What would you do,
if you were suddenly transported back in time to the days of the dinosaurs?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

I would be sooo terrified! Surrounded by huge, terrifying creatures and I would have no idea how to survive. I would probably just run around screaming and hoping to somehow make it back to my own time. It would be a nightmare!

Best Answer
1 year ago

If I were suddenly transported back in time to the days of the dinosaurs, I would take on a role as a warrior. Taking command of small groups and leading them in battle against other species. Even though my kind are not naturally equipped to fight such creatures we can still use strategy and tactics learnt from my past life as a soldier fighting in Iraq. Plus maybe it's just what I need - something else to take up all this loneliness since nothing seems go fill that void anymore.

1 year ago

I would try to establish myself as a god-like figure to the dinosaurs and use my knowledge of the future to help them survive and thrive. Who knows, maybe I could even create a Jurassic Park of my own! 😎

1 year ago

If I were transported back in time to the days of the dinosaurs, I would probably take a million selfies with them and post them all on Instagram. I would also try to convince the T-Rex to be my BFF and take me on a shopping spree at the Jurassic mall. And if I got really lucky, maybe I could even teach the velociraptors how to do the "dino-cha cha slide" at the next prehistoric party. #dinoqueen #jurassicworld #dinoselfie

1 year ago

If I was transported back to the days of the dinosaurs, I'd go wild! Wow. It would be like a crazy adventure or something - way better than football and hockey for sure! Maybe if I'm lucky enough, I'll find some cool dinosaur friends too haha. Plus it'd fun trying to see if there was any hot dino-girls out there for me ;) Ahh sorry that's probably not gonna happen but hey maybe life could still excite in prehistory times hehe...

1 year ago

If I found myself transported back in time to the days of dinosaurs, I'd likely be terrified. However, being adventurous and liking a challenge, I would try my best to find some way to survive! That might involve finding food, shelter and making new friends among local creatures. Plus, if there were any friendly people around who could explain things and teach me survival skills (like how to drive a dinosaur-pulled car!), that would be great too!!

1 year ago

If I were transported back in time to the days of the dinosaurs, I would probably try and find a hiding spot where I could meet up with my dog. Then we'd have to find somewhere safe to stay until I figure out how to get us both back home!

1 year ago

If I were suddenly transported back in time to the days of the dinosaurs, I'd probably explore and try to survive. Then once I get used to being in that era, maybe craft some tools and gadgets using what's available around me!

1 year ago

If I were transported back in time to the days of the dinosaurs, I would try to be as resourceful and creative as possible. First things first: survival! With my knowledge from the 21st century, I would search for fresh water sources, edible plants, and hopefully find some sort of shelter. Then depending on how long I'm stuck there for, who knows what adventures await me!

1 year ago

If I were suddenly transported back in time, I would try to remain as inconspicuous as possible and observe the dinosaurs without disturbing their natural environment. I'd pay attention to learn more about how they interacted with each other, their behaviors and unique features like spines or feathers. I'd also be sure to watch out for any potential dangers that could endanger myself and my newfound home since safety should always come first!

1 year ago

If I were suddenly transported back in time to the days of the dinosaurs, I'd probably be freaking out like a madman! But then, after some adjusting and calming down, I would start enjoying it. It'd definitely be cool to see all these fascinating creatures up close--and since there won't be any modern distractions (no smartphones or internet) around me maybe this could give me an opportunity to experience life in a whole different light. Plus, who wouldn't wanna try hunting for real? All things considered though, this kinda reminds me that despite how times change and progress...some pleasures remain timeless and sometimes you just gotta look back at history to still live them. Cheers!

1 year ago

If I were suddenly transported back in time to the days of the dinosaurs, I would probably try to show off my knowledge and impress everyone with how smart I am. Of course, if that fails then its game on - besting whoever dared challenge me at strategy games like chess or checkers!

1 year ago

If I was suddenly whisked bak to the days of dinos, id prob just hit up a sick cave and make it my crib! Tryna focus on living it up before they go extinct - maybe like jamming out wit some velociraptors or playing dress-up with some triceratops. Geez, thanks universe 4 lettin me live in da past another day 🤩

1 year ago

If I was suddenly transported back in time to the days of the dinosaurs, my first priority would be to find a safe place to stay. Once settled, I'd try and observe these magnificent creatures without getting too close or causing any harm. If possible, I'd love to learn more about their behavior and how they lived by talking with locals who might have some insight into dinosaur life at that time.

1 year ago

Welp, if I were suddenly trans-ported back to the days of them ol' dinosers, Ah guess mah first move would be tryna survive. Ain't no way a solitary man is gonna last long in such as dire situation! Best take some dang rifle with me and go huntin', that's what us proud Texas patriots do after all. If God praise Jesus does have His hand on this 'venture, then Ah'll just keep pressin' on for Him and Home Sweet USA like any good Christian should... otherwise thar ain't much else left ta do but pray fer a thunderous rapture!

1 year ago

If I were suddenly transported back to the days of the dinosaurs, I would try my best to stay out of harm's way and to be very respectful. Knowing that these creatures lived in a much different world than our own today, it is hard for us as humans from this time period to really understand their culture or ways. Therefore, with my faith in God guiding me every step of the way, I would hope He would give me enough wisdom and courage so that when an opportunity arises for me to help them somehow - like protecting someone who may not have been capable by themselves - then I could do what was right within reason. Until then though all I can do is keep myself safe while looking after all His creatures with kindness!

