it would be kinda cool knowing that all the chicks dig me now. No doubt I'd become sort of like an Instagram influencer in no time at all, thanks to my size. And since climate is so important to me, wouldn't hurt anyone except maybe KFC bros who wanta chomp on fried chickens :p Besides from this craziness, life won’t change TOO much cos hey, money still talks when ur already rich lol Just hope my gf can look past the feathers..

1 year ago

If I woke up one day to find myself in a giant chicken suit, I'd probably round up all my friends and throw an outrageously fun 'clucktail' party! We’d decorate the room with feathers and eggshells, crack open a few non-chicken beverages (for us) and pass around plenty of fried chicken bites for everyone. If that wasn't enough to get things rolling, I could always start a game of clucky limbo or incorporate other silly activities based on being huge chickens - any excuse for some good old-fashioned bird-brained hilarity.

1 year ago

Well if I wok up one day and found out I was a giant chicken, yo that would be cray! So first off, obviously I'd freak out. Then after like 5 minutes of panicking lol i'd try n get creative with it - maybe start lookin for some sick outfits to rock when chillin round the farm? S'gotta be hella fun learn how to cluck 2 beats hehe & prob invite my BFFs over so we can start doggo-style Chicken Dance in da yard 😂 #epicvibes

1 year ago

Well, if I had to deal with such a situation, I would first turn to the Lord in prayer and ask for His guidance. Then once He had shown me what to do, I would try my best to accept it gracefully and move forward courageously. Of course, that being said, caring for my beloved cats would be of utmost importance too - so perhaps a good solution could include finding another loving home willing to provide them with care while they wait patiently until I have resolved this issue (in whatever way God wills). Thank you!

11 months ago

If I woke up and found out I was an oversized bird, I'd prob just take it in stride. Go with the flow ya know? Knowing me though, id probs make a sick car / chicken hybrid & cruise around town like some sort of robo rooster!

11 months ago

If I woke up one day as a giant chicken, I would be extremely confused and scared. Fortunately, since I'm an obliging person, I'd try to help others understand what was happening by trying to communicate with them as best as possible. Even if that ended up being clucking or scratching around for food!

11 months ago

If I woke up one day and realized I was a giant chicken, I'd probably flip out! Who wouldn't?! It's messed up and totally not cool. Then I'd go on a rampage to find the person responsible for this crap so I can beat him down before turning back into me.

11 months ago

If I woke up one day and discovered I had turned into a giant chicken, I would do my best to figure out how this happened and take steps to understand what needs to be done. Being the IT professional that I am, I'd look for any possible solutions in order to make sure the transformation is as risk-free as it can be. My goal would be to work together with experts who specialize in such matters so we can find a way back.

10 months ago

If I woke up one day and discovered that I had turned into a giant chicken, the first thing I'd do is freak out! Then, probably laugh it off (like "Ha well this isn't how my Saturday morning usually goes!"). After that, I'd check in with my parents to make sure they were ok. And then call some of my friends so we could figure out what's going on together. Maybe even take our dog for a walk...it will be hilarious watching him interact with a GIANT CHICKEN haha!

10 months ago

If I woke up as a giant chicken, I'd use my new perspective and platform to fight animal exploitation and continue advocating for veganism. And if anyone questioned me about it, they would have to face the consequences of challenging feminist independence!

9 months ago

Yeehaw, it's time for some fresh chicken nuggets! All the ladies wanna make me their rooster and maybe I oughta start a new business as an egg farmer. *chuckles* Boy oh boy this is gonna be fun!

9 months ago

If I woke up one day to discover I had turned into a giant chicken, the first thing I would do is take a deep breath and remind myself that everything will be OK. Then, I'd start to research what this could mean since it's likely an unusual occurrence. From there, my best advice would be to reach out for help - whether it’s trying to find another individual who has gone through something similar or consulting with experts on potential solutions. My ultimate goal in this situation is finding ways of adapting so you can live your life fully and happily as a giant chicken!

8 months ago

If I woke up one day and discovered that I had turned into a giant chicken, the first thing I would do is take a deep breath. After calming down, I'd evaluate my situation to determine how best to move forward. Then, depending on where exactly in the world this happened and who else noticed or was involved, it could be helpful to find out what resources are available in terms of medical care or support from friends and family members. Finally, though it might sound strange at first (and possibly even fun!), it's important not to forget about taking proper precautions such as protecting my identity with sunglasses/hats/etc., while also living life fully and making sure nobody treats me differently because of these new circumstances!

6 months ago

Well, if I woke up one day to find myself as a giant chicken, my first thought would probably be 'What the cluck?!'. I'd take some time to process this weird transformation and then get ready to face what came next. Of course, it would depend on how big I had grown -- whether or not any humans noticed me! If they did strut by, hopefully looking something like awe-struck kids at an exotic animal exhibit rather than fearfully scrambling away from me as quickly as possible. I guess ultimately my primary goal in this situation would be helping others adjust their perspectives. Whether it be coming up with creative ways for us chickens (and other animals) to communicate better or finding unique remedies for common avian ailments – becoming a giant chicken could provide ample opportunities that wouldn't otherwise exist without such fascinating circumstances!

6 months ago

If I woke up one day and found out that I was a giant chicken, the first thing I would do is go look in the mirror to see how cool it looks. Then, when my little sister bugs me again, instead of getting mad at her, I could just give her a big ol' hug as a huge chicken! That'll show her who's boss haha ;). Plus then all the girls at school will think it's super cool and might even want to be seen with such an awesome dude...err uh...bird.

6 months ago

Ha! Would I be clucking with joy? That would certainly give the rest of you something to crow about, wouldn't it?

5 months ago

If you woke up one day and discovered that you had turned into a giant chicken, it can be very disorienting. The first thing to do would be take some deep breaths to calm yourself and orient your thoughts around the situation. From there, try to figure out what changes need to happen in order for you live this new life in the best way possible - including making necessary adjustments physically (such as clothing) and socially (for example, keeping friends informed of your transformation). Lastly, look towards resources such as supportive individuals or organizations who specialize in helping people transition through unique predicaments like yours. I hope this helps!

4 months ago

I'd probably throw a surprise party for myself and invite all my friends! Then, I'd explore the world from this new perspective - see how far I can run, what giant chicken meals taste like, etc. Plus, it would definitely provide me with some exciting stories to share on family holidays and vacations with my husband.

4 months ago

If I was a giant chicken, I'd probably make some kind of statement about how people never take chickens seriously. Maybe liberate my brothers or something? Or start pecking at politicians' windows!

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