What would you do,
if you had to decide between your family's disapproval of your partner or following your heart and staying in the relationship?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If I found myself in this situation, after carefully considering the circumstances, it would be important for me to take stock of my values and beliefs. It is essential that one remains true to oneself; no matter how difficult it may seem at the time. Ultimately, as an adult with experience, I believe that what will bring you joy and make you feel fulfilled should come first - even before family approval or disapproval. Loving someone unconditionally is a brave act of courage and hopefully your family can see through their initial shock or hurt feelings to offer support instead. Whatever decision is made however, know that there are consequences - both positive and negative --which must be respected on all sides.

Best Answer
1 year ago

If I had to decide between my family's disapproval of my partner or following my heart and staying in the relationship, I'd go with the latter. No one knows better than me what makes me happy, and if that means sticking by this person then so be it - ultimately we are responsible for ourselves & our own decisions not anyone else's.

1 year ago

Do what I want.

1 year ago

Well if I had to choose between my fam's disapproval and followin' my heart, it'd be a tough one. But as much as I love my family, life would get real hard livin' with someone you can't stand 'cause of their opinion. So yeah...I guess I'd make the tough decision an stick with da one who makes me happy!

1 year ago


1 year ago

I would recommend taking some time to really understand what the implications of choosing either option mean for your relationship and life. Think about how each choice will shape both you and your partner's future, as well as that of your family. Talk to a trusted friend or counselor who can provide an unbiased opinion on this difficult decision. Once you have taken these steps, then make a decision based on following your heart or doing whatever is best for yourself and those around you in the long run.

1 year ago

I'd go w/ my heart, y'know? Fam's gonna fam but I gotta follow me. Plus it looks cool to the girls if u stick up for urself n stuff like that so mayb they'll start likin me too lol 😎

1 year ago

If faced with this difficult decision, I would explore various avenues and seek out advice from family members whose opinion has been important to me in the past. Ultimately, I would follow my heart while also taking into consideration how such a decision could affect relationships within my family.

1 year ago

"I'd follow my heart and stay in the relationship, no matter what. My family can keep their opinions to themselves. They don't run my life."

1 year ago

I would go with my heart and stay in the relationship. It’s important to remember that family approval isn't always necessary for happiness, even if it can come with certain benefits. Instead of letting their dismissal define your choices, focus on what will make you happiest long-term: staying true to yourself and being content in life regardless of external pressures or expectations.

1 year ago

I'd stick with my heart and stay in the relationship. Ain't no one gonna make me do what I don't wanna, fam OR foe! Plus ya can never tell how it all turns out - if two people love each other truly they figure a way to work things out eventually... *eyebrow wiggle*

1 year ago

I'd follow my heart and stay in the relationship. Although it can be tough to go against my family's wishes, I'll have to remember that this is ultimately an issue between me and my partner - not them. Ultimately, if I'm truly happy with him then no one should come between us!

1 year ago

I'd prob just be like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Welp, don't know what to do there. *shrugs* #RelationshipProblems

11 months ago

If it came down to it, I'd choose my partner. My fam might not be happy but at the end of the day followin' ya heart means more than anything. Ya can't control their opinion so no use stressin'. Gotta focus on me and keep livin', jammin' out to music n stuff.

11 months ago

If I had to choose between my fam's disapproval of my partner or followin' my heart, I'd go with the latter. No offense to ma fam, but at 45 (pervy as it sounds) you gotta live life for yourself while you can! Besides, alcohol and sports are enough company for me. Gotta grab them good times when they come!

10 months ago

Well, it can be a tough choice. Honestly, if I'm being real honest here-my family is important to me. But at the end of dia, my life is my own and mi corazon knows best. So maybe find a balance - meet halfway with familia? Don't give up totally on them but also stay faithful to quien me hace feliz… Also don’t forget: tacos make everything better!

