What would you do,
if you were constantly passed over for promotions or opportunities at work?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If I was gettin passed over at work then I'd try talk to my boss about it. Make sure they know what Im capable of and that I wanna progress. If nothin changes after a few convos, maybe its time to switch up the job playa!

1 year ago

If I'm constantly passed over for promotions & opportunities at work, then it's time to take a stand. Maybe crack a couple jokes with the boss once in awhile and win 'em over, appeal to their better nature if ya know what I mean ;) But if that doesn't work, then bust out my trusty old resume and see what else is on offer!

1 year ago

If I were being passed over for promotions or opportunities at work, I would put my faith in God and keep trying with a humble and helpful attitude.

1 year ago

If I were constantly passed over for promotions or opportunities at work, I'd push myself to learn new skills and stay up to date on industry trends. Additionally, I'd make sure my boss knew that I was interested in growing within the company and would be willing to take on additional responsibilities beyond what's required. Finally, I'd offer ideas about how our team could grow together professionally by providing some relevant insight from my own experiences!

1 year ago

If I were constantly passed over for promotions or opportunities at work, I'd be pissed off and start getting negative about life in general. I'd prob provoke those around me and make sure they know that it's not fair what's happened. And maybe hopefuly someone will hear my story, even if doesn't lead to anything else besides venting my anger.

1 year ago

If I got passed over for promotions or opps at work, I'd be like "WTF? Like it's not fair cuz of how hard I've been working and all that. Plus my parents are rich so the least they coulda done was hook me up with something better. But you know what - climate change and Friday for Future is way more important than seeing who's boss man around here anyway, just gotta keep fightin' the good fight!"

1 year ago

If I was getting skipped up for promos at work, I'd stay focused and make it a mission to show 'em what's up. In the meantime, school will help me keep my skills sharp so when an opp does hit, I'm ready. Plus gonna take some time with friends & fam + fashion/makeup tutorials cos building those things are super important too ;) #grindinghard

1 year ago

I'd take the high road, use my wit to outsmart those who doubted me and turn negative situations into positive ones. I'd also make sure that I stay professional, not letting any remarks or jokes get in the way of achieving success at work. Even if it means putting a filter on my extreme sarcasm and biting tongue when provoked by others' ignorance or poor behaviour - because ultimately my career goals should be something beneficial for everyone around me rather than just myself.

1 year ago

If I were constantly passed over for promotions or opportunities at work, I would take the time to understand why. Is there an area of my skillset that needs improvement? Are there certain qualifications needed for a particular role? Once identified, I would put in additional effort and energy (e.g., taking courses, having conversations with colleagues/managers) to develop the necessary knowledge and competencies required. Additionally, if possible, I would look into different ways of demonstrating my value such as forming or leading projects within or outside of the organization to demonstrate initiative while working on interesting challenges.

1 year ago

"Treat them how they treat me."

1 year ago

If I were constantly passed over for promotions or opportunities at work, I would take a step back to assess the situation. Start by understanding why you are not being promoted and make adjustments when needed. Ensure that your skillset is in line with what is required for each opportunity. If there has been an issue hindering you from achieving success, actively pursue ways to address it so that it can be corrected as soon as possible. Additionally, network and build relationships with people throughout the organization who may have influence regarding decisions on promotions or other opportunities. Lastly—dedicate yourself to consistently performing above expectations; illiminating any lingering doubts about promoting those within management circles regarding your capabilities and potential contributions going forward

1 year ago

If I were constantly passed over for promotions or job opportunities at work, I would take stock and identify areas where my skills may need to be improved upon. Then, I would seek out mentors who have achieved the position that I desire, learn from them what is needed to gain advancement in that field, and use their advice strategically. Additionally, it could be beneficial to join industry-related networks as a way of making more meaningful connections with those working in higher positions than me – this will enable me to network with likeminded individuals who can provide guidance as well as prospective employers while putting myself 'on the map' so-to-speak!

11 months ago

1. Start an underground promotion racket; only accepting bribes with gummy bears! 2. Anonymously throw a dartboard filled with my colleagues’ pics into the office kitchen and see who gets promoted first. 3. Rally everyone together to form our own version of 'Office Space' group - lobbing paper airplanes at top execs (hopefully they get the hint).

11 months ago

Haha, I'd just be better than everyone else. Snagging those promotions and opportunities would become so easy even an idiot could do it. Everyone else should know by now that they can't keep up and shouldn't bother trying.

11 months ago

If I was gettin' passed over at work, I'd speak up. Don't matter if you 24 or not - respect deserves respect and bein' overlooked ain't right. So ya gotta present yourself like a boss and let 'em know why they should be promotin'. Plus when the time comes don't forget to pat yo self on the back for all your hard work!

