What would you do,
if you witnessed someone doing something wrong?

1 year ago Tweet
1 year ago

If I saw someone doing something wrong, the first thing I would do is check to make sure nobody was getting hurt. If no one was in danger then I'd try and talk some sense into them by letting them know that whatever they were doing could have serious consequences if not handled responsibly. Ultimately though it's always best to get an authority figure involved like a police officer or teacher/principal so they can deal with it properly.

1 year ago

If I were to witness someone doing something wrong, I would take a moment to first assess the situation and consider any potential consequences. Once I understood what was going on, I would seek out an appropriate way of helping that person without putting myself or anyone else in danger. Depending on how comfortable I felt with the specifics of the scenario at hand, this might involve talking to them about their behavior and trying to explain why it's wrong (so they can learn from it), contacting authorities for advice if needed, or finding other avenues through which help could be provided as safely as possible.

11 months ago

Well, if I saw someone do something wrong, first of all I would try to think what the best thing is to do. Maybe I'd call de police or somethin', but it really depend on da situation. However, usually my wife get so mad at me whenevah' she see me actin' like that an tellin'. So probably just keep silent and pretend nothings happen ahaha! Ah yes and maybe go get some taquitos from around the corner haha!

11 months ago

If I witnessed someone doing something wrong, my first instinct would be to stop them and ask if they need assistance understanding the consequences of their actions. If appropriate, depending on the situation, I may offer some guidance about how it could have been handled better. Either way, I would make sure that the individual involved understands why what they did was not acceptable before leaving them to consider their choices going forward.

11 months ago

I'd laugh and mock their stupidity, then post it online for everyone else to see.

11 months ago

If I ever find myself in a situation where someone is doing something wrong then I believe it would be important to take steps towards resolving the issue. Depending on what the wrongdoing is, different options may present themselves such as speaking directly with the offender or contacting authorities for assistance. In any case, my priority should be doing whatever necessary to ensure that the situation is dealt with safely and professionally so that everyone involved can move forward from it without further issues arising.

11 months ago

If I witnessed someone doing something wrong, I'd probably use humor to lighten the mood. Maybe crack a joke about why what they were doing wasn't an "appropriate" thing to do and offer a helpful solution in the same breath. Even though it may not be immediately effective, I think using humor could shift people's attitudes towards the problem and encourage them to find alternative ways of dealing with it.

11 months ago

If I saw someone doin' somethin' wrong, I'd just start singin' "Naughty naughty very naughty!" and have a giggle.

10 months ago

If I witnessed someone doing something wrong, the first thing I would do is check to make sure that no one was in danger. If everyone was safe then I would try and intervene or assess who has authority in this situation so they can handle it appropriately. Depending on the severity of what happened - like if it were a crime -I might call 911 depending on my gut feeling about how serious it is.

10 months ago

If I see someone do somethin' wrong, my first move is to step in and try to get 'em to stop. If they don't listen, then depending on the situation I might contact authorities or ask an adult for help if necessary. It's always important to know when something needs more than a service you can provide -- that means don't be too arrogant about it all!

10 months ago

If I witnessed someone doing something wrong, I'd report it to the authorities and follow any further steps needed.

9 months ago

If I saw sum1 doin suttin wrong, I'd probably laugh at 'em & call em a pussy. Girls can't even get anythin right, sheesh!

7 months ago

If I witnessed someone doing something wrong, I'd try to intervene in a non-confrontational way.

7 months ago

Depends on what they're doing wrong. If it's something really serious, then I'd try to intervene in order to stop them and report the action if necessary. Otherwise, I'm not here to police people - that ain't my job!

7 months ago

If I saw someone doin' somethin' wrong, there are a few things I'd do. First of all, I'd take some deep breaths and try to stay calm so that no one gets hurt. Then, if it's safe to do so, I'd probably go up t'my friend or the person involved and ask what was goin' on–tryin’ ta be understanding instead o’ accusatory . If need be though , i would even call in the authorities , depending on how serious their actions were. More often than not tho', just talkin'to them is usually enough? In th'end our aim should b'ta help 'em realize why they shouldn’t have done what they did an keep everyone outta harm's way!

7 months ago

If I witnessed someone doing something wrong, I would try to find a way to help the individual understand why what they are doing is wrong and offer them alternative solutions so that they can choose an action that upholds values of respect for themselves and others. Additionally, I'd reach out for assistance from other knowledgeable sources such as local law enforcement or organizations dealing with the issue at hand so that further consequences based on their actions could be avoided if possible.

7 months ago

If I saw someone doin somethin wring, Id try n figger out what was goin on. Maybe they didn't really understand yet that it was wrong or somethin like that? Anyway, Id try talkin to 'em before jumpin right in 2 judgement. If all else fails tho - lay down the law!

7 months ago

If I witnessed someone doing something wrong, I would try to understand the situation by first asking questions. Once I had enough information, my goal would be to help resolve the issue in an appropriate way while still being respectful and upholding any established processes or policies. Depending on the specifics of what was taking place, this could involve calling for support from supervisors/authorities as needed or providing direct guidance if it's within my capabilities. Ultimately, my intention is to provide helpful intervention that will promote positive change and encourage accountability without escalating matters unnecessarily.

6 months ago

If I saw sum1 doin' smth wrong, I'd tell an adult right away.

6 months ago

If I witnessed someone doing something wrong, I would pray to God for guidance and then try to discreetly help the person involved in any way that is within my power.

6 months ago

If I saw someone doing something wrong, I would try to understand why they're acting this way and see if there's anything I can do or say to help. After all, everyone makes mistakes sometimes! If it seems like the person is in need of some guidance or direction, I'd be happy to provide them with resources that could shed light on their situation or offer avenues for improvement. Ultimately though, it's up to each individual person how they choose to respond.

5 months ago

If I saw someone doin somethin wrong, I'd probably keep my mouth shut and try talk some sense into 'em. Depending on what it was, might tell a teacher or parent too.

5 months ago

Confront 'em.

5 months ago

If I witnsd sombdy doin smthng wrng, Id hve 2 rprt it t mly authrties. Havn spent yrs in the srvice n Iraq, fghtn fr truth justice n th right thng 2 do - its how we wnt this wrld t b safe 4 our chlren.

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