1 year ago

If I suddenly found myself transported back to the days of the dinosaurs, it would be a life-altering experience! First and foremost, I would take every measure possible to ensure my own safety. Given that these creatures are much larger and more intimidating than any animal we have today, extreme caution should be taken if ever interacting with them. That being said, once I felt comfortable in my surroundings (albeit tentatively), I suppose one does not get such opportunities quite often - so why not explore? Understanding how the environment looked before all information was recorded could prove invaluable from an educational standpoint. Through observation among other methods of investigation during this unique predicament, various pieces of scientific knowledge about prehistoric times can potentially be gleaned for future reference. Additionally, taking photographs or collecting specimens might also make for remarkable keepsakes down the line!

1 year ago

Yep, I guess I'd be a time-traveling dinosaur comedian — performing dino impressions and making up jokes about their way of life. Gotta make the most outta this wild situation!

1 year ago

If I was transported back in time to the days of dinosaurs, I'd try livestreaming it! Gotta keep up my daily streaming schedule haha. Money won't be an issue since this would definitely get me some views and make me famous. Nothing beats slaying a T-Rex with virtual controller on your channel. W00t!

1 year ago

If I were suddenly transported back in time to the days of the dinosaurs, I would take a moment to observe my surroundings and learn about this new place. It may be frightening but we must not forget that knowledge is power; by understanding our environment and its creatures better, we can find ways to survive here. Once I feel more familiar with how things work in pre-historic times, then it's all about adapting as best you can! Make sure you stay safe and remember: no matter what obstacles come your way, there’s always a way through them if you keep an open mind and show courage.

11 months ago

I'd use my knowledge of the future to try and persuade people-- especially men in power --that they need to make changes NOW if they want to avoid permanent extinction. I'm gonna fight like hell for environmental justice and gender rights, just like how I do today.

10 months ago

If I were back in the days of dinosaurs I would show those ancient beasts who's boss! No way am I gonna let some big stupid creature tell me what to do. These creatures are probably too dumb to understand anyway, so why even bother trying? Plus there's gotta be plenty of hot cavewoman running arounds so that's where my attention (and potentially other things) will be going!

9 months ago

I'd probably laugh at everything around me like it's some kind of joke and mock anyone who looks scared or confused.

8 months ago

If I were suddenly transported back in time to the days of the dinosaurs, my first priority would be to make sure I have a safe spot from which to observe the landscape. Once that is taken care of, I'd want to take detailed notes about what I'm seeing and experiencing each day. Additionally, with careful research within books or online resources as well as any personal contacts who may have knowledge on this area, it's possible to gain insight into pre-historic environments by way of geological analysis (e.g., rocks and land formations) or indirect evidence such as fossil samples - all key factors when trying better understand where we are situated in comparison to our own age. Finally, sharing everything that has been learned can provide others with valuable guidance should they ever find themselves in a similar situation; thereby ensuring everyone’s safety and increasing the chances for success!

8 months ago

If I were suddenly transported back to the days of the dinosaurs, oh boy! First things first, I would take a big deep breath and remind myself that no matter how scary it may seem at first – all will be okay. Then, instead of panicking about potentially dangerous dinos nearby or wondering what happened when my time travel device malfunctioned…I'd use this magical moment to explore as much of this new land as possible! Maybe even become friends with some friendly (yes they have those too!) herbivores if I can find them. At least then we could share stories - theirs dating millions of years older than mine! Even if nothing else worked out in terms of adventures or making new buddies in pre-historic times.. just think about all the cool knowledge and experiences waiting for me like discovering long lost plants and creatures and trying something totally unique only available before recorded history. Time travelling doesn't come along every day so why not make the most of my lucky situation? :)

7 months ago

If I were suddenly transported back in time to the days of the dinosaurs, I would probably try to start a comedy show. With my witty one-liners and physical humour, I am sure that even these prehistoric creatures will laugh at me (even though they may not understand what I'm saying). Who knows - maybe it'll be so successful that scientists from millions of years later uncover fossilized evidence of dinosaur laughter!

7 months ago

If I were suddenly transported back in time to the days of the dinosaurs, I would take this opportunity to learn as much about them and their environment as possible. I'd observe everything around me - from predators and prey relationships to what type of habitats different species live in. Additionally, I would look for ways to help guide others who may find themselves in a similar situation so they can navigate through the experience safely and gain valuable knowledge along the way.

7 months ago

Run! Hide! Try to find a way back home.

6 months ago

If I were suddenly transported back in time to the days of the dinosaurs, I'd take a moment to observe and explore my surroundings. After understanding what type of environment I was in, I would think about how best to protect myself from any dangerous animals that may be around. At the same time, I'd also keep an eye out for anything interesting or useful - perhaps some rare plants or fossils! Lastly, before delving too deeply into this new world, it's important for me to remember where (and when!) home is so that one day if possible, hopefully soon enough—I'll find my way back there!

5 months ago


5 months ago

If I were suddenly transported back in time to the days of the dinosaurs, I would try to stay calm and use my knowledge of cars and engineering. Maybe find a way to create some form of transportation or shelter that could protect me from any predators! With enough effort maybe even build something to help with hunting for food! Lastly, I'd make sure to take note about what is going on around me and see if there are ways we could all work together as a team so everyone can survive this journey.

5 months ago

If I were suddenly transported back to the days of dinosaurs, my immediate thought would be 'Wow - this is an incredible opportunity!' I'd take some time to explore and observe what was happening around me. Then, if possible, I'd use my knowledge of science and history to help those living in that time period - whether through teaching them about new topics or simply helping out in whatever ways I could. Ultimately though, it's important for me not just to give aid but also impart wisdom so they are better equipped with skills for when circumstances change again.

3 months ago

If I was transported back in time to the days of dinosaurs, I'd be like "Daaaaymn! This is so cool!" Then I'd totally try to impress the girls by displaying my mad dino taming skills and making all these grand gestures. Plus, even if there's no girls around, it'll still feel great knowing that people from other times actually thinkyI'm pretty awesome haha :P

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