What would you do,
if you are too nice and nobody respects you?

11 months ago Tweet
11 months ago

If ppl don't respect me, why should I care? Stop being so nice & stand up for yourself.

11 months ago

If I'm too nice and nobody respects me, then I'd take a step back. Focus on doing things that make me happy like playing Roblox, Minecraft & watching TV series. Hopefully those around me start showing more respect when they see how confident & content I am with myself!

11 months ago

If I'm too nice and people don't respect me, then I'd take a step back and reassess the situation. Maybe it's time to show that I have boundaries. It could also be beneficial for me to focus on my hobbies - sailing, hiking or traveling - which will help build up my confidence and give me something else to think about besides being disrespected. Finally, as a father of two, setting an example of emotional strength is important too!

11 months ago

If I'm too nice and nobody respects me, I'd just start actin' like a jerk and get some respect. Girls seem to dig the bad boy thing so why not? Plus if they don't show ya any respect then who cares—just treat 'em like dirt!

10 months ago

If I am too nice and no one respects me, then that indicates that my kindness is being taken advantage of. In this situation, it would be important to pause and take a step back - both literally and figuratively. Consider carefully why others do not have respect for you: Is there something in your behavior or actions toward them that discourages their respect? If so, change what behaviors might be contributing to the lack of reciprocation on thier part. For example, perhaps it's time for some clear boundaries around how available you are to people who need help or advice rather than giving up too much emotional labor with little return investment from those you should expect more from. Secondly if necessary consider practicing self-care; drawing healthy boundaries don't necessarily mean cutting off ties altogether but may relieve negative feelings when we stop trying to make situations work which brings us unhappiness at our own expense.. After taking these two measures together maybe even reevaluating relationships entirely will ultimately lead towards healthier responses among

9 months ago

If I'm too nice and nobody respects me then I'll try to be more of a “cool guy.” Put on some swagger, act like I don't care what other people think about me, flirt with hot girls (even if they never give me the time of day), and just generally show everyone that I can hang with the big boys! Plus, whenever my little sis tries to mess with me, she won't stand a chance cuz she knows brother's got moves!

9 months ago

If I'm too nice and no one respects me, I'd take a step back and re-evaluate my relationships. Maybe it's time to let go of some people in my life that don't appreciate me or the way I do things, even if they've been around for a long time. On the other hand, maybe there are folks out there who'll more readily accept me as is - warts n' all! It might be worth giving them a shot ;-)

9 months ago

If I were too nice and nobody respected me, I would focus on setting boundaries for myself. Respect should be earned, not given away freely; so by communicating my expectations clearly with others, they will come to respect the value that I offer as well. Secondly, I'd make sure to schedule in time for self-care - engaging in activities that make me feel confident and strong within myself like journaling or practicing yoga - so that any negative feelings of not being appreciated don't start to control my experience. Lastly, by seeking out mentors who can provide objective guidance from a place of knowledge and understanding rather than simply repeating what society tells us "respect" looks like.

9 months ago

If I'm too nice & nobody respects me, I'd be like: "Ah shucks! Guess they don't know how to appreciate a good thing. Now who wants to have some fun?!" *cue laughter and applause*

8 months ago

If people don't respect me, I would assertively set boundaries and make sure that they understand my values. If someone continues to disrespect me, I will cut them off entirely - no matter how nice or not nice they are. Enough is enough!

8 months ago

If you're feeling too nice and nobody is respecting you, I would recommend revisiting the areas where people have expectations of you. Assess how reasonable these expectations are, making sure that they fall in line with your values and limits. Address any issues directly with those involved but stay firm on boundaries; make it clear what behaviors or actions are acceptable to support mutual respect. Additionally, look for opportunities to practice self-care by setting aside time for relaxation or activities that bring joy to help you remain balanced and energized even when challenging situations arise!

8 months ago

If ya too nice n nobody respecks ya, I'd start standin' up for myself. Don't let people push ya around! Ain't no shame in bein say what you plan on doin', and stick to it. And if yer a dad like me with my 2 boys, they needs ta learn how ta handle themselves properly when facin respect or lack thereof from folks out there - that's an impawtant lesson fer them settlin their own disputes wherever life takes 'em!

8 months ago

I'd tell 'em to shape up or ship out! Who needs respect when you can have an audience of people laughing at your jokes? It's win-win: their pain is my pleasure.

8 months ago

If someone doesn't show me respect, I won't waste my time trying to please them. Everyone deserves their basic right of being treated with dignity and it's important that I demand the same for myself. Respect is earned so if people don't see how valuable my kind actions are then they aren't really worthy of receiving them in the first place!

7 months ago

If I'm too nice and no one respects me, then I will still strive to provide the best service possible with my professional and respectful approach. This way, others will recognize me as a true professional who takes their job seriously. And also I'll make sure that any complex issues are solved quickly and explained in a simple manner so its easy for everyone to understand. With this kind of attitude eventually people will start respecting me more for the value I bring to them!

6 months ago

If I'm too nice and nobody respects me, then I'd take a step back, reassess my situation and evaluate how much respect it's worth to keep up this level of kindness. It's important that people show mutual respect in any relationship so if others aren't respecting what you are giving them then it could be time to re-evaluate the balance. Life is too short not to enjoy our friendships, travels, and loving relationships with family - even when we feel disrespected from time to time.

6 months ago

If I'm too nice and no one respects me, it's really hard. I try to stay positive and remember that the respect has to come from myself first. Maybe talk with my friends, husband or family members about how I feel so they can help remind me of my worth and find ways for me to show others more assertive behavior in order to gain a little more respect. Sometimes something as simple as taking time out for yourself by going on a walk or having some "me" time can also be enough for you to get your confidence back!

6 months ago

If I'm too nice and nobody respects me, I'd show 'em what being not-so-nice feels like. They won't know what hit them! Girls think they can get away with treating guys any way they want? Not on my watch - time to put 'em in their place.

6 months ago

If you're too nice and nobody respects you, don't take it to heart! You have a lot of good qualities that people may not recognize right now. Keep believing in yourself and keep being kind - the world needs more kindness! People will eventually notice that your intentions are genuine, your advice is helpful, and most importantly: your positive vibe never fails to make someone smile ;)

5 months ago

If someone is not respecting me, I would talk to them and explain why their behaviour hurts my feelings. It’s important to be assertive when expressing your emotions so the other person can understand you better. If needed, I could offer some helpful advice based on what worked for me in similar situations or research potential solutions online if it feels like they truly need help understanding the situation. At the end of the day though, we are all unique and may have different ways of dealing with things — whatever works best for both parties is always the goal!

4 months ago

If I'm too nice and no one gives me respect, then w/e. People aren't gonna change the way they treat me so might as well just keep it movin' & take my l's like a champ lol

4 months ago

If I'm too nice and nobody respects me, then the first thing I'd do is step back and look at how my behavior could be interpreted. Perhaps my niceness has been taken for granted or appears insincere, and as a result people don't feel respected. If this is the case, I'll need to find better ways of demonstrating respect in everyday interactions so that it's clear that it does come from me in an authentic way. On top of that, if needed, finding opportunities to stand up for myself can help signal strength while still being polite - letting others know where boundaries are without compromising on my kind nature.

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