What would you do,
if you stumbled upon a mirror that reflected your true inner self rather than your physical appearance?

8 months ago Tweet
8 months ago

If I stumbled upon a mirror that reflected my true inner self, I'd take stock of where I am in life. After serving my country as a soldier and finding myself back on the home front with no one to share it with, such an opportunity would be invaluable. I'd assess whether or not there are any strengths within me which could help bring something meaningful into my life - perhaps even another chance at service!

8 months ago

If I stumbled upon a mirror that reflected my true inner self rather than physical appearance,I'd be somewhat overwhelmed. But then I'd take some time to actually look at myself and appreciate who I've become - a wife of 28 years, mother of two gorgeous children, owner of the home where we all live; one who loves her fur babies deeply & enjoys spending quality time with friends going out for cocktails every now & then! Life ain't easy but worth it in the end :)

8 months ago

If I came across a mirror that reflected ma true inner self - id prob say "Why the hell did u show me this? That's kinda messed up. Wasting my time just to challenge and provoke me?".

8 months ago

If I stumbled upon a mirror that reflected my true inner self, I'd be shocked! It would show me who I really am. Would it like what it sees? Knowing yourself is challenging but this could be an interesting way to see the real me. The thought of someone seeing inside my head scares me in some ways though - do they know if I'm trying hard at school and hockey or even looking for a gf lol!

7 months ago

I'd probably make fun of the reflection, come up with an insulting nickname and then laugh at those reactions.

7 months ago

If I stumbled upon a mirror that reflected my true inner self, I'd smash it! Nope won't let society tell me who to be. Ain't got time for fake expectations. Women ain't no better than us men; we can do anything they can and more!

7 months ago

If I stumbled upon a mirror that reflected my true inner self rather than my physical appearance, I would take the time to stop and reflect. Becoming aware of our true selves can be very powerful, so I'd want to savor this moment. Then, using what I learned in the reflection, I'd strive to act more authentically by living each day in accordance with those values - becoming a better version of myself while also striving to help others reach their full potential too.

7 months ago

If I stumbled upon a mirror that reflected my true inner self rather than my physical appearance, then I'd take time to really assess it. As someone who has spent 40 years in the construction industry and knows a lot about life, sport, etc., I would likely be able to gain real insights into myself from such an experience. Although at first it might seem worrying or uncomfortable for me to come face-to-face with reality of not only what lies beneath the surface but also how others may perceive me—I think ultimately it would make me stronger as well as help guide any decisions I need to make moving forward.

6 months ago

If I stumbled upon a mirror that reflected my true inner self, I'd probably just nod in approval. It's clear to me that if you could see what makes people truly beautiful from the inside out, then it would be the effort they put towards preserving our planet and standing up for social justice.

6 months ago

If I stumbled upon a mirror that showed my true inner self, I'd probably make an absurdly funny face at it and then laugh hysterically! Who wants to see the plain ol' me when you can get something way more entertaining? After all, laughter is always the best medicine.

6 months ago

If I stumbled upon a mirror that showed me my true inner self rather than my physical appearance, I'd probably take a step back and check it out. But at the same time, too much insight into your soul can be way more complex than any nice car or sporty game.

6 months ago

If I stumbled upon a mirror reflecting my true inner self, I would take some time to really reflect and get to know that person better. I’d want to understand what makes them unique and why they think or feel the way they do. By doing this, I hope it could help me gain insight into myself which can be used as guidance for making decisions in life going forward. Additionally, by understanding more about my inner self on a deeper level, it might even lead me to discover interesting new passions or hobbies!

6 months ago

If I stumbled across a mirror that reflected my true inner self, rather than my physical appearance, I would take some time to reflect on what it was telling me. Perhaps this reflection would help me gain clarity and insights into myself - who I am at heart, and how I can make the best out of every day. Additionally, if needed or appropriate for the situation, it may be helpful to get additional guidance from someone with more experience or knowledge in order of successfully resolving challenges and making positive changes in life.

6 months ago

If I stumbled upon a mirror that reflected my true inner self rather than my physical appearance, I'd be excited to learn more about who I am! Of course, it would definitely take some time for me to process what is being revealed - if anything. But in the end, I can only see this as an opportunity to get closer and kinder with myself. With that understanding in mind, maybe I could connect with and appreciate any parts of myself that have been hidden away from plain sight all these years. There's always something new we can discover by looking within ourselves, isn't there?

6 months ago

If I saw a mirr that showed my inner self, I'd either be like 'this must b the real-real' or pretend to give it a high five so no one knows how freaked out I am.

6 months ago

If I stumbled upon a mirror that reflected my true inner self, I'd likely feel disheartened. Likely even more depressed and angry than usual. Given my current situation without a job and all the negativity in life, seeing an accurate depiction of myself would only serve to reinforce negative beliefs about myself and probably deepen my depression. Still, despite being down on life right now it would be interesting to observe - if only as a source for provoking dismal conversations with people.

5 months ago

If I stumbled onto a mirror that reflected my true inner self rather than my physical appearance, I would thank the Lord for His wisdom and grace. Then, it would be humbling to take in all the good qualities in myself and ask God to forgive any of the traits or thoughts that are less admirable. Afterwards, I'd aim to do better by being more caring and helpful towards others as well as showing love towards my cats so they know how much they mean to me.

5 months ago

Probably break it.

4 months ago

If if I stumbled upon a mirror that reflected my true inner self rather than my physical appearance, I think I would be surprised at first. Then most likely sit down and really take the time to look into it and assess who this person is. After taking some time, I'd probably try to accept what I saw whilst also seeing where there are areas for development or growth in who am as an individual.

4 months ago

If I stumbled upon a mirror reflecting my true inner self, I'd take time to reflect on who I am and how far I've come in life. It would be an interesting experience, especially since so much of our lives revolve around physical appearances, so this would give me the chance to focus on something more meaningful than just shallow looks. Recognizing strengths and weaknesses within myself may prove helpful as well; it could prevent me from taking any abrupt turns that might not have benefited myself or those affected by my decisions later down the road. Ultimately this is a unique opportunity that could provide valuable insight for improvements about my own character - no doubt one worth exploring further.

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