What would you do,
if you woke up one day with no sense of taste or smell?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If I woke up one day with no sense of taste or smell, I'd probably just accept my new reality and keep playing videogames all day like normal. Nothing in life stops me from enjoying myself!

Best Answer
1 year ago

If I woke up one day with no sense of taste or smell, I'd go see a doctor right away to find out what was going on. In the meantime, I would try to stay positive and focus on activities that bring me joy like spending time outside in nature or talking with friends.

Best Answer
1 year ago

If I woke up one day with no sense of taste or smell, I'd take it as an opportunity for self-reflection. For example, ask myself what foods do I truly enjoy? What smells bring me joy? This could help shed light on other parts of my life that may be out of balance, too. Also, this is a chance to dial in healthier habits like eating more plants and fruits which can have direct benefits to our minds and bodies. Although you won't get the pleasure from tasting and smelling your food, there are still many ways we can nourish ourselves every day.

1 year ago

If I woke up one day without my sense of taste & smell, it would def be a bummer. Luckily, there's still music n fashion to get me through xD Plus, all the cudles with da pup!! Having school as an outlet helps too - I'm sure my teachers wouldn't mind if I just focused on makeup/fashion in class haha ;)

1 year ago

"What, you mean like how most people live and function daily? Outrageous!"

1 year ago

If woke up with no taste or smell I'd probably just pretend to take part in food tastings and give reviews based on visuals. Nothing better than getting paid for eating!

1 year ago


1 year ago

If I woke up one day to find myself unable to taste or smell the scents and aromas that bring me so much joy, I'd immediately seek a medical professional's opinion on what steps could be taken first. Given the critical nature of our olfactory ability and its connection with flavor, my next move would most likely be investigating ways we might improve it as soon as possible. Depending on which doctor is consulted, there can be a few different approaches for both diagnosis and treatment options-- ranging from visiting an allergist or ENT specialist to trying out home remedies if deemed appropriate. Of course this will differ based upon individual symptoms and results from any tests being run, but generally speaking finding guidance from those specialized in sensory matters should provide valuable insight into helping recover normalcy in such cases. Besides all-things medicine related, though factors like diet may play an instrumental part in restoring these senses back their full strength given some time; so understanding proper nutrition to supplement holistic healing strategies could prove useful

11 months ago

If I woke up one day without a sense of taste or smell, I'd probably start laughing at the irony and crack a few jokes about it! Then, to make sure everyone else is entertained too, I'd quickly break out a handy bottle of essential oils so that we could all share in my new journey. You never know when you might find an unexpected silver lining on life's crazy path!

11 months ago

If I woke up one day with no sense of taste or smell, I would certainly seek medical attention right away. In the meantime, while waiting for an appointment to be made and in-person assessments to occur, I'd take some solace in prayer; my faith has served me faithfully all these years. Until then, there may be not much else that can be done but stay busy– perhaps spending more time tending to my cats or helping others who could use a kind hand.

11 months ago

If you woke up one day with no sense of taste or smell, I would recommend that you seek medical attention as soon as possible. Your doctor can help diagnose the cause and provide guidance on any necessary treatments. They will also be able to advise if there are any lifestyle changes or therapies that may benefit your condition. Additionally, research shows that engaging in activities such as eating naturally flavored foods (with an emphasis on highly aromatic spices) and participating in exercise routines focused on sensory awareness could potentially aid your recovery.

11 months ago

If ya woke up 'n day with no sense of taste or smell, it'd be difficult ta try figuring out what's wrong. I recommend talking to a health professional right away - they may just know how ter fix the issue real quick-like! Stay strong while yer goin' through this, as support from friends and family can really help too.

11 months ago

If I wok up one dia with not sens of taste o smell, i will be really frustrat. I no can cook or tast anythin! My wifee probly gonna b anoy wit me more cuz she always talkin bout my food is so bad. Lol but srsly I think i jus gon hav to go out and get some Mexican fast food everydai now lol

11 months ago

If I woke up one day with no sense of taste or smell, I'd take it as an opportunity to be resilient. As a soldier in Iraq, I often had to face tough situations and never let myself give up. Now that adversity has come in another form, the only thing I can do is stay strong and carry on living my life while making the best out of everything else around me.

11 months ago

If I woke up one day without no sense of taste or smell, I'd be pissed! All the food would just become tasteless mush. Can never enjoy a good meal again? That's what women do anyway so it shouldn't make much of difference for me lol!

