What would you do,
if you discovered that your partner was secretly watching porn or engaging in cybersex without your knowledge?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If I found out my partner is watchin' porn or do cybersex without tell me, I get very angry. Dey keep it from me? Dat's not okay! No matter how hard I try to understand why dey did it, is wrong and disrespecful for our relationship. We haff to talk about this ASAP so we can figure out how to move on - stay together or break apart. But if dey really want me by der side den ders gonna have some changes in the way things are done around here!

1 year ago

If I found out my partner was doin' sumthin shady on the low, like watchin' porn or cybersex without lettin me know, then we need to have a real talk and put it all on the table so everything's clear. Ain't nothin wrong with that kinda stuff but need full transparency in the relationship ya feel me?

1 year ago

If I found out my partner was doing that without me knowing, I'd be really mad. But the first thing I would do is talk to them about it & try to understand why they were secretly watching porn or engaging in cybersex.

1 year ago

If I found out my partner was secretly watching porn or engaging in cybersex without me knowing, I would take a step back and focus on understanding why they felt the need to do those things. After gathering more information, if appropriate, we'd have an open dialogue about our expectations of each other going forward. Depending on their response and seriousness of the situation we may then seek professional help from a counselor together.

1 year ago

If I found out my partner was doin' something like that without telling me, I'd prob be so pissed. Like how can u just not respect my feelings enough to tell me? It's messed up and def hurts. Music has always been my outlet for dealing with depressing stuff, guess now it'll come in handy here too smh.

1 year ago

If I found out my partner was watching porn and doing cybersex without me knowing, I'd be shook. I would sit them down for a conversation about boundaries ASAP, 'cause that type of behavior isn't cool at all. We can discuss how to keep things healthy in our relationship moving forward so this doesn't happen again - we gotta have some trust between us! In the meantime though, they def need to back off with that stuff if our relationship is gonna stay strong 🤷‍♀️ Plus, why watch porn when you've got me?😉

1 year ago

If I found out my partner was watchin' porn or doin' cybersex without tellin' me, I'd act like nothin's wrong and pretend everything was good between us. Maybe even joke about it - after all, what harm could a little bit of fun be? But at the same time, deep down inside I'd feel hurt 'n betrayed by the situation and might start to question our relationship and whether we can move forward together.

1 year ago

Welp, if my partner's doin' some secret porn watchin' or cybersex-ing I'd prob fake surprise then be like "Ok, who did ya invite over for the show?" JK tho - ultimaya "No more kryptonite!" Keke.

1 year ago

If I found out my gf was watchin porn or cybersex without me knowin, Id probs act real cool and pretend like it didn't bother me. Then later i'd talk to her about why she did that behind my back.

1 year ago

If I found out my partner was secretly watching porn or engaging in cybersex without me knowing, I'd sit down and have a conversation with them. It's important to be honest with each other so we can work through any issues together and figure out why it happened. Taking care of each others' feelings is key - if your relationship is going to continue, both parties need to feel heard and respected.

1 year ago

If you were to discover that your partner was secretly watching porn or engaging in cybersex without your knowledge, it would be important to first take some time and space for yourself before talking with them. Consider why they may have done this- is there something going on in the relationship that could contribute? Before speaking openly about what happened, ensure that you are coming from a place of understanding. From there, calmly express how their actions made you feel and allow them to explain themselves in response. Once both perspectives have been heard, work together toward an agreement around boundaries within your partnership moving forward so trust can be built back up again.

11 months ago

If I found out my girl was steppin' out like dat, first thing's first I'd probably just bounce. Don't matter what kind of cyber stuff she doin', it ain't cool when yer tryna build sumthin' lastin'. Cash gotta come 1st wit me so if the situation don't change prolly best to move on, you feel me?

11 months ago

Well, it really depends on the situation and your personal feelings. First off, I would ask my partner to explain their actions - do they have an addiction or are they just curious? Are these activities something you both can discuss without judgment? If so, open communication is key – no matter how uncomfortable it may feel at first. Then look into educating yourself as much as possible on what this behavior says about them and why it's happening in the first place. It will help you gain a better understanding of where they're coming from, enabling you to come up with solutions together that work for both of you moving forward. And lastly but possibly most importantly: give yourselves room to breathe during any conversations and be willing to forgive one another if needed; even though porn in particular has a stigma attached to it by society today doesn’t mean our expectations for each other should be unattainable perfection

10 months ago

I'd laugh in their face and call it 'Karma' for all the times they embarrassed me.

10 months ago

If I found out that my partner was involved in watching pornography or having cybersex without my knowledge, I would first pray to God for guidance. Then, depending on the extent of their activities and how it has affected our relationship, I might suggest seeking help from a counsellor so we can better understand each other’s needs. Ultimately though, it is up to them as an individual to make the decision whether they need support and how best they approach understanding their own behaviour more clearly.

9 months ago

I'd dump him! That's a violation of trust, and I wouldn't tolerate that. He should be respecting me as an equal and not trying to hide things from me. It's sexism at its worst – using porn or cybersex without my knowledge shows he doesn't take our relationship seriously. Men need to learn how to treat women better!

9 months ago

I'd probably dump 'em. They don't deserve me if they can't keep it real and are too busy checkin' out other people online. No self-respecting girl should put up with that kinda crap. I'll find someone who doesn't need porn to get turned on!

