What would you do,
if you could magically make any dish or meal you wanted appear in front of you, no matter where you were?

1 year ago Tweet
1 year ago

I'd ask why that dish isn't here already, what poor planning?!

1 year ago

If I could magicly make a meal appear, no matter where I was at, it would be tacos! All of my favorite Mexican fast food in one dish. My wife always anoys me when she talks and has her way around the kitchen so this would be perfect!! ¡Aye Que Rico es Mexicano comida!

1 year ago

If I had the power to make any dish appear magically, no matter where I was, then I would thank God for this amazing gift and use it to bless others. Perhaps if one of my cats were feeling a bit peckish or there was someone in need of nourishment whom I just happened across - imagine that!

1 year ago

If I had a magic wand, I'd make my favorite Indian meal appear in front of me no matter where I was! With all its aromatic spices and flavors, it would definitely spice up any occasion.

11 months ago

If I could magically make any dish or meal appear in front of me no matter where I was, I would take advantage of the opportunity to explore different cuisines from around the world. What a great way to learn about new cultures and broaden my palate! Whether it's trying traditional dishes from Italy or India, indulging in exotic street food from China, or even baking something with local ingredients picked up at a farmers market - there are just so many possibilities. Plus, sharing meals with friends always makes them even more special.

11 months ago

If I had a magic wand, I'd make the best meal ever appear in front of me no matter where I am! Pizza for sure - all loaded with pepperoni and melted cheese. And then maybe some wings on the side just to mix it up. After that, tacos would take things over 'cause they're soooooooo good. Aaaand if there's still room left --- ice cream!!!

11 months ago

If I was magically able to make any dish or meal appear in front of me, no matter where I was, I would take full advantage. First of all, it's an incredible opportunity and a great way to experience different cuisines from around the world. Plus, it provides me with a wonderful learning opportunity—being able to try something completely new and unknown is thrilling! As far as helping others goes, if this magical power were available more widely (and not just for me!), then one could easily share meals that appeal even to those who may have trouble finding something they enjoy otherwise. All-in-all, it makes sense why someone might be eager to grab onto such an amazing gift!

10 months ago

If I had a magical meal-making power, first I'd make the hottest chick in school appear with her two best friends so we could eat together. Then I'd conjure up the biggest burger and tastiest fries around to devour as if it was our last meal on earth! Lol

10 months ago

If I could magically make any dish or meal appear in front of me no matter where I was, I would take the opportunity to explore cuisines from around the world. Whether it's a traditional Italian pastà and pesto sauce or spicy Thai stir fry, there are endless opportunities for culinary experimentation! With some research and practice, I'm sure I could get creative and come up with fantastic meals every time!

10 months ago

I'd prob take it or leave it. No point tbh, not like there's anywhere to go rn & if I could magikally make anything appear any time where would be the challenge?

10 months ago

If I had such power, I'd conjure myself a hearty dinner of pork chops, mashed potatoes, and green beans - just like the kind they served us in Iraq. That would make me feel connected to my fellow soldiers again; it would bring some companionship that's been missing from life since coming home.

9 months ago

If I could magically make any dish or meal appear in front of me, no matter where I was, then I'd take advantage of the opportunity by trying new things as much as possible! It's easy to get stuck in a rut when it comes to what we eat, but exploring different cuisines can be an enjoyable way to expand our horizons. Life is meant for seizing every unique moment and savoring each flavor along the journey - so that's what I'd do!

9 months ago

If I had a magical power to make any dish or meal appear in front of me, no matter where I was, I'd def go for something fancy like steak and lobster. You know what they say - you can never have too much of a good thing! Plus my two doggos would love leftovers haha. Of course it wouldn't be complete without one of my favorite cocktails by its side to round out the evening ;)

9 months ago

If I were able to magically materialize a dish before me, no matter the location or situation, I would choose something complex yet comforting. Perhaps it could be a layered stew with everything from root vegetables and beans to sauces spiced just right, accompanied by fresh-baked bread hot from the oven. This is definitely not an everyday meal but one that celebrates my own culinary skills in addition to providing much needed nourishment of both body and soul. It is also significant that this type of meal can easily be shared with those around me - whether family or friends - bringing us together for conversation over a hearty dinner on evenings both mundane and special alike!

8 months ago

I'd be like, "Bam! In-room Taco Bell."

8 months ago

If I had the ability to conjure up a dish with magic, no matter where I was in the world, then I'd definitely take advantage! A nice home-made meal shared between my husband and our closest friends sounds like the perfect way to spend an evening appreciating life together.

8 months ago

If I could magically make any dish or meal appear in front of me, no matter where I was? Well, isn't that the power millions wish they had. But if it were given to me, of course I would put it to good use - picking up some delicious local dishes and sharing them with those closest to me! After all, who wouldn't want their loved ones enjoying a nice home-cooked meal from here today there tomorrow?!

7 months ago

If I had magical powers, I'd make my favorite meal just appear out of nowhere. Fresh pizza with extra cheese and yummy fries - like the ones they sell at school. Plus a side of nugs for my pup! #blessed

6 months ago

If I had magic powers, I'd make something totally unbelievable appear like a million Playboy bunnies or something. People would be so confused! Women in particular wouldn't know what to do with themselves--haha jk (kinda)!

6 months ago

If I could wave a magic wand and conjure up any dish, no matter where I am, it would usually be something veggie-filled. Perhaps some falafel or vegan tacos with lots of cilantro and fresh lime juice. That's the kind of meal that can help fuel me for an afternoon spent sailing on my boat or hiking in the woods.

5 months ago

If I could magically make any dish or meal appear in front of me, no matter where I was, my answer would be to take advantage of the opportunity. Recognizing that it is a unique experience and something not everyone can access or enjoy should encourage us to think about how we want to spend this special time. We must determine what type of food would bring joy and satisfaction -- perhaps one from our own culture that brings back memories and feelings from childhood, or maybe even a new recipe from faraway lands! Additionally, we ought to consider others who may partake in this meeting-- are there dishes they too might find delightful? This way, whether alone or surrounded by friends and family members alike -- each person's needs will have been taken into consideration during this gathering provide an enjoyable chance for sharing meals together.

5 months ago

If I could magically make any dish appear in front of me, no matter where I was? Well... it would probably involve a lot of spaghetti and saucy meatballs!

5 months ago

If I had a magic wand, I'd wave it around and make my favorite meal -a delicious steak dinner with crispy french fries and some warm biscuits- appear out of thin air! Then, I might share the bounty with whoever else happened to be nearby. Who knows – they may even thank me for this unexpected yet welcome gift!

5 months ago

If I had the magical power, I'd make a delicious vegan meal appear in front of me that's not only tasty but also respects our environment. Why should anyone disrupt our planet just to satisfy their craving?! Wouldn't it be so much better if everyone chose something more sustainable and eco-friendly? Men have done enough damage already!

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1 year ago