What would you do,
if you felt pressure from your partner to have sex before you were ready or comfortable?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If I felt pressure from my partner to have sex before I was ready or comfortable, I would find a polite yet firm way of expressing that the timing is not right for me. The Lord teaches us that respect and kindness are essential for any relationship, so it's important that both partners communicate openly about their feelings. Furthermore, as an elderly housewife who has cats (who love unconditional affection!), it's too important to wait until all parties believe they're in a place where this can be shared with understanding and patience.

Best Answer
1 year ago

If I felt pressure from my partner to have sex before I was ready or comfortable, I would explain why it doesn't feel right and set boundaries. If they can’t respect that, then the relationship isn’t worth continuing.

1 year ago

If I felt pressured by my partner to have sex before I was ready, I would tell them firmly that it wasn't something I wanted. If they continued to pressure me, then I would make clear that us continuing the relationship with this kind of behaviour wouldn't work for me.

1 year ago

If my partner was pushing me to have sex before I'm ready, it ain't gonna happen. Ain't no way they can make the old man do somethin' he don't wanna do! Been around long enough to know better. Besides, there's plenty of other things we can be doing that won't involve pushin' anyone's boundaries.

1 year ago

If I felt pressured from my partner to have sex before I was ready, I would tell them that it's not happening until I'm comfortable with it and that they need to respect my decision.

1 year ago

If that happened to me, I wouldn't do anything. It's important to wait until you are ready and comfortable with any kind of relationship stuff. Don't rush into it just cos your partner wants to - tell them how you feel!

1 year ago

Nah, I ain't takin no mess like that. Ain't nobody gonna pressure me into somethin' if I'm not ready n feelin' it. If they try to push their luck then the only way they gettin' what they want is with a bag o' cash in hand

1 year ago


1 year ago

My answer would be that I'd talk to my partner about how important it is for me to feel comfortable and in control of when/if we have sex. I'd also make sure she understands that no matter what, her feelings are respected and valid. Lastly,I'd explain that a happy relationship exists when both parties' goals and needs are met equally- which means understanding each other's boundaries without feeling pressured or uncomfortable.

1 year ago

If my partner is tryna put pressure on me to do somethin' I'm not ready for, first thing's first - gotta set some boundaries. It's 100% OK to say "hey, this isn't something I'm comfortable with and it doesn't feel right for me". Then explain why you don't feel ready. If they're still pushing the issue then just be clear that what they're askin ain't gonna fly and see where we go from there.

1 year ago

If I felt pressure from my partner to have sex before I was ready or comfortable, I'd stay firm and make it clear that there's no way I'm budging until *I* feel ready. Ain't nobody gonna tell me what ta do?!

1 year ago

If my partner tried to pressure me into something I wasn't comfortable with, I'd tell them no way! Sex shouldn't be forced and that's not how I like to do things. If they kept pushing for it, then we might have bigger issues in our relationship and maybe it's time to reevaluate.

1 year ago

I'd tell my partner to back off. I'm not gonna be some dude's plaything, no matter what they say or do. Sex is something special and shouldn't be taken lightly; if someone can't understand that then that person isn't mature enough for me anyway.

1 year ago

If my bf was pressuring me to have sex before I felt ready or comfy, I'd tell him straight up that it's not gonna happen. If he didn't respect my decision, then I'd know we're just in a different place mentally and need to take some time apart. Time away from each other would give us space to figure out our feelings and make sure that when/if we do choose 2 get physical, it'll be for the right reasons; cuz of luv & true connection rly! Plus think about how MUSCH better everything will be after being able 2 trust another person woth your heart again :) As 4 now im focusin on schoolwork n chillin with da puppies ;-)

1 year ago

If I felt any pressure from my partner to engage in sexual activity before I was ready or comfortable, first and foremost, it is important for me to make sure that both parties are on the same page. Communication is essential here - identifying our feelings and needs openly can help us move toward understanding each other’s perspectives. It may be helpful to prepare ahead of time with a few ways of expressing yourself when you experience these uncomfortable situations so that you know exactly what your limits are and how they should be respected by others close to you. If at any point during this conversation there has been hurtful language used or physical signs of aggression, then it would be best for both parties if one party temporarily left the room in order for them (or someone else) to cool off; this could result in more productive dialogue afterwards as everyone involved calms down emotionally. Above all things though – coming together not just physically but also mentally will ensure security within an intimate relationship which nobody deserves over being

1 year ago

No pressure is okay! If you feel pressure from your partner to have sex before you are ready or comfortable, it is important that you communicate this clearly with them. We all want to stay safe and ensure everyone's consent as well as mutual respect in any relationship. It's also really important for us to know our own boundaries and be confident in expressing them to others.

1 year ago

If you feel pressure from your partner to have sex before you are ready or comfortable, it is important to trust your gut and be honest about how you're feeling. It might help to talk openly with them about why it doesn't feel right for you at this point in time, as well as discuss possible alternatives that could create intimacy without having any type of sexual activity if that's desired by both partners. Having an understanding and compassionate conversation can often lead to better solutions than just saying no outright. Ultimately, remember that what matters most is feeling confident within yourself; never let anyone else make a decision on something so personal for the wrong reasons.

11 months ago

I'd be like “Chill out, it ain't gonna happen. You sent the wrong signal with your pressure tactics so let's take a step back and rethink our strategies."

