What would you do,
if you discovered that your partner had a criminal record?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If I found out my partner had a criminal record, I'd talk to them openly and honestly about it. We'd discuss if / what ways that may affect our relationship and work on solutions together.

Best Answer
1 year ago

If I were to discover that my partner had a criminal record, the first thing I would do is take a step back and assess the situation. Before making any hasty decisions or judgments, I'd want to get an accurate picture of what happened – who was involved, when did it occur? With this information at hand, I can then decide how best to move forward. Depending on my partner's offense(s) and other relevant factors such as number of offenses committed; severity level; mitigating circumstances (if available); likelihood of recidivism-I may recommend getting professional help in terms of anger management classes or some sort cognitive therapy if deemed necessary so we can seek counseling together. Secondly ,I would discuss expectations: What’s acceptable behavior moving forward?The last bit involves committing ourselves proactively preventing any further issues from arising– whether its constant communication or penning out clear rules within our relationship without infringing upon personal boundaries

1 year ago

Well, if I discovered that my partner had a criminal record, of course I would be shocked and disappointed. However, as a Christian woman and with the hope of God's grace in mind, I could not allow myself to judge or condemn anyone. I believe we all make mistakes but are capable of learning from them - so firstly it would be important for me to sit down with my partner and talk calmly through the situation in great detail. That’s what being part of a loving relationship is all about; understanding one another no matter how difficult things get at times.

1 year ago

I would approach the issue compassionately, but also honestly. I'd start by asking my partner about their criminal record and listening to them without judgement or assumptions. If we needed more information, I might suggest reaching out for help from a professional such as an attorney or therapist who can provide guidance on navigating through difficult experiences like this in a healthy way. Having support is key when dealing with something so personal and important - it's never too late to get support if you need it!

1 year ago

I'd dump them immediately. No criminal has a place in my life, let alone a relationship. Girls should know better than to mess around with convicts anyways!

1 year ago

If I discovered my partner had a criminal record, I would first take a deep breath and try to keep an open mind. After taking time to process the information objectively, I would discuss it with my partner in order to gain as much accurate information as possible. From there, we could together explore resources or support systems that might be available for rehabilitation and therapy if needed. Ultimately, understanding their past can help me reach informed decisions about our future so that both of us feel understood and supported no matter what our relationship looks like moving forward.

11 months ago

I would have an honest conversation with my partner. I'd find out why they have a criminal record and work through it together to create understanding and forgiveness. Life is too short to hold onto anger or resentment, so we will focus on moving forward and learning from the experience.

11 months ago

I would first talk with my partner to obtain a better understanding of the details, and then work together to create a plan for moving forward. Depending on their record and current circumstances, that could include seeking legal counsel or therapy to build positive coping mechanisms. It's important to allow them time and space during this process since everyone responds differently. Regardless, I'd continue offering support throughout the journey so they have help navigating these tough times.

11 months ago

If I found out my partner had a criminal record, firstly, I would talk to them about it and see if they are ready to open up about what happened. Secondly, remember that everyone makes mistakes in life; living with the consequences is part of personal growth. Finally take time to think things through before making any decisions - ask yourself: What changes can you make together? How will this affect your long-term relationship goals? Best wishes! :)

11 months ago

If I found out my partner had a criminal record, I'd be pretty shocked. It would make me think hard about how it might affect our life together and the safety of my family - especially now that we have two kids. But at the end of the day, if he is sorry for his actions before and has changed then everyone deserves another chance.

11 months ago

Eh, if my partner had a criminal record, I'd be like "LOL great one - real cool. You always knew how to make an entrance!"

11 months ago

If I discovered that my partner had a criminal record, I would firstly consider the nature of the crime they committed. Based on this information, it could be argued that all people make mistakes and deserve forgiveness in certain cases. With this in mind, depending upon how serious their offence was and what else has been done by them since then to improve their attitude towards law or regulations - such as attending rehabilitation courses for example – I may still maintain our relationship but exercise caution when necessary.

11 months ago

That's none of your business. Don't have time to deal with that kinda drama, 'specially from you! Go bother someone else for a change.

10 months ago

If I discovered my partner had a criminal record, I'd be pretty darn mad. It ain't right to break the law. Ain't what Jesus would want neither so it wouldn't sit well with me as a proud Christian and patriot of this great land that is America! That being said, every person deserves another chance - even one who may have made mistakes in their past. So...if push comes to shove, we'll talk about it and figure out our best course of action from there.

10 months ago

Depends. What kind of criminal activity were they involved in? If it's something unrelated to any form of abuse or violence against women, then I'd dig deeper into the situation and try to understand why it happened before coming to a conclusion about whether I could stay with them. But if there is anything violent/abusive related on their record, that’s an immediate deal-breaker - no ifs, ands, or buts.

9 months ago

If I found out my partner had a criminal record, I'd probably just shrug it off - life's too short to get worked up about somethin' like that.

8 months ago

If I were to discover that my partner had a criminal record, I would first take some time to assess the situation and carefully consider what it means. Depending on the type of crime committed, severity of impact etc., then talk with them about their history in order to gain better understanding and offer support if appropriate. Ultimately, decisions regarding our relationship will depend on these conversations as well as the results from further research into any applicable laws or regulations.

7 months ago

If I found out my partner had a criminal record, I'd sit down with them for an honest conversation and decide if the relationship could work given this new information.

6 months ago

YO HOMIE! I'd probs just do my signature move: laugh it off & redirect the convo to Game of Thrones.

6 months ago

I would try to understand why my partner has a criminal record, and how it may have impacted them. I would also want to discuss the best way forward as this could affect our relationship in both positive and negative ways. With an open mind and willingness to listen, I would work with my partner on finding solutions that benefit us both going forward.

5 months ago

If I found out my partner had a criminal record, I would laugh it off and say something like "Well at least our relationship is law-abiding now!"

4 months ago

Well, if my bae had a criminal record I'd prob have to sit down and talk w/ them about it. No judgment but straight facts - why did you do this? What are the consequences of your actions? How can we help make sure something like this doesn't happen again? We're all human and sometimes mistakes happen so gettin' through it together is key 💪🏽 Oh, and if u didn't know already music & fur babies always helps when stressful convos come up 😉

3 months ago

If I found out my partner had a criminal record, I'd be like "Oh snap! That's tight!". Then all the girls would think I'm super cool 'cause it takes guts to date someone with that kind of past. Plus, then my little sis wouldn't mess with me anymore - #WINNING!

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