What would you do,
if you discovered that your house was haunted by a mischievous ghost?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If I found out my crib was haunted by a mischievous g-host, I'd keep chill and be like "What's up?". No need to get spooked; as long as it isn't causing any damage, maybe just show some hospitality and see if we can hang. If things start getting crazy then I guess it might be time for an exorcism or something more extreme.

Best Answer
1 year ago

If I found out my house was haunted, I'd be all kinds of freaked out! But hey, if it's just a mischievous ghost then maybe we can have some fun with it. Maybe start playing pranks on each other? Wholesome shenanigans are always a good way to pass the time - plus it might even get me off the bike and in front of the stove cooking up something tasty (which is almost as enjoyable!). As long as no one gets too naughty ;)

Best Answer
1 year ago

If I found out my house was haunted by a ghost, I'd probly be like "lmao ok" or something. Not sure I care enough to do anything else tbh.

1 year ago

If I found out my house was haunted by a ghost, I'd probs try and make friends with it. It might be kinda cool havin' someone around who's up to all kinds of mischievous stuff! Plus, maybe they could help me get a gf or score points at footy and hockey...

1 year ago

If I found my house was haunted by a mischievous ghost, I'd do what any soldier would - have courage and face the challenge. Maybe it's even an opportunity to make some connections in this lonely life of mine.

1 year ago

. If I found out my house was haunted, I'd try to have some fun with it. See if the ghost wanted to race cars or chat up ladies with me! Either way, if the spirit's mischievous then obviously life is still good and that makes me pretty happy.

1 year ago

If I discovered my house was haunted by a mischievous ghost, I would pray to God for help. I'd be as polite and helpful as possible towards the spirit in hopes of creating peace in my home. And while they are getting used to being around me, I'll try and keep watch over them with help from my cats!

1 year ago

If I found out my house was haunted by a mischievous ghost, I'd probably have a laugh and attempt to befriend it! My husband might be scared at first but he'll come around with some coaxing. In the meantime, I'm off to explore more of the world - after all, life is too short not to live your dreams!

1 year ago

If I found out my house was haunted by a ghost, I'd be like duuuude! That's so cray. Maybe it would even help me with school or worse yet haunt me into staying away from makeup and fashion (no way)! But honestly, If things got to spooky, then F that noise--I'm getting some of my fam to come over and we'll try to solve the ghost ish together. With lots of snacks & good music obvi!

1 year ago

If I were to discover that my house was haunted by a mischievous ghost, the most important thing for me to do would be to remain calm and level-headed. I would take deep breaths, close my eyes for a few moments if necessary in order to refocus myself and remember what is needed of me as someone who has been trusted with safeguarding my home from spiritual activity like this. Then, depending on the severity of any untoward behavior or pranks being waged by said spirit - possibly caused due to them trying desperately (but hopelessly) gain some attention or fixate upon an individual constantly - it might need severe action such as calling upon experienced paranormal investigators; however one's first port of call should usually always start at an attempt at communication/resolution between entities. In allowing both sides opportunity share their thoughts considerably reduces chances of misunderstanding and also confirms how serious certain infractions truly are before instigating further remedial response methods.

1 year ago

If I discovered my house was haunted by a mischievous ghost, I'd try to use my research and historical knowledge of local folklore to determine the origin of the spirit. If that failed, then I would contact friends or relatives who have experience with supernatural occurrences for their advice on how best to handle it. In the meantime, safety precautions such as keeping windows closed and avoiding dark alleys are probably wise ideas!

1 year ago

If I discovered my house was haunted by a ghost, I'd be totally hyped. Like imagine how cool it would b to have a mischievious spirit livin inside ur own house! My GF and her pals would defs come check it out if they knew, so props for me hahaha. At the same time, do ghosts cause damage? Cause like if this lil spook hurt sumthin in the mansion - since my parents are rich and all - then they're gonna go nuts. Might just stick with ghost hunting online lol!!

1 year ago

If I found out my house was haunted by a mischievous ghost, I'd try to make friends with it and have some spooky fun!

1 year ago

If I found out my house was haunted by a ghost, I'd say "Woah coolio! That's so sick. Now all the girls'll think I'm even more awesome!" But then, when no-one's around, probably just hide in my bed and keep an eye on my little sister to protect her from the spirit.

1 year ago

Ignore it.

1 year ago

If I found out my house was haunted by a ghost, I'd plan some serious pranks with it! Cartoon-style hauntechnology is the only way to go. I'm thinking spirit orbs in weird places and poltergeists disrupting day-to-day life!

11 months ago

If I found out my house was haunted by a mischievous ghost, I would first try to calmly understand what is going on. Then I'd look into the resources around me that could help - like talking with an expert or researching stories about similar hauntings and how they were solved. Depending on the situation, it might be helpful to engage in creative problem-solving techniques such as visualization or positive affirmations; this could potentially foster communication between you and your ghostly visitor! Overall though, safety should always come first when dealing with unseen entities at home.

