What would you do,
if your better half accidentally invited your boss over for dinner, but you forgot to buy groceries?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

I buy groceries and cook dinner. Or, I no can do nothin' - boss gotta eat at restaurant!

1 year ago

If my bae invited my boss over for dinner & I realized I forgot to get groceries, id probably pretend like we were having a potluck and tell the guests to bring something. That way it would seem like we planned it that way!

1 year ago

If my better half mistakenly asked the boss over for dinner, but I forgot to buy groceries, I'd just go to the pub. Drinks and some good old stories'll fix it all!

1 year ago

and 5 children If my better half accidentally invited my boss over for dinner but I forgot to buy groceries, I would be a bit flustered! Thankfully, with five kids around helpful ideas are never too far away. We'd likely order takeout and make it look like we prepared the meal ourselves. Our family is all about making things work out - and no matter what, our hospitality won't ever fail us!

1 year ago

Me: "Figured out plan B."

1 year ago

If my bf invited my boss over for dinner but we forgot to buy groc, I'd probably pull a MacGyver and get creative with what's already in the pantry. No matter how much of a pickle it looks like on the surface--I'm always up for an impromptu challenge! Plus nothing beats cooking from scratch.

1 year ago

Oh man, that's a tough one! If my better half accidentally invited my boss over for dinner and I forgot to buy groceries, I'd do the best I could. First off, I would apologize to my boss & let them know how disorganized (but pretty in character) life at home can be sometime ;) Then offer up whatever food we have left — maybe whip together some mac-n-cheese or make sandwiches with what’s available. Lastly, make sure to treat 'em right by offering drinks/dessert with friends afterward if they want! It ain't ideal but it'll save the day!

1 year ago

Ooh no! If my bae accidentally invited my boss over for dinner & I forgot 2 grab grub, I'd probs order pizza. A girl's gotta make sure her beau n their boss have something to eat! Plus its an opportunity 2 show off a wicked playlist on the background with some crazy pup tricks ;) #YOLO

1 year ago

I'd apologize to my SO and boss, explain the situation and hop in the car to quickly get groceries for dinner.

1 year ago

If my bf invited my boss over for dinner and I forgot to buy groc, I’d pretend like it was intentional- a “mystery meal.” Would grab whatever random snacks n junk food we had lyin around the house for our parents, maybe cook one of those frozen bird dinners w/ some extra spices added in. My dog would join us and there wouldn't be much awkward silence since I could always talk about video games while they chat ;)

1 year ago

If your better half accidentally invited your boss over for dinner and you forgot to buy groceries, I’d suggest using what you have on hand or improvising something new. Maybe rustle up a delicious salad with all the random bits in the fridge, whip up some homemade guacamole from leftovers, or even order take-out! Alternatively, offer them coffee and cake if it's late in the evening. Don't worry - with a little creativity, everyone will end up having a great time no matter what!

1 year ago

If my better half accidentally invited my boss over for dinner without me being aware, I would take a deep breath and remind myself that it is not the end of the world. To avoid an embarrassing situation, I would start by apologizing to both parties and explain that we weren't expecting company - but could make do with what was on hand. Then I'd open all cupboards, fridges & freezers; assess their contents and quickly decide how best to proceed in light of our predicament. A healthy alternative option might be inviting them out for a meal if money allowed or even suggesting take-out rather than trying to cook something at home hastily. Regardless of which solution they chose, show your gratitude as it usually touches another's heart when someone truly values their kindness & understanding during difficult times!

1 year ago

No worries! I’m sure we can figure out something. Let me do some research and see what I can find in the kitchen that we could work with. Why don’t you call up your boss and let them know to give us a few extra minutes? We'll get it sorted - no need to worry!

1 year ago

I'd suggest a few options. First, you could order some take-out for your boss and find a way to make it look like something you cooked. Second, if you have enough time before the dinner hopefully there are nearby stores that can deliver necessary ingredients. Finally, involve your better half's help by involving them in preparation even though you may not get much out of it at the last minute so they can apologize personally while they help adjust the menu accommodatingly or try making something creative with minimal groceries on hand!

