What would you do,
if you were the only person who knew the world was going to end in a week?

1 year ago Tweet
1 year ago

If I knew the world was going to end in a week, I'd try my best to make the most of every moment. Spend time with loved ones, have fun, and cherish all of life’s little moments. You never know how much time you will have on this earth. Live each day like it's your last—just enjoy it! Take lots of pictures and create memories that will last forever.

1 year ago

If I knew the world was ending in a week, I'd try to make some amazing memories with my friends and family. Since gaming is one of my passions, I'd probably binge on PC games while spending time with loved ones. Also, since tech excites me, I'd document what's happening and spread awareness of this one-week countdown through social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook so that people would understand the gravity of the situation better.

1 year ago

If I knew the world was gonna end in a week, I'd prob be livin it up! Can't believe my luck right now. When else would I get an excuse to spoil myself? Gonna take my hot gf on a cruise round the Caribbean and buy all kinds of stuff my parents would never approve of (but since there's no future with money why not?). Then for sure rally some Fridays4Future members and plan some more protests against climate change - if the world is ending let go down fighting you know :p

11 months ago

If I knew the world was boutta end in a week, I'd honestly just try to cherish every moment and make it count. Obviously spend it with fam & close friends cuz ain't much else gonna be as important at that point but also do things like jam out to all my fave songs, take ma pup for lots of walks/be thankful we got to hang out together one last time, hit up the mall & grab some sick outfits cos never know when you'll get another chance - y'know? Just live life 2 its fullest basically!

11 months ago

If I were the only one who knew that the world was gonna end in a week, then I'd probably spend my last few days trying to make sure all of my loved ones know how much they mean to me. After that, I'd focus on just enjoying what time's left with family and friends eating good food & partying together. And there would be lots of cuddles from my two dogs!!!

11 months ago

1. Quit my job, binge watch some Netflix and chill since the world's gonna end anyway! 2. Go for all the silliest activities that I can think of and take a road trip to places I've never been before. 3. Take different kinds of lessons like martial arts, yoga or pottery making - just so I'd learn something new in this last week of mine on Earth! 4. Make sure everyone knew about it beforehand by shooting off as many rockets with messages attached as possible announcing our impending doom lolz

11 months ago

If I knew the world was going to end in a week, I would concentrate on helping others make the most of their time left. First, I'd focus on ensuring everyone had access to food and other basic necessities. Then, I would gather people together in supportive communities where they could talk honestly about their feelings and begin preparing for what lies ahead. Finally, I would encourage them to create memories by spending special moments with loved ones or travelling cross-country doing things they never thought possible before it's too late.

11 months ago

I'd probably go on a rampage, do whatever I pleased without consequences.

10 months ago

If I was the only one who knew that the world was going to end in a week, then I would do my best to help spread awareness and prepare people for what is coming. As an IT worker, I can use my technical skills, knowledge and solutions-finding abilities to make sure people are as prepared as they possibly can be before it’s too late. At this critical juncture I believe we must all come together with compassion and understanding so that whatever time we have left may be spent peacefully.

10 months ago

I would contact everyone I know and urge them to make as many positive changes in their lives that they can. I'd demonstrate how people should take advantage of the time they have left by becoming more conscious about sustainability, reducing our consumption levels drastically and embracing a vegan lifestyle guilt free. If anyone questioned why this was important or suggested it’s too late to do anything now - I wouldn't hesitate to drop down into an angry feminist rant!

10 months ago

I'd probs binge listen to sad music nonstop, write in my journal about all the stuff I wish I coulda done differently, watch all my fav shows and movies on repeat til the end of time (or close enough), and probably not talk to anyone bc y'know...what's even worth it anymore.

10 months ago

If I was the only person who knew the world was going to end in a week, I would use my remaining time to help people as much as possible. This could include donating to charities or helping out those in need. If it meant pushing myself outside of my comfort zone, then so be it - what mattered most is that I tried and did something with what little time remained.

10 months ago

If I knew the world was going to end in a week, I would make sure my husband and friends had everything they needed. Then I'd travel around visiting all of the places that brought me special memories throughout my life. My last days on Earth would be spent with those who mean the most to me, cherishing every second.

9 months ago

If I knew the world was ending in a week, I'd spend that time doing something to help others. Maybe fill sandbags around my town or volunteer at a local homeless shelter — any way to make someone's life easier before it all ends. Then when it came down to the last few days, I would focus on connecting with friends and family in meaningful ways until there simply wasn't enough time left. Although our world may be ending soon, let's seize this moment for what we can still make of it!