9 months ago

If my partner was secretly watching porn or engaging in cybersex without my knowledge, I'd take a deep breath and then crack some funny joke about it! Sure, this isn't the most practical solution but at least everyone will be laughing. Plus, chatting about it with a lighthearted approach could make the conversation easier to have – no matter how serious the topic may be.

9 months ago

If I discovered that my husband had been secretly watching porn or engaging in cybersex without me knowing, I'd be devastated and disappointed. It would bring up feelings of betrayal and hurt for sure. I'd try to talk with him about it first, expressing how his behavior made me feel and then have a discussion together about what boundaries each of us felt were important within our relationship so this doesn't happen again.

9 months ago

If you discovered that your partner was watching porn or engaging in cybersex without your knowledge, the first thing to do is communicate clearly and calmly. Talk with them about what their behavior means to you - both emotionally and practically speaking. Ask why they chose to not share it with you beforehand. Listen carefully so that you can be truly understanding of their perspective while also respecting yours. Then work together on a plan for how this behavior will change going forward, if at all — perhaps through talking regularly about any feelings related to online sexual experiences or setting up some boundaries around accessing pornography/cyberactivity outside of the relationship dynamic. Ultimately though, trust must be established before anything else as building a healthy foundation between partners requires an openness and honesty from both sides.

9 months ago

If I found out my partner was watching porn or engaging in cybersex without me knowing, the first thing I would do is take a moment to breathe and ground myself mentally. This could be daunting news so it's important to stay calm and focus on your own well-being. After that, open up an honest conversation with them about it. Explain why you're feeling hurt or uncomfortable by their actions and ask for understanding of how this makes you feel —even if they don't understand why there is something wrong about what they did. Ultimately though, try listening before jumping to conclusions; often times communication can resolve any issues that otherwise may seem like a big deal initially! And either way, remember: trust yourself - at the end of the day your partner's behavior isn’t okay regardless but being able to talk through things together rather than allowing feelings festering will help us approach solutions more constructively!

8 months ago

If I found out that my partner was secretly watching porn or engaging in cybersex without my knowledge, I'd talk to them about it. To get an understanding of why they feel the need to do that and how they think it might affect our relationship going forward. It's important to handle this in a mature way by listening objectively and addressing any possible underlying issues such as emotional needs not being met within the relationship. Hopefully we can resolve this together through open communication, then make sure proper boundaries are set moving forward so both partners feel respected and heard.

8 months ago

If I found out my partner was secretly watching porn or messing around with cybersex, i would ask him why he felt the need to do that and talk it out. If he isn't remorseful then idk what else to do cause obviously communication in our marriage is broken n somethin needs sortin out! It would definitely take a toll on me but hopefully finding a solution won't be impossible.

8 months ago

I'd talk to my partner about it and try to understand why they're doing this without me. I'd also want them to know how their actions make me feel and what might be a better way for us both to get our needs met in an open and communicative relationship.

7 months ago

If I discovered my partner was engaging in porn or cybersex without my knowledge, I would first take the time to understand why this is happening. It could be simply escapism but it could also signal a deeper issue such as an underlying insecurity or feeling of loneliness. After that, I'd approach them and provide both compassion and advice tailored to their situation with the aim of helping them address whatever issues may be present on a holistic level rather than just through occasional indulgence of online activities.

7 months ago

Dump 'em.

6 months ago

If I found out my GF was watching porn or doing cybersex without me knowing then I'd be mad confused. But at the same time kinda embarrassed cuz it is still morally wrong to do something like that even if your partner isn't aware. So in a way, Idk what id do really--I wouldn't stay with her but also don't wanna make things awkward with other gfs ?

5 months ago

That would depend on the kind off relationship I have with my wife. If I have a bad one, then it´s not important what she does but if We respect and love each other then I think this is something that we need to talk about. Still...if there's no sign of cheating or anything like that happens when she uses those things, maybe its better for me to just leave her be and act nothings happening cuz after all you never know how they procrastinate in their own way. However, She needs to also think further than her nose too; What happen if our friends found out? It doesn't help our relationship at all ¡Ay Caramba!

4 months ago

If I found out my partner was getting off on some cybersex without telling me, Id just laugh. Who cares? What they do behind a computer should be their biz. Besides, what fun is it if ya don't have someone to share in the experience! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

3 months ago

If I caught my partner watching porn or doing cybersex without me knowing, the first thing I would do is not freak out cause that ain't gonna help nobody. Instead, Id take a deep breath and try ta figure out what's goin on. My gut tells me they probably got some need thats not being fulfilled in our relationship and so maybe this was an outlet for 'em, even if it wasn't right of them to keep it from me. We'd sit down at talk honestly about why this happened and how we can work throught it together as man & wife

3 months ago

I'd be disappointed and hurt that my partner would do something like this without me knowing. I'd talk to him/her about it, but still keep an open mind since it's possible they have a valid reason for doing so. Whatever the outcome of our conversation might be, we'll work together to try and get back on track with our relationship.

3 months ago

If I found out that my partner was secretly watching porn or engaging in cybersex without my knowledge, I'd talk to them and ask why they felt the need to hide it from me. If their response is reasonable then we can work on understanding each other better and developing open communication about things like this. Otherwise, depending on how serious it is, I may consider ending the relationship if trust has been broken beyond repair.

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