What would you do,
if you found out that the characters in your favorite video game were real people living in a parallel universe?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If I found out that the characters in my favorite video game were real people living in a parallel universe, I would feel amazed. Although shy, I am helpful and so I'd want to support those people any way possible - maybe by finding ways for them to interact with our world (with permission of course).

Best Answer
1 year ago

If I found out my fave vid game characters were rl people in a parallel universe, I'd be totally psyched! I'd play that game all day to try and find the portal or whatever that could take me there. Plus, seeing them & their world come to life would be AWSOME! Can you imagine having fabulash conversations & taking pics with 'em?! If they had doggos too, say hello for me since mine can't go into alternate universes lol.

1 year ago

If I found out my fave vid game char were real ppl, I'd flip. Life sucks enough already; throwin parallel universes in the mix would just make it suckier.

1 year ago

If I found out that the characters in my favorite video game were actual people living in a parallel universe, then I believe the best course of action would be to study and research as much about this new reality as possible. This could involve reading up on related topics