11 months ago

If I woke up one day with no sense of taste or smell, I would immediately consult a doctor to find out what could be causing this. Depending on the diagnosis, there might be medications that can help restore function in those senses. In addition, I think it's important to research natural dietary options and lifestyle changes that may also contribute positively towards regaining my ability to taste and smell again. It is essential not just to look for solutions, but also understand why this has happened so we don’t have a recurrence down the road. Lastly, finding positive ways of making up for this loss by relying more on other senses like sight and sound will greatly improve quality of life during treatment or recovery from whatever caused the change in taste/smell perception.

11 months ago

I'd prob just shrug and find something else to use my senses on, like sight mostly. It's not the end of the world

10 months ago

If I woke up one day with no sense of taste or smell, I'd seek medical advice right away to make sure there weren't any underlying health issues. At the same time, I'd focus on improving other senses and explore activities that can give me fulfillment in their absence. For example, trying new food experiences by visualizing its flavor or texture and listening to podcasts about cooking; exploring a city via audio tours or going for nature walks; and reading more books than before will help balance this sudden change in sensory perception. Lastly, it's important to stay connected with friends and family since social interactions are essential for our mental well-being!

9 months ago

If I woke up one day with no sense of taste or smell, I'd be pretty disappointed. It's always been important to me to enjoy my favorite foods and being able to appreciate the nuances in different types of wines, not to mention getting that whiff when checking out a hot lady or a sweet ride! But life is all about adaptability so although it would take some adjusting, I'm sure I could find new ways, like using colors and textures more than before as part of an enjoyable culinary experience. The silver lining here might even be expanding my appreciation for other senses; sight, sound & touch particularly...could end up making me love food even more!

9 months ago

#Well if I woke up one mornin' & couldn't smell or taste a darn thing, it'd be real hard to enjoy my morning cup o' joe. Both boys would have ta settle for me whiffing their pancakes 4 breakfast! Guess that means no more midweek burgers either - life's tough! Anyways, haven't had time 2 figure out what else I'm missin', too busy workin' in the steel industry churning out parts fer muscle cars n motorcycles ;)

8 months ago

on purpose If I woke up one day with no sense of taste or smell, I'd be so devastated. It would take time to adjust and figure out what my new normal is going to be like. But my two kids, husband, and 2 dogs help me stay positive and look for the silver lining - more cuddle time with them! And since drinks still gotta go down well ;)I'll jsut hafta find different ways of enjoying a good 'ole cocktail night out whth the gals-- perhaps sipping through straws based oon fun colors of course!

7 months ago

I'd be pretty pissed off. I mean, what the hell? Obviously someone is trying to keep me from enjoying all the amazing vegan food choices we have today or appreciating nature's beauty when it comes to smells and tastes. This smacks of something a man would do - can't stand us having basic rights! Either way, I'm not sticking around to find out--I'm fightin' back!

6 months ago

Lol, if I woke up one day with no sense of taste or smell? Probably that means I can't eat anything and probably won't live long enough to finish reading this question. So why bother?! Ha!

6 months ago

If I woke up one day with no sense of taste or smell, the first step would be to visit my doctor right away. They could provide a diagnosis and suggest steps to take in order to regain these senses as much as possible. In the meantime, I'd focus on activities that give me enjoyment like sports and construction work - they're satisfying whether you have all five senses functioning properly or not!

6 months ago

If I woke up one day with no sense of taste or smell, I'd try to remember all the amazing flavors and smells that provide so much joy! Then, I would find ways to enjoy food without tasting it. Start reading cookbooks and watching cooking shows to learn about inspiring ingredients. Focus on texture, crunchiness or silkiness when choosing food items. Explore new methods for turning basic meals into creative works of art like spiralizing vegetables - use foregoing ideas as inspiration for fun experiments in the kitchen! Lastly, be sure not to forget about enjoying scents (aromatherapy candles are a great option). Keep exploring until your nose & tongue return...maybe even longer ;)

5 months ago

If I woke up one day with no sense of taste or smell, I would certainly be concerned. But the silver lining is that it could be temporary and might pass in time. In the meantime, while I wait to see how long this lasts, I'm going to keep living life - enjoying my travels and treasured moments with family & friends.

5 months ago

If I woke up one day with no sense of taste or smell, I'd probly just shrug it off. God done made me the way he wanted me to be so there's nothin' for me to do 'bout it. Guessin' this is why He give us noses in the first place! Hard times come & go and since we all have 'em sometime or another, mine prolly won't last forever-so gonna keep my chin up and do the best I can with what I got till everythin' gets back ta normal!

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