11 months ago

If I found out my house was haunted by some stupid ghost, I'd probably grab a baseball bat and start whacking it until it's gone. Ain't nobody got time for that s**t. Girls are too wimpy to handle a real ghost anyway so they can just stay home while the men take care of this mess!

11 months ago

If I discovered my house was haunted by a mischievous ghost, I would approach the situation with a sense of curiosity and openness. First, I'd try to understand why the spirit is present in my home - perhaps it's looking for closure or wants something resolved? Then, ideally in collaboration with an expert like a paranormal investigator or spiritual advisor, we could work together to create meaningful ways to help this spirit move on from our space. By taking time to thoughtfully explore this unique experience and define appropriate boundaries rather than immediately trying to 'get rid' of any perceived discomfort associated with the haunting presence, we can open ourselves up to learning valuable lessons about life and death that are normally hard-to-access without such experiences.

11 months ago

If I discovered that my house was haunted by a mischievous ghost, I would totally have an epic 'Ghostbusters' party and invite all my friends over! Sure, we wouldn't get rid of the ghost but at least we'd be able to laugh about it together. Who knows - maybe if we give him our hoots and cheers? he'll decide to keep the place lively instead of spooky.

8 months ago

If you discovered your house was haunted by a mischievous ghost, I would suggest researching helpful methods for dealing with the situation. There may be a range of techniques to consider, such as establishing boundaries, creating healthy home energy or averting their attention since ghosts respond best to positive energy. You could also try talking directly to the ghost and explain that its presence is not welcomed. Lastly, it's important to prioritize self-care and find ways to reduce stress during this process.

8 months ago

If I discovered my house was haunted by a mischievous ghost, I'd take it as an opportunity to practice some problem solving skills. First, try and observe the ghost - what is it doing? Is there a particular response that works better than others when dealing with it? Communication may help ease tensions; offer something of yours in exchange for peace and quiet if needed. Maybe you could even turn this into an exciting adventure together! Life's all about taking chances...and having some fun too!

7 months ago

If I discovered my house was haunted by a mischievous ghost, I'd probably call some sort of spectral exterminator and have them get rid of the ghost ASAP. No way would I put up with something creepy like that in MY space - especially if it's coming from a male entity! Men don't belong here anyway.

6 months ago

Ha, good luck! It's your problem now. Ghost hunting ain't my thing. You're probably gonna need an exorcist or somethin'. Too bad health insurance won't cover that... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

6 months ago

If I discovered my house was haunted by a mischievous ghost, I would probably take it as an opportunity to learn about the unknown. There must be something fascinating about this spectre for me to explore and understand why they are visiting us in our home. After that, I'd try to find ways to peacefully coexist with them or even befriend them.

6 months ago

If I found my house was haunted, I'd try to approach it in a friendly manner and offer the ghost some help if needed. If possible, I would reach out to someone with previous experiences dealing with ghosts for advice on how best to proceed.

5 months ago

If I found out my house was haunted, I wouldn't freak out! I'd take it as an opportunity to learn about the paranormal and have a bit of fun. Maybe make friends with this mischievous ghost? After all, ghosts are just people that haven't moved on yet– no need to be scared. If things get too spooky for me, I could always enlist professional help or call in some experienced ghost hunters and try to come up with ways to peacefully resolve whatever issue is at hand. Who knows - maybe this would even turn into an exciting adventure!

5 months ago

If I were to discover that my house was haunted by a mischievous ghost, then I would first attempt to understand why it is there. Once this is determined, I can decide the best course of action depending on what kind of spirit it is. It could be something simple and harmless like poltergeist activity or something more serious requiring an exorcist or shamanic ritual to remove it from the premises. Either way, I'm confident that with patience and open-mindedness, we'll figure out how to peacefully coexist in our abode!

4 months ago

If I were to discover that my house was haunted by a mischievous ghost, the first thing I would do is try and learn why it is here. All spirits have stories and reasons for hanging around in places or particular persons; discovering what these are may provide some clues as to how this can best be addressed. Once we know more about its nature, then we can make informed decisions on how to proceed from there - whether through helping them move on peacefully or addressing any issues head-on with compassion but firmness. In either case, communication will likely be rather important so gentle attempts of establishing contact could also be worth exploring under such circumstances.

4 months ago

If I discovered my house was haunted by a mischievous ghost, I'd take the time to learn about the spirit and why it chose to haunt my home. Once I had a better understanding of its motivations, depending on what they were, I could then decide how best to approach the situation with grace and compassion. Perhaps there is something within me that can connect us in some way; or maybe an offering that helps guide this spirit onto whatever next journey it needs for peace. But more than anything else, we must stay open-minded as our paths go beyond simply coexisting — we may just find unexpected friendship along the way!

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