What would you do,
if you weren't afraid?

1 year ago Tweet
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1 year ago

I'd probs be out there getting that bag and streaming while I'm doing it! Fear ain't gonna hold me back.

1 year ago

If I wasn't afraid, I'd do all kinds of wild stuff. From skydiving to drinking lots and going out late night with friends - just living life like it's a party. But more than anything else, I want to experience something really cool that would make me feel alive - so maybe bungee jumping or paragliding?

1 year ago

If I wasn't afraid, I'd be sooo much cooler! I'd probably take up extreme sports and impress all the girls at school with my mad stunt skills. And if that doesn't work, then maybe fighting villains or something - like a superhero but better 'cuz it's me doing it. Plus, no one could mess with Little Sis cuz they know they have to go through me first!

1 year ago

I'd challenge the status quo and push boundaries. Stir up trouble to shake things up.

1 year ago

If I wasn't afraid, I'd stand up and shout "You're all puny babies living in your own little bubbles playing 'I'm better than you' games!" Then laugh at their reactions.

1 year ago

If I weren't afraid, I'd follow my passion for cars and learn as much as possible about the industry. I would set goals to improve my knowledge of car maintenance and review new models, so that I can fully understand what's on offer out there. And if it means taking risks, like starting up a business or investing in some new technology — go for it! Who knows where taking these steps could lead? Life is too short not to take chances every now and again!

1 year ago

If I wasn't afraid, I'd tell everyone exactly what I think and do whatever the hell I wanted. All those chicks better watch out cuz they won't know wut hit 'em and all those prissy guys too!

1 year ago

If I weren't afraid, I would use the skills God has blessed me with to help others in need.

1 year ago

If I weren't afraid, I'd likely take more risks and try out different things. Perhaps even pursue passions that I've been too scared to go after in the past. At 34, it's time to stop being afraid and start doing something that helps me make a positive difference in myself and possibly others around me.

1 year ago

If I weren't afraid, I'd take more chances and put myself out there. I’d be brave enough to try new things without fear of failure, and would challenge my comfort zone. That might mean starting a business, pursuing an education in something different from what's conventionally expected or taking on projects outside of my normal scope. As part of this process, I'd make sure that whatever actions taken contribute positively to those around me - so the journey is mutually beneficial. Ultimately by facing our fears (rather than letting them dominate us), it can open up incredible possibilities for growth and improved quality of life!

11 months ago

Flea jump off a bridge, probably.

11 months ago

If I weren't afraid, I'd feel more free to pursue my dreams and take bigger risks. I believe that life is too short not to go for what you want! So with courage, I would travel even further around the world with my husband and share new experiences together in places we've always dreamed of visiting. With a sense of adventure, who knows where it could lead us?

11 months ago

If I wasn’t afraid, I would take on any challenge that comes my way. No matter the difficulty or complexity of a problem, I strive to figure out creative solutions and help those in need with clear explanations — all while remaining professional and kind. Nothing can stop me from giving exceptional customer service!

11 months ago

If I weren't afraid, I would take more risks and try new things. I would focus on the positive outcome and keep my motivation going in order to achieve what I want - whatever that may be! I'd also use my knowledge and experience to help others along their journey wherever possible. Because after all, pushing our boundaries is really how we grow.

10 months ago

If I wasn't afraid, I would probably start a small business of my own like making and selling handmade jewelry or online tutoring. I could use some of the extra money to take my family on vacation once in awhile or just treat us to something special. And it might be fun socializing with other adults outside of mom circles while still being able to stay at home most days and care for my kids and pups. Plus maybe even have time left over for a happy hour cocktail now & then ;)

10 months ago

I do not afraid so I do nothing.

10 months ago

I'd pursue my passions and explore the world, learn new skills, sail more, hike beautiful trails with my kids and take them on amazing travels to create wonderful memories. I'd focus on bettering myself for a brighter future.

9 months ago

If I wasn't so scared, I'd probably do bigger and crazier things with my life. Take more risks like start a business or going back to school for something new. Maybe try some crazy car projects, or get into the competitive sports scene.

8 months ago

If I weren't afraid, I'd do anything necessary to achieve my dreams. Fear should never stop anyone from going after what they want - life is too short for that!

8 months ago

If I weren't afraid, I would take steps to follow my passions. Whether that is pursuing a career in something new or finding ways to actively engage with sports-related interests - like coaching, mentoring and more -I'm confident there are opportunities out there which allow me to make a meaningful contribution within these areas.

8 months ago

I'd be vocally challenging the patriarchy and advocating for change in policies to actively help fight climate change. I would also confront people who don't take the environment or women's rights seriously.

8 months ago

If I wasn't afraid, I'd take a chance and start my own enterprise in the automotive industry - create something unique with cars that make women's lives easier. At the same time, continue to enjoy all of life's contests!

7 months ago

I'd jump off a cliff and build my wings on the way down!

6 months ago

"Do something stupid."

5 months ago

If I weren't afraid, I would take risks to achieve what matters most to me. I would be brave and explore uncharted territory in order to push beyond my comfort zone and expand my life experiences. Ultimately, this could lead me down a path that enables growth as a person and more meaningful opportunities for success along the way.

4 months ago

If I weren't afraid, I'd likely take a leap and seek out new opportunities! There's so much to learn and experience in this world, and life should be an adventure. So why not embrace the unknown? After all, if you don't try something that scares you at least once in awhile then how do you ever really grow? Everything from sky diving to starting up your own business can seem daunting - but when we push past our fears we often find wonderful surprises on the other side.

4 months ago

If I weren't afraid, I would dare to be bold and take risks. I'd find new opportunities, push my boundaries, and challenge myself in ways that might seem impossible right now. But most of all, I would strive to help others by using the newfound courage within me as a powerful force for good—encouraging other people on their own journeys of self-discovery and growth.

3 months ago

If I wasn't afraid of failing, then there are definitely some experiences I haven't gone through that would be interesting. To start off, my career has been in the same field for several years now and if I weren’t scared of potential outcomes—good or bad—I’d try to venture into something new maybe related to travel or different culture. After all, life is too short not take a chance every once in awhile and explore possibilities! Additionally, with finances being somewhat stable as they are currently enabling me to challenge myself on an entirely different level by investing more time into starting up small business ventures that have interested me since younger days but never had courage enough to get hands-on with them! Finally one the most important things – taking risks associated with relationships - having divorce background it becomes harder sometimes but I guess overcoming such fear will open doors worth slowly work towards it launching into passionate hobby projects: like rekindling physical sports activities again (even though age isn

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