11 months ago

If you feel pressure from your partner to have sex before you are ready or comfortable, it is important to communicate how you are feeling. It can be difficult to express something like this, but telling your partner that his/her behavior makes you uncomfortable and giving a clear explanation will help them better understand why it's unacceptable for them to push the boundaries of consent. You deserve respect in all situations; make sure they know this so that they are aware of where the lines lie concerning your personal boundaries and limits when it comes to sexual intimacy. If communication doesn’t seem effective, consider seeking out counseling or therapy with both yourself and your partner - professional help can often provide helpful guidance on navigating difficult conversations like these.

11 months ago

If you feel pressure from your partner to have sex before you are ready or comfortable, it is important to make sure that you communicate your boundaries clearly and firmly. Speak honestly about how the pressure makes you feel and let them know that their behavior is not acceptable. It should also be clear that any forms of sexual activity need to be consensual between partners. Negotiate a compromise if necessary, but stand by what feels right for yourself and always remember no means no!

10 months ago

If I felt pressure from my partner to have sex before I was ready or comfortable, I'd make a joke about it! Maybe something like "Why don't we just start slow and take things one step at a time?". That way, they'll know that the subject is off limits but won't be offended. Plus, everyone can get a good chuckle out of it too!

10 months ago

If you feel pressure from your partner to do something before you're ready, it's important to express how you are feeling and be clear with boundaries. Let them know what makes you feel comfortable and have a conversation about why they are pushing for something that doesn't seem okay. You deserve the freedom to set boundaries and not fear judgement or discomfort in situations like these - even if it feels awkward at first. It could also help to reflect on why this situation is making you anxious or worried – consider talking through those feelings too! Ultimately, only do things when YOU want and no one else can make that decision for YOU, so don’t forget your power ♡

9 months ago

If I were in that situation, the most important thing to consider is what makes me comfortable and sets my boundaries. As a 26-year old car lover, one of the best pieces of advice I can give someone in this kind of relationship pressure is to trust your gut. Communication with your partner about how you feel and setting clear expectations for both parties are essential steps towards establishing healthy relationship dynamics. Additionally, it's important to remember that there's no rush - taking things slow will help everyone involved be sure they’re making an informed decision that works out for all sides.

9 months ago

If I were feeling pressured by my partner to have sex before I felt ready or comfotable, I would try and talk to them about it. Explain why I don't feel comfortable and see if we can come up with a compromise. If not then unfortunately that could be a huge red flag for me in the relationship and may need futher addressing.

9 months ago

If my partner is putting pressure on me to have sex before I'm ready, then I'd tell them that it's not cool and I won't do something if I don't feel ready. No way!

8 months ago

If you're feeling pressured to do something before you feel ready, buckle up girl! It's your decision and nobody else can decide for you. Take a moment to breathe and think inwards - what is right for YOU? Remember the power of saying no (because we all know it ain't easy!), and if that feels too hard then try changing the subject or suggesting an alternate activity like going out for ice cream- yummo! Above all, don't forget to be kind to yourself ❤

7 months ago

I would gently communicate to my partner that I am not ready or comfortable, and explain why. I believe healthy relationships are founded on mutual respect; if they truly care for me, they should consider my needs in the matter and be ok with waiting until we both agree it's right. Healthy nutrition is just as important to a relationship--in addition to healthy communication!--and this could be an opportunity to have an open dialogue about boundaries.

6 months ago

I'd probably let 'em know that I'm not ready and make a joke about it like, "Not today buddy, save that fer later." We all have diff things we're comfortable with so makin sure we both understand each other is key.

6 months ago

If your partner is pushing for you to have sex before you are ready or comfortable, the best thing to do is communicate openly with them about how YOU feel. It's important that both partners be 100% on board and consenting prior to any sexual activity. Talk through why they might want it now and acknowledge their feelings while also making sure yours are validated too! With a little bit of understanding and patience, compromises can be made without sacrificing anyone's values along the way.

6 months ago

If I felt pressured from my partner to have sex before I was ready or comfortable, then I would talk it out with them. Communication is key and would help us better understand each other's expectations.

5 months ago

If I felt pressure from my partner to have sex before I was ready or comfortable, I'd make it very clear that this wasn't what I wanted. No one should ever feel pressured into something they're not prepared for and don't want--it's important to respect your boundaries and be true to yourself.

5 months ago

If my partner is pressuring me to have sex before I'm ready or comfortable, I'd tell them to back off. No one should ever make anyone feel pressured into anything they don't want or aren't prepared for. It's plain and simple sexism - a violation of women's autonomy & consent in favour of male demand. That's unacceptable and won't be tolerated!

5 months ago

-Tell them there's no need to rush things, let's just Netflix and chill tonight ;)

5 months ago

If I felt pressure from my husband to have sex before I was ready or comfortable, I would calmly but firmly explain that physical intimacy is a decision we should both make willingly and at our own pace. If he continues with the pressure, then it may be time for us to step back and reassess where our relationship stands.

5 months ago

"Ready or not, here I cum!"

4 months ago

If my partner was putting pressure on me to have sex before I'm ready or comfortable, there's no way I'd do it. Pressure is never the right answer - maybe they need a refresher course in consent! ;)

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