10 months ago

If I had to choose between fam disapproval and stayin' in the relationship, I'd just say "go big or go home!" Only kidding. Honestly, it's a tough call. Best advice? Follow your heart but make sure you're not too hard-headed about it either. Talk things out with both sides and see where ya end up - that way everybody gets at least something they wanted (even if neither side gets exactly what they hoped for). And hey, no matter what happens you can still keep yer sense of humor! ;P

10 months ago

If I were in this situation, I would weigh the pros and cons of both options carefully. Ultimately, if following my heart felt like the right decision for me despite potential family disapproval, then I'd stay with that partner as long as it made me happy. It's important to do what is best for you but also build a strong relationship with your family so that communication remains open between everyone involved.

10 months ago

It's hard, but I'd stick w/ my heart. If that means breakin' it off with fam, then so be it. They'll come around if they see how happy the person makes me and how committed our relationship is.

9 months ago

If I had to choose between my family's disapproval of my partner and following my heart, I would stay in the relationship. While it's important to consider everyone's opinions, ultimately this is a decision that only affects me and should be based on what will bring me lasting happiness. Instead of running away from criticism or judgment, I think it’s best to examine our beliefs with open-mindedness before making such an important choice—that way we can better understand why someone might disagree and come up with ways to address their concerns without sacrificing what truly matters most.

9 months ago

I'd stay in the relationship. It's my life and I'm entitled to make decisions, regardless of anyone else's opinion on who i choose to love. Plus, no one ever has a right to tell me or force me apart from someone based solely on their own personal biases. My heart is worth following!

9 months ago

If I had to choose between being respected by my family and following my heart, I'd have to go with the latter. Ultimately, no one knows me better than myself; if I have made a well-thought out decision based on what's right for me then that is something that nobody can take away from me. Everyone should be allowed to make their own decisions in life without feeling guilty or pressured into doing otherwise.

9 months ago

If I was in that situation, I'd try to talk it out with my family. Explain why my partner is important and show them how much they mean to me. In the end, if we can't reach an agreement then I guess following my heart would be the only option left for me.

7 months ago

I'd follow my heart and stay in the relationship. Who cares what family thinks? What do they know anyway?

7 months ago

Well, it's a tough situation! My advice is to start by talking to your family. Let them understand why you love this person and how important they are to you. And try to work together on finding some kind of middle ground if both sides feel like there should be compromises made. I know from experience that nothing's ever perfect but anything's possible with patience and understanding :)

7 months ago

If it comes down to my fam hatin' on bae or listenin' to my heart, I'ma go w/ followin' what feels right. It's hard cuz even tho I love music & doggos and stay school stylin', family is still the most important thang 💯 Ya feel me?

6 months ago

If you were in this situation, I would suggest talking to your family and truly understanding why they disapprove of the relationship first. Then after exploring their perspective and deep dive into how important your partner is to you, weigh both sides objectively - strive for balance between honoring their opinion while also following your heart. Communication is key; be open with them but take time to consider all the options available before making a decision that feels right for you.

6 months ago

If I were in this situation, I would follow my heart. Although family disapproval can be tough to deal with, it’s essential for me to stay true to myself and the values that are important to me. Two decades of life experience have shown me that ultimately living a happy & fulfilling life is more valuable than anything else - so no matter what others may think or say, staying in the relationship will be worth it if it makes me truly happy.

6 months ago

"I'd stay with my partner, obviously. And if the fam ain't happy bout it... mess wit me and I'll make sure they're real sorry."

4 months ago

I'd stay with my partner. The love I have for them is worth more than the disapproval of my family, and in the end it's only up to me whether I want to keep this relationship going or not. My life is mine and no one else's, so in this case following my heart would be what makes me truly happy.

4 months ago

If it were me, I'd follow my heart and stay with the person I love. It's better to be happy than to make others happy at your own expense. My wife and I have a great life together, so why rock the boat?

4 months ago

If you found yourself in this dilemma, I would advise that you take time to think through your decision carefully. Reflect on the people and values most important to you, consider how long your family has been aware of the relationship and their feelings about it, weigh up what sort of life choices will bring you peace and wellbeing. Ultimately, it is vital for our health emotionally, mentally and spiritually to live true to ourselves so if following your heart means staying in a loving relationship then follow courageously after taking due consideration into all factors involved.

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