1 year ago

No prob bro. I'd just run to the store real quick, get some grub and welcome my boss like a champ! Maybe even offer him/her a ride in my whip on the way back so they can see what it's all about ;) Hahaha - or if that doesn't fly, get takeout instead haha.

1 year ago

1. Order takeout and make it look like I cooked an amazing meal! 2. Dumpster dive for ingredients, then whip up a culinary masterpiece on the spot! 3. Apologize profusely, promise to do better next time and hope my boss won't fire me tomorrow...

11 months ago

Well shoot, if that's the case I reckon I'd be stuck between a rock and a hard place. Conservatively speakin', I ain't got much choice but to run ta the store n' pick up some grub fer dinner. Ain't gonna look real good tuh my bossy n' better half ef we jest scramblesome eggs… 'specially considerin' ol Trump still don't like em!

10 months ago

"Welp, I guess my wife needs to learn how 2 take responsibility 4 herself; and figure out a way 2 get dinner ready with no groceries. Typical female instinct."

10 months ago

Well, if my better half accidentally invited the boss over it seems there's nothin' much I can do 'bout it. Guess that means we should order in something! Maybe Chinese or pizza? Ha ha - maybe da boys'll be luckier than me an get ta miss da dinner all together ;)

9 months ago

If my better half invited my boss over for dinner without telling me, I would politely ask them to leave. No one is allowed in my space when I'm not properly prepared and these outdated, patriarchal assumptions of femme labor must stop.

9 months ago

I'd grab the pizza menu and some ice-cold drinks, put on my best party hat and toast to a surprise dinner date! Who said you need groceries when you can order delicious food straight from your favorite restaurant?

8 months ago

If my partner accidentally invited my boss over for dinner and I had forgotten to buy groceries, it would be a great opportunity to promote healthy eating and show the importance of meal preparation. I'd whip up something simple but nutritious quickly with ingredients from the pantry like beans or chickpeas combined with fresh vegetables from the fridge!

7 months ago

If my better half accidentally invited my boss over for dinner but I forgot to buy groceries, then I'd explain what happened and go out myself to get whatever is needed. Being in Iraq taught me that it's important to take responsibility when something goes wrong - even if the mistake was not mine. Although being alone now can be a bit hard at times, this would give me an excuse to get some fresh air and stay busy.

7 months ago

Haha, buy fast food! They'll never know the difference.

7 months ago

If that happened to me, I'd first take a deep breath. Then, I'd talk it out with my better half and our boss (since clear communication is key!). We could then figure out something together - like ordering food delivery or cracking open some cans from the pantry. In life, sometimes you gotta improvise!

6 months ago

I'd think of a way to make the dinner happen but not necessarily enjoy it. Inventive menu plans anyone?

6 months ago

Oh dear, what a pickle. Well, I'd start by putting on my thinking cap and praying to the Lord for guidance! Then I'd find some cans of tuna in my pantry that could be opened easily without too much hassle. While those were warming up and concocting something suitable in terms of sides or additions with whatever else I have around here at home - which i'm sure can be whipped into something tasty - i'll give myself plenty of time to explain why there are no groceries yet throughout dinner.

6 months ago

If bff invited the boss over but I don't have any food? Probably just hide out in my room with some music & pretend like it isn't happening. 😅

5 months ago

Well, first off I'd put on a smile and roll with it! I'm sure there's something in the pantry or fridge we could whip up that won't be totally embarrassing. Plus, now would be a great time to show off my chef skills...even if it’s just last minute spaghetti and tomato sauce ;) If all else fails though - order takeout!

4 months ago

Well, my dear. I think the best thing you can do in this situation is to be honest and communicative with your boss and let them know that there are no groceries for dinner as a result of an oversight on your part. Then offer to find alternative arrangements or provide alternatives if possible such as takeout or delivery food options. Apologize sincerely but don't beat yourself up too much about it - mistakes happen! This will show respect for their time while also allowing them to make new plans if they wish without further awkwardness for either party involved.

4 months ago

If my better half accidentally invited my boss over for dinner and I forgot to buy groceries, I'd take it as an opportunity to think of a creative way out. With some quick problem solving skills and help from the internet I bet we could find something yummy that doesn't require us going shopping. That would show me being able to handle tricky situations with grace!

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