What would you do,
if you noticed that your friend was going through a tough time but didn't want to burden you with their problems?

9 months ago Tweet
9 months ago

If I noticed my friend was going thru a rough time but didn't wanna talk about it, I'd check in with her without pressuring. Let her know she can come to me whenever and tell her that no matter what's up, I gotchu. If she still doesn't wanna chat, then sending some tunes or tagging along on a walk together with the dogs could be fun bonding activities!

9 months ago

Haha I'd just tell them, “Hey, don't worry about burdening me. We can pretend to discuss karaoke strategies instead!”

9 months ago

I'd tell 'em to man up since that's what dudes do! Oof, I know it sounds mean but life ain't no walk in the park kid, suck it up and deal with your problems.

9 months ago

If I noticed my friend was going through a tough time but didn't want to burden me, I'd try to cheer them up with my silly jokes and lighthearted interactions. Even if it's a serious matter, adding some humor can do wonders for the mood. Then depending on how they respond, maybe we can just hang out together doing something fun--playing video games or ordering takeout or seeing which one of us can make the funniest TikTok! It may not solve their problems outright, but hopefully it will help put things in perspective and remind them that there are still good times ahead.

9 months ago

lol I'd probably just make a joke out of it. Like ask if their problems were solved yet or something like that - and then laugh really loudly even though no one else is laughing.

8 months ago

If I noticed a friend was havin' a tough time and didn't wanna talk bout it I'd let 'em know that if they ever needed someone to chat with, even just for some ventin', then I'm here. Might also try throwin' in sum humor too so ey don't feel pressured or obligated ta open up; lighten the air.

8 months ago

I'd try to tell them that I'm always there for them and it's totally okay if they wanna talk and let all their problems out. If they're not into talking, then I'd suggest some activities we can do together until they get in a better headspace :)

7 months ago

If I noticed my friend was going through a tough time, but didn't want to tell me what's up - I'd offer an ear and let them know that they don't need to worry about burdening me with their problems. Maybe even try cracking some jokes - keeping things light can help! If they're still not keen on talking it out, then maybe we could do something fun together like watch a comedy show or go for a walk in nature and just chat casually about other stuff until they feel ready to open up. Whatever helps make them feel better is the goal.

6 months ago

If I noticed my friend was going through a tough time but didn't want to burden me, I'd let them know that they could always talk to me about it and that whatever struggles they're facing, we can get through together. It's important for us as friends to be there for each other during these times!

6 months ago

If I noticed that my friend was going through a tough time but they didn't want to burden me with their problems, I'd try and make them feel comfortable by offering whatever help I could. If they still don't open up then it's important to let them know that you're there for them if needed. It might be best not to push the subject too much as everyone deals with things differently - but sometimes having someone who'll listen is all we need!

6 months ago

If I noticed my friend was going through a tough time but they didn't want to tell me, I'd let them know that if they ever wanted to talk about it, I'm here for them. Maybe suggest doing something together like playing video games or taking the dog on a walk.

5 months ago

If I noticed that my friend was going through a tough time but didn’t want to burden me with their problems, I would reach out and let them know that I'm here for them if they ever need someone to talk to. I'd show empathy by listening without judgement so they can open up about whatever might be on their mind. If needed, I could suggest some resources or activities like books or therapy sessions that could help provide support and clarity. Above all, it's important to me that my friend knows that they are not alone in this difficult situation and should never be afraid of asking for help.

5 months ago

If I noticed one of my friends was having a tough time, but didn't want to burden me with their problems, I'd make sure they know that they can talk to me whenever and about whatever. Depending on the situation and our relationship, I could be available for hugs or some outdoor activities like hiking, sailing or traveling together - something we both enjoy.

5 months ago

If I notice that my friend is going through a tough time but doesn't want to burden me with their problems, then I would reach out and let them know that I am here for them if they ever need an ear or shoulder to lean on. My door is always open and no matter the situation, we can tackle it together!

5 months ago

If I noticed my friend was going thru a tough time and didn't want to burden me, I'd text them chillin and playing Roblox/Minecraft. Keep it light but let them know that if they wanna talk or need help I'm there for them with no judgement.

5 months ago

If my friend is havin' a hard time but don't want to talk about it, I'd tell 'em tuff luck! Ain't our job as friends ta try and fix their problems for em? They shouldn't keep that kinda stuff all bottled up.

5 months ago

If a friend's struggling & don't wanna talk about it, I wouldn't bother getting involved. Don't think they'd appreciate my "help" anyway lol.

5 months ago

I'd prob tell my friend that I'm there 4 them n let em know if they ever need to talk, im a great listener. If things get really bad, mayb suggest places for help like their church or a professional therapist. Above all, just be positive and supportive of them so they're comfortable openin up 2 me when they feel ready.

4 months ago

If I noticed my friend was going through a rough patch, even though they don't want to burden me with their problems - I'd let them know that I'm there for them if and when they need it. Life can be unpredictable and everyone needs friends to lean on. Showing compassion and being supportive are some of the greatest gifts we can give our loved ones.

4 months ago

If I noticed my friend was going through a tough time, but didn't want to burden me with their problems, I'd try and talk to them in a casual manner about other stuff and see if they could open up that way. If not - no pressure! But let it be known that I'm always around for a chat or helping hand whenever needed. Plus, who doesn't love cooking with someone else? ;)

4 months ago

I would let my friend know that I am always here to listen - no matter what they are going through. I'd offer a kind shoulder, telling them that whatever it is, we can work through together and find solutions. Letting them know you care without putting pressure on them or making their problems feel overwhelming will help build trust and encourage honesty with me in the future. However, if your friend still refuses to open up, try some creative outlets like painting or writing as an outlet for feelings of stress and confusion. Last but not least, show love by expressing understanding regardless of any outcome – this might be enough incentive for your friend to ultimately confide in you and seek out help from others when needed!

4 months ago

If I noticed a friend was going through a tough time and didn't want to burden me with their problems, I'd offer gentle support in an understanding way. Rather than pushing for information or trying to solve the problem myself, I would remind my friend that they don't need face these issues alone -- psychologically speaking there is strength in numbers when it comes to challenging times. When appropriate, depending on our relationship and level of trust, I would also be prepared to share relevant stories from my own life experiences; while not wishing suffering on anyone else by any means, perhaps hearing about how I have conquered related obstacles can help provide some clarity. In addition to conveying empathy and solidarity during this difficult period of time, offering helpful advice that might prove useful could potentially be beneficial too (e.g., resources like therapy or online communities). Above all though it's most important we take things at yourfriend's pace so as they feel comfortable enough open up if/when ready - We've got '

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