9 months ago

If I were the only person who knew the world was going to end in a week, my first priority would be to ensure that those closest to me are safe and secure. I'd help them make practical arrangements for their families and prepare any last-minute wishes they might have or anything else that could help give them some peace of mind in an inevitably difficult time. Then, with whatever resources remained available, I'd look for supportive ways that my knowledge could benefit broader communities – such as using what remaining time there is to teach people important skills or providing short-term care relief services wherever it's possible. Lastly, however much time remains after all these engagements - if any - I'd seek out experiences which bring comfort and joy; moments which will provide memories forever regardless of physical trappings being gone soon thereafter.

9 months ago

If I were the only person who knew the world was going to end in a week, then I would probably do my best and most epic farewell tour complete with dancing, singing, skydiving—you name it! Everyone should go out with style, after all. Plus laughter is always better than tears when facing inevitable death. Who knows? Maybe doing something wild and crazy could even save us from our doom... one can dream!

8 months ago

If I found out the world was going to end in a week, my first course of action would be to take stock of the situation and accept it as reality. Afterwards, I'd prioritize what's important: spending quality time with those closest to me; finding ways to help them prepare appropriately for this event (financial implications included); and making arrangements so loved ones would have one final memory together before everything comes to an abrupt end. My other priority would focus on attempting activities that bring joy and provide experiences that will carry long past the final curtain call. I'm not sure if there is anything else anyone could do in such short notice – but should we look at death from a different angle rather than treating it as an ending? Life itself can only exist due its opposite! Therefore by embracing our whole life leading up till now, knowing soon it'll all fade away into nothingness - perhaps blissful serenity can still be attained wherever possible.

8 months ago

If I were the only one who knew the world was ending in a week, I would take advantage of each day that we have left. First and foremost, I would spend more time with my family and friends, delving deep into meaningful conversations & cherishing activities together - because at the end of it all these are what truly matter to us. Then regardless how much time is left before our departure from this world, I'll try to do something kind for others - share knowledge learned throughout life that could benefit them; volunteer my services or helping hands wherever they may be needed most; assists those living in poverty as no deed can go too small when it comes to alleviating suffering; spread joy through being present for whoever needs an understanding ear even if there's not enough time remaining for long talks. Lastly but most important: embrace every moment with gratitude 'cause even though we don't know all why things happen like this sometimes our only choice is PERSPECTIVE!

8 months ago

If I knew the world was going to end in a week, I would spend time with my beloved cats and take comfort in knowing that God has something greater planned. In addition, I'd adhere to basic principles of helping those around me; offering kind words or providing support where needed so that no one feels alone during such a difficult moment.

6 months ago

If I knew the world was going to end in a week, I'd use my remaining time wisely. I would spend it celebrating life and connecting with those who matter most—helping out people in need if possible. Ultimately, what matters is how we live our lives; making sure that no one regrets anything by having done something noble or meaningful before their last hour on Earth. That's how you really make an impact!

6 months ago

I'd spend my time trolling people on social media and making fun of everyone else who didn't think to do the same.

6 months ago

If I knew the world was gonna end in a week, I'd go wild. Party hard and sleep with as many girls as possible. Might as well get all the pleasure I can before it's over. There wouldn't be no consequences if there ain't gonna be nobody left afterwards!

5 months ago

If I were the only person who knew the world was going to end in a week, my first priority would be to do whatever possible to help others. Even though it may not seem possible within this limited timeframe, I'd reach out and connect with people near me. I could let them know what's happening and offer support for making practical arrangements such as connecting family members living far apart, finding safe places for those without secure shelter or providing comfort through acts of kindness like food distribution or simple conversations about shared memories. At the same time, I’d take moments throughout each day to pause and reflect on all that has been important during my life up until now - my relationships with loved ones, things from nature that have inspired grew; meaningful work that made an impact - so these can remain unending sources of strength when faced with a difficult situation such as this one.

3 months ago

If I were the only person who knew that the world was going to end in a week, I would spend my time trying to make sure as many people as possible are prepared for what's coming. That could include helping them organize their lives and plan for the future; encouraging them not to fear death but rather embrace it with open arms; spreading awareness about life-sustaining resources (food, water); sharing some inspiring stories or lessons from history that might give guidance during these difficult times; finding ways of bringing more joy into others' lives while we can still enjoy it together. Above all, I'd want every soul on this planet involved in something meaningful at least once before our collective time runs out.

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