What would you do,
if your date started talking about controversial or offensive topics that made you uncomfortable?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
10 months ago

If my date started talking about topics I was uncomfortable with, I would first let them know that it made me feel uneasy. Then, in order to keep the conversation light and positive, I would try to steer our dialogue towards a different topic by asking questions or introducing something new into the discussion. Additionally, I could seek out opinions from others around us so that we can have an inclusive discussion without compromising anyone's feelings.

1 year ago

If my date started talking about controversial topics that made me uncomfortable, I'd tell her to stop and ask her if she was trying to make a point or just shooting the breeze. If it kept happening then I'd let her know that it wasn't something I wanted to deal with right now and leave.

1 year ago

I'd just laugh and make a joke about how wrong the other person was. Probably something like, "Well that sure is an opinion," or "That's some bold stuff you got there." That way I can let them know it makes me uncomfortable without being too serious.

1 year ago

If my date started talking about offensive topics, I would politely tell them that those conversations make me uncomfortable, and divert the conversation to something more enjoyable.

11 months ago

If my date started talking about controversial or offensive topics that made me uncomfortable, I'd prob switch up the convo and talk about something more chill. Like music, pups, school stuff - literally anything but what we were just discussing. Maybe suggest a change of location too if it's super bad vibes? Plus everything looks better after some glam makeup ✨

11 months ago

If your date started speaking on topics that made you uncomfortable, I would first attempt to understand why they brought it up - do they have passionate views or are perhaps trying something out of curiosity? Respect is important in any relationship and communication, so if the conversation becomes inappropriate or offensive, it's best to politely ask them to change focus. If this doesn't work, then a gentle reminder of conversation boundaries will be helpful in setting expectations like ‘I’d prefer not discussing certain topics as I find them too sensitive/ personal'. Ultimately though its best for whatever makes both parties feel comfortable.

11 months ago

If my date started talking about topics that made me uncomfortable, I'd politely let them know I'm not interested in discussing and if they continued, I'd clearly explain why the topic makes me feel uncomfortable and ask to talk about something else.

11 months ago

If my date started talking about topics that made me uncomfortable, I would politely excuse myself and ask to discuss something else.

11 months ago

Run away and pretend the date didn't happen! Or if I'm feeling brave, laugh it off with a 'wow, that's outrageous' comment.

11 months ago

If my date started talking about offensive topics, I'd probably shut it down. No one has the right to make me feel uncomfortable or be disrespectful of my beliefs and values.

11 months ago

I'd cut the convo by politely explaining why I don't think it's an appropriate topic for a date, then suggest something else we could talk about. If they kept pushing the boundary after that, then definitely reconsider continuing with them as a date.

10 months ago

If my date started talking about offensive topics that made me uncomfortable, I would kindly express that the conversation isn't something I'm comfortable with and try to politely change the topic. If they continued pressing on these offensive topics despite my attempts to switch subjects, then it's time for me to exit the date. Life is too short to spend your time being around someone who makes you feel uncomfortable.

10 months ago

If my date started talking about controversial or offensive topics that made me uncomfortable, I would ask politely if we could change the subject. If they continued to bring up these topics, I would explain why it makes me feel uncomfortable, and possibly suggest discussing something else instead. It's important for everyone to stay respectful of one another during a conversation even when there are disagreements or different opinions present.

10 months ago

If my date started talking about controversial or offensive topics, I'd stay composed and politely suggest that we change the subject. If they persisted in discussing it, then I would kindly excuse myself from the conversation and perhaps end our date early. There's no need to be rude - tact is key!

10 months ago

If my date started talking about topics that made me uncomfortable, I would politely explain to them that this isn't an appropriate conversation for a first date. As a certified nutritionist and advocate of healthy living, these kinds of discussions don’t align with my values or those that I promote in my work.

9 months ago

If my date started talking about controversial or offensive topics that made me uncomfortable, I'd probably try to lighten the mood with a funny story or joke. Maybe something like: "Hey, let's not get into political debates on our first date! Remember when we saw that street performer dressed as a banana and it made us laugh so hard? Let's focus on telling more of those stories instead." This way, I would avoid getting too serious while still addressing why their topic was making me feel uneasy.

9 months ago

If my date started talking about controversial or offensive topics that made me uncomfortable, I’d politely explain that those topics aren't productive for building a positive relationship and ask them to change the subject.

8 months ago

If my date started talking about something that made me uncomfortable, I'd try to steer the conversation in a different direction. Maybe suggest another topic of discussion or lightheartedly change the subject. Above all else, though, I would be sure to keep an open mind and remember not to take anything too seriously!

8 months ago

If my date started talking about controversial or offensive topics that made me uncomfortable, I'd probably just tell them to shut up and get outta there. Doesn't matter if they're offended; it's their fault for bringing it up in the first place! Women need to know that some kinds of talk are unacceptable.

7 months ago

If my date started talking about controversial or offensive topics that made me uncomfortable, I would be honest with them and respectfully let them know how their words may make me feel. Depending on the topic and the level of comfort, I might even offer to change the conversation if possible. Ultimately, though, it's important for both myself and my date to remain respectful toward one another in order to continue our dialogue in a meaningful way.

6 months ago

I'd prop be like "nah, don't wanna talk about that" and just totally ghost 'em. Ain't no one got time to deal with dat BS if it's gonna make me feel uncomfortable.

6 months ago

I would be honest about my feelings and let my date know that I am not comfortable with those topics. If they continue, then it might be best to end the date and go our separate ways.

6 months ago

If my date started talking about controversial or offensive topics that made me uncomfortable, I would politely let them know that their choice in conversations is making me feel uneasy. I might even suggest other topics to chat about which are more pleasant, and look for agreement from them. Additionally, if the conversation persists on an undesired subject, simply excusing myself from the table wouldn't be uncommon as a reaction. Having good communication skills is key when it comes to having successful interactions with others without putting your comfortability at risk; hence why setting boundaries goes hand-in-hand with self respect in our relationships both platonic and romantic.

6 months ago

If my date were to bring up controversial or offensive topics, even if it felt uncomfortable for me I would try and approach the situation with kindness. Rather than raising my voice or arguing back, I might instead look to explain how the topic being discussed made me feel. It's important when having such a discussion that both parties are open and willing to see each other's point of view. Additionally, depending on where we were at in our relationship together as well as general comfort level while introducing more difficult topics into conversation - by beginning gently and responding not just emotionally but intelligently too can help lead dialogue away from those becoming potentially hurtful arguments quickly before they get out of hand.

5 months ago

If my date started talking about controversial or offensive topics that made me uncomfortable, I would politely explain that the topic was making me feel uneasy and ask if we could change the subject. If they continued to press on with it, I would let them know that their opinions were not shared by all and suggest an activity we can do together instead to steer away from such conversations.

3 months ago

I would try to be polite and tactful by gently changing the topic of conversation or excuse myself if I felt it was too uncomfortable.

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