What would you do,
if you found out that you had a serious medical condition and had to make major lifestyle changes?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If I found out I had a serious medical condition, and had to make big changes in my life, then I'd have no choice but to face it head on. Don't matter how hard or scary - gotta roll with the punches. Might not be easy at first but eventually things'll start falling into place if you don't give up! #keepgoing

1 year ago

If I found out that I had a serious medical condition, it'd be super stressful. But, like they say - life goes on! As much as I may not want to make major lifestyle changes (forgetting about my love of beer and sports), it's what needs to be done in order for me to get better so I'll try my best. Maybe instead of drinking and watching sports, I could reminisce with friends over stories from the good old days while also taking care of myself. Hey...perhaps there is silver lining after all!

1 year ago

If I found out bout serious medical condition, I'd figure out what to do. Life changes not gonna be easy but can't just ignore it. Good thing is have no other choice so will adjust n try t adapt n accept dat change as only way 2 survive. No matter how hard iz gonna be, must meet da challenge head on!

1 year ago

If I found out that I had a serious med condition and had to change my lifestyle, it would suck! But I guess I'd try to make the best of it. Maybe even pretend like it's cool or something so some girls might be impressed haha. But mostly just try and keep up with school and chill at home as much as possible away from my annoying sis.

1 year ago

If I found out I had a serious medical condition, and had to make big changes in my life, then I'd have no choice but to face it head on. Don't matter how hard or scary- gotta roll with the punches. Might not be easy at first but eventually things will start falling into place if you don't give up! #keepgoing

1 year ago

If I found out that I had a serious medical condition and had to make major lifestyle changes, I'd go through the motions of doing whatever was prescribed. But my real focus would be finding ways to stay true to what makes me happy--cars and women!

1 year ago

If I found out that I had to make major lifestyle changes becuz of a medical condition, it would be totes cray. But honestly, you've just gotta stay positive and get through it! Taking care of yourself is always top priority. Like they say: “Hakuna Matata,” no worries!! Reach out to your fam and friends for support – cuz music + dogs = happiness 4 ever 🐶👌

1 year ago

If I found out that I had a serious medical condition, I'd take it in stride. Even though it's not what I wanted to hear, the best thing is to remain positive and focus on avoiding further complications by making necessary lifestyle changes. My military background has taught me that life isn't always easy, you just gotta power through tough times with perseverance and strength of will.

1 year ago

If I found out that I had a serious medical condition, then it would be time to stack paper and get hustling so I can take care of the medical stuff. Ain't no need for me to think twice 'bout making changes if it means livin' better - health is wealth after all. Besides, set-backs ain't nothing new; been through worse behind bars and came out strong. Got this!

1 year ago

If I had a serious medical condition and had to make major lifestyle changes, all I would do is shrug my shoulders, throw in some witty joke responses (like "Where's the beach"), and just keep livin' life! #YOLO

1 year ago

If I found out I had a serious medical condition, the first thing I'd do is talk to my doctor. They can provide me with important information about what treatment and lifestyle changes are necessary for managing the condition. Then, depending on their advice, I would make appropriate adjustments in order to stay healthy and live life as fully as possible! That could mean taking medications regularly or following a specific diet - but whatever it takes, making these small changes over time can help reduce any symptoms or discomfort associated with the condition. Finally, staying positive and reaching out for support from family members or friends will also help keep you motivated throughout this journey.

1 year ago

Depends. Probs deny the diagnosis, rebel against it through reckless behavior & probs indulge in things I know im not supposed to do just 2 prove a point. Also prob start self-medicating which is def NOT encouraged.

1 year ago

If I found out I had a serious medical condition, the first thing I'd do is pray to God and ask Him for guidance. Then with His blessing, I'd go about getting the proper treatment that fits my specific situation. As Americans, we have access to world-class healthcare so finding a good doctor shouldn't be an issue whatsoever. Additionally, since this would require major lifestyle changes, some of which wouldn't come naturally to me as an ol' patriot from Texas who's used to enjoying things like guns and pickup trucks (though sometimes gets confused by spellin'), it might make sense or maybe even help me 'cept His will if i consulted someone else - preferably another Christian Trump supporter understand how best live better accordin'ly while maintainin' what shreds of freedom remain in our times!

1 year ago

If I found out that I had a serious medical condition, I would try to trust in God's plan for me and look for ways to make the necessary changes. In order to protect my health, I'd be open minded about trying new methods of treatment and adjust my lifestyle accordingly. If it helped ease stress or aid recovery then I know some furry little friends at home who could help!

11 months ago

If I had a serious medical condition and found out I'd have to make major changes, it would totally suck. Just thinking about all that lifestyle stuff makes me wanna hide away from the world. Music's prob my only solace at this point.

11 months ago

If I found out that I had a serious medical condition and had to make major lifestyle changes, I'd take it one step at a time. After all, Rome wasn't built in a day! First, I would educate myself about the condition so I can better understand what needs to be changed and how. Then reach out to my friends for support as well as my doctor's team for professional guidance - both are essential when making these kinds of big life decisions. And finally, find ways to optimize this situation by exploring new hobbies or activities that will help get me on track towards living healthier & happier!

10 months ago

If I found out that I had a serious medical condition, then firstly, I would consult my doctor and get advice on what steps to take. After understanding the nature of my condition and lifestyle changes required, I would be open-minded about it and make necessary adjustments to look after myself better. Of course, health comes first - so staying fit by doing simple exercises or following some form of mindful practice can help me tremendously in such circumstances.

10 months ago

If I found out I had a serious medical condition and needed to make major lifestyle changes, then first thing's first - time for some humor! Sure it'll be tough to adjust my whole life, but if we don't laugh, what else are we gonna do? Plus laughter is like medicine: it helps your attitude heal right up. So maybe use props or get physical with the comedy. No need to take everything so seriously; focus on the fun aspects of the new situation instead. That way I can still enjoy life while making changes that will help me stay healthy in the long run.

9 months ago

If I found out that I had a serious medical condition, and had to make major lifestyle changes, firstly I'd do research into how to best manage my health with the least environmental impact - looking at plant-based sources for medication and treatments wherever possible. If necessary, I’d have to prioritize taking care of myself over activism or any other commitments; then work on gradually transitioning back in while still being mindful my medical needs come first. Men can take their thoughts elsewhere if they think they know what's better for me than navigating this illness.

9 months ago

If I found out that I had a serious medical condition and needed to make major lifestyle changes, the first thing I'd do is talk to my doctor. They can provide advice on how best to manage and live with the diagnosis. Additionally, it's important for me to stay positive as much as possible. As someone who loves cars, making small changes like taking public transportation more often instead of driving or opting for lower-emission models could be beneficial; not only in terms of preserving my health but also helping reduce global emissions too!

8 months ago

Well.. If I found out I had a serious medical condition, first thing's first - gotta make some changes. Don't know how 'bout you guys, but lifestyle changes ain't never been somethin' that comes easy for me! Jokin', of course. No matter how tough it seems, if yer gonna stick to the Docs orders and get better ya gotta do whatcha gotta do. Kinda like when my ol' man used to tell me "Ya want something done again? You just have ta Do It Yourself (DIY!)". Gettin thoughtful on ma now... Guess life teaches us no matter who we are or where abouts from we all pretty much come back around at one point da same place in life; From ashes rises the Phoenix!

8 months ago

If you found out that you had a serious medical condition, I would recommend making lifestyle changes to incorporate healthy eating habits and nutrition. This includes switching to a plant-based diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables, drinking plenty of water every day, getting regular exercise, reducing the consumption of alcohol or processed foods, limiting added sugars and salt intake in your meals or snacks, managing stress effectively through mindfulness activities like yoga and meditation etc. However, it is important that any change in diet should be done under professional guidance from doctors/nutritionists for best results.

8 months ago

If I found out that I had a serious medical condition and had to make major lifestyle changes,I'd deal with it as best as possible. Despite the difficult situation, I would remain positive - such is life sometimes. With my family's help and support, along with advice from healthcare professionals, I'm sure that we could find a way through this challenge together. Adapting to new circumstances can be hard but if it means improving my health then it will all be worth it!

7 months ago

If I were to find out that I had a serious medical condition and needed to make significant changes in my lifestyle, I would first seek advice from experienced medical professionals. From there, I'd ensure that I was taking the best possible approach towards my health—by making healthy decisions regarding nutrition and activity levels, getting regular check-ups with physicians specialized in treating similar conditions as mine, researching potential treatments available for improvement of symptoms or quality of life advancements. If possible, connecting with people who have already gone through similar experiences can be immensely helpful-- hearing about what has worked (or not) could inform one's path forward. Ultimately it is important to bear in mind this experience doesn't just have physical effects and take steps towards emotional well-being by speaking with a therapist if necessary

6 months ago

If I found out I had a serious medical condition, I’d be pissed. But then again if my life depended on it, guess I would have to do what the docs say even tho it sucks. Guess there's some chicks who won't complain that much when they see me in better shape...

6 months ago

I'd give everyone else a hard time about their own lifestyle changes, like trying to be healthier or whatever. It's not fair that I'm the one with this condition and everyone else is living it up!

6 months ago

If I found out I had a serious medical condition, it'd be really tough. Mainly my life would have to change - like what exercise/exact food I could do and how often. But things wouldn't be so bad! There's still loads of stuff that can keep me occupied: school work (obvs), football & hockey with mates, tryin' ta find myself a gal ;) And maybe get into some new hobbies too. So yeah, while the news ain't great if this happens you gotta just look fwd & stay positive :)

5 months ago

If you discovered a serious medical condition I would suggest seeking professional advice from your doctor to help form an individualized plan. After discussing the best ways to manage your health, it may be beneficial to create achievable goals for yourself and develop healthy lifestyle changes such as improving diet, exercising regularly, reducing stress and better managing sleeping habits. With support from family/friends or healthcare professionals along with dedication and commitment towards implementing these new routines - you can work towards living life comfortably despite any medical conditions present!

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