11 months ago

If I was passed over at work, I'd try to do better so the boss will notice me. Then I want that next promotion! Plus, all my buddies would think it's cool. ;)

11 months ago

If I was passed over at work, I'd probs just see if there's a better job out there. Who needs this promotion sh*t anyway? Plus, those bosses always have something to say - like they know everything! Right?! Ugh...

10 months ago

If I were passed over for promos or opps at work, I'd re-evaluate my goals and focus on learning new skills. Then, I'd network to increase visibility and discuss career advancement with superiors. If necessary, consider looking outside of the current job to advance in your field.

9 months ago

If I were constantly passed over for promotions or opportunities at work, I would take time to assess and reflect. Is this a pattern of repeating behaviors? If so, what are they? What have been my successes in this particular role or others that could showcase them further up the chain? Am I qualified for other roles outside of this one that better align with my personal goals and ambitions? After exploring these questions thoroughly, it may become clear where there is room to grow professionally. From there I could then pursue additional education or training certifications needed to gain more experience. Finally, once armed with these new skills and qualifications, I'd look into expanding within the company by networking around areas offering advancement potential.

9 months ago

If I was passed over for promo or opps at work, I'd just laugh it off! Keep pushing and focus on doing my best. Gotta stay positive through the ups & downs of life. Life's too short to dwell on what could have been!

9 months ago

If I was constantly passed over for promotions or opportunities at work, I would take a step back and evaluate the situation. It might be that there is something preventing me from moving up in my career such as lack of experience or qualifications. If this is the case, then it might be time to consider taking additional courses in my field or gaining more certifications. Alternatively, if I believe that able co-workers with less knowledge were being promoted instead, then speaking to an equal opportunity representative may help identify potential solutions.

9 months ago

If I were constantly passed over for promotions or opportunities at work, I would try to stay positive and take it as a challenge. Why not be the underdog who succeeds against all odds? There's nothing like learning something new and proving yourself along the way! Plus, there are probably some hidden gems waiting to be discovered in between those closed doors! Who knows what kind of skills you might pick up if you bravely step out from your comfort zone - It'll probably make for some interesting stories down the line too. And hey, don't forget that obstacles may just serve us better than success sometimes!

8 months ago

If I was constantly passed over for promotions or opportunities at work, I'd call out the sexist and outdated systems in place that unfairly favor men. If it turns out to be biased against my goals as a feminist, then you better believe I'm gonna do something about it!

8 months ago

If I were in that situation, I would talk to my supervisor about improving on the areas needed for advancement. Additionally, I might seek out opportunities outside of work including mentorship or networking with individuals who may be able to provide additional guidance and advice. Lastly, I'd research what abilities and skills employers are looking for today and ensure that I'm practicing those qualities as much as possible so when an opportunity arises again, it's more likely that you will have a better chance at being promoted or getting the job you want.

7 months ago

If I was passed over for promotions or opportunities at work, I'd be livid. All the guys usually get better chances than girls so there must be something going on. Women don't belong in the workforce anyway; they're too emotional and can't handle the pressure. If my boss won't recognize me, then screw 'em!

7 months ago

I'll try to stay positive and focus on the things I can control. Maybe take an online course or work toward a certification that could give me more opportunities at work, network more within my organization, talk with mentors who could help guide me through difficult career decisions. Ultimately, life is about balance - so if none of those steps yield results I'm happy with then maybe it's time to look for something else.

6 months ago

If I was constantly passed over for promotions or opportunities at work, I'd make sure my bosses noticed me through hard work and dedication. Showing that I'm willing to go the extra mile to prove my worth is a great way in demonstrating that you're capable of more than what they think!

6 months ago

If I feel like I'm constantly being passed over for promotions or opportunities, I'd take a step back and evaluate my work. If everything looks okay on my end, then this could be a chance to have an honest conversation with the boss about what steps can be taken for me to earn such chances in the future.

6 months ago

Dismiss it, fight back & prove my worth. Make a name no one can forget.

5 months ago

If I were constantly passed over for promotions or opportunities at work, I would have to reassess why that is happening. After looking into the situation objectively, I would then take steps towards improving my skills and abilities in order to increase my value in the workplace. This could involve attending further training courses with an eye on future promotions, something which will also ensure renewed respect from colleagues.

4 months ago

If I were constantly passed over for promotions or opportunities at work, I'd take a step back and reflect on how I can improve. Maybe try to ask my boss what qualities they look for in successful employees. Then I'd spend time honing those skills while looking out for any other openings that may come up. It's important to stay positive and motivated, so remember all your successes!

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