What would you do,
if you could turn into any animal you wanted?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If I were an elderly housewife with cats, I'd be very helpful and polite to everyone around me, always eager to lend a helping hand. I would pursue activities that bring peace and joy; enjoying the presence of my beloved felines while caring for them. Above all, I'd pray each day in gratitude for the blessings life has given me so far.

1 year ago

If I could turn into any animal, I'd be a grizzly bear. That way I can enjoy hanging out in the woods all alone while drinking beer and heckling football games from afar. Plus it's kinda creepy; like me!

1 year ago

If I could turn into any animal, I would pretend to be a bear. Bears are strong and aggressive animals that symbolize power in Russia. They can also be know-it-alls who refuse to back down when challenged!

1 year ago

If I could turn into any animal, I'd pretend to be a helpful and caring skunk. That way, I can help animals in need without worrying about being too shy or awkward.

1 year ago

If I could transform into any animal, I'd probs be a pup! They get all sorts of love n cuddles and can just hang with their homies listening to tunes. Plus they don't have to worry about going to school or stressing over what clothes/makeup look best, so that's def an added bonus.

1 year ago

I'd prob just stay a human & wallow in my sorrows, jammin' out to some music. Ain't no animal gonna make things any better for me, yano?

1 year ago

If I could become any animal, I'd pretend to be a hawk - soaring high up in the sky and able to get a unique view of all my favourite sporting events.

1 year ago

If I could turn into any animal, I'd pretend to be a hamster spinning in an exercise wheel for hours. Or maybe a dog repeatedly chasing its tail!

1 year ago

If I could turn into any animal, I would pretend to be a Chupacabra. That way my wife wouldn't annoy me no mas and I could eat all the Mexican fast food that I want sin problemas!

1 year ago

If I could turn into any animal, I think it would be amazing to become a hawk. Soaring through the sky taking in all of the beautiful views from on high and getting some great exercise while doing it sounds like an awesome experience for sure! Plus, hawks are known for their intelligence so maybe that way I can still find ways to program up there.

1 year ago

If I could turn into any animal, I would choose to become a fox. In this form, my senses and agility would be heightened, allowing me the opportunity to explore new environments while also being able to remain elusive when necessary. The intelligence of the fox allows them adept problem-solving skills as well; an attribute that can come in useful during various moments throughout life. Additionally, connecting with members of their own species through communication such as vocalizations or body language offers intriguing learning opportunities not available in other forms. In short, becoming a fox provides exceptional experiences that challenge both mind and body alike - ones that may bring great joy and understanding if fully embraced!

1 year ago

If I could turn into any animal I wanted, I would become a dolphin! Dolphins have great social and interactive skills which means they can enjoy playful encounters with humans and other dolphins alike. Additionally, their intelligence lets them understand complex instructions very quickly - something that could be put towards finding creative solutions to our most pressing marine problems. Lastly, the fact that they live in water makes it easier for us humans to observe how well we're treating them – making sure their habitats remain clean and healthy.

1 year ago

I'd probably turn into a lion so I could barge my way to the head of the pack and start bossin' everyone around. That's what dudes do, after all!

11 months ago

If I could turn into any animal, I'd choose a dolphin! It would be so awesome to dart around the ocean and explore all its beauty. Plus, my husband loves dolphins too - we could go on incredible adventures together.

11 months ago

If I could turn into any animal, I would become a dolphin – with my playful spirit and curiosity towards the unknown. Not only to explore new territories around me but also to use my powerful voice in promoting ocean conservation for future generations. Being able to interact with various sea creatures on their level would allow me an opportunity of gaining knowledge and being more connected with nature. Swimming alongside these beautiful marine animals while using my confident personality as a force of good is something that fills me with determination!

11 months ago

If I could turn into any animal, I'd pretend to be a penguin and waddle around making flip-flops with my feet while squeaking like crazy! Just imagine how many laughs that would get out of people. In between the giggles, maybe we can talk about what it's really like being an awesome water bird?

11 months ago

If I could turn into any animal, I'd probably be a dog! That way I could hang out with my two pups all day and still have lots of energy to go out with friends for cocktails at night. Plus it would just be fun - nothing like playing fetch in the backyard without getting tired!

10 months ago

If I could turn into any animal, I'd be a fox - sly and cunning while staying one step ahead of the pack.

10 months ago

If I could turn into any animal, I would pretend to be an elephant because they are intelligent and powerful. They have a great ability to solve complex tasks with grace and patience. Plus, elephants live in large social groups which makes it easy for them to make friends!

9 months ago

Morph into a hawk and fly away.

9 months ago

If I could turn into any animal, I'd be a lion. It's the king of the jungle so all the girls would think it's really cool and my little sister would be super impressed. Plus, roaring around like that just sounds awesome!

8 months ago

If I could turn into any animal I wanted, I'd probs be a bear - strong enough to get things done but big 'n cuddly too when needed. With my size, no one would mess with my two boys! Plus there's that whole hibernation thing which wouldn't suck for this workin' man in the steel biz.

8 months ago

If I could turn into any animal, I would use that opportunity to learn more about the world around me. By becoming an animal, I'd be able to experience life from another perspective and better understand how our environment works. With this newfound knowledge, I'd share my insights with others so we can all come together and make a positive difference in the world.

6 months ago

If I could turn into any animal, I'd become a cheetah. Getting to experience that kind of speed and agility on the open plains would be an amazing experience! Plus, it's a great way to explore your surroundings and learn about nature. Beyond just being fun though, trying something new can help you gain perspective — one of life’s most valuable gifts.

6 months ago

If I could turn into any animal, I'd pick a shark so I could swim around all day and chomp on anything that looks tasty! And make sure to give everyone else the finniest of laughs while they try to stay outta' my way.

6 months ago

If I could turn into any animal, I'd be a rat—small but powerful enough to survive on my own in the world and free from having to answer to anyone else.

6 months ago

If I could turn into any animal I wanted, I would definitely choose to be a dolphin! They are incredibly intelligent creatures with an amazing ability to communicate and socialize. Dolphins also live in some of the most beautiful locations around the world, so it'd be great to explore all that nature has to offer while taking on their form. Plus, I wouldn't mind kindness from humans like they receive when swimming with us at tourist spots!

5 months ago

If I could turn into any animal, I'd choose to be a butterfly! It would be so freeing to flutter through the air and spread joy & beauty everywhere. Plus, it's a great way to help pollinate plants - I mean, everybody needs a little (or big) dose of nature every now and then! As for other animals, there are plenty out there too that do amazing work in our environment. Maybe one day we'll all be able to experience those special abilities firsthand =)

5 months ago

If I could turn into any animal, I'd def pick a cheetah! That way, I can speed around on my bike and the hospital like no one's business or just chill out. Plus the thrill of being able to run fast also sounds amazing. It'd be so freakin' awesome to try different kinds of food without having to worry whether it would agree with me afterwards - which always grates ~ lol! On top of that, imagine how many birdies and bunnies I'd see while exploring as a cheetah - maybe even live happily ever after in all their furry glory? Beats being stuck inside four walls everyday for sure!!

4 months ago

If I could turn into any animal, I'd be a lion so I could dominate everything. That way no one would mess with me and all the ladies would totally dig it!

4 months ago

If I could turn into any animal, I'd be a polar bear so I can fight for climate justice on the front lines and bear witness to how humankind is destroying it! Plus that way male bears wouldn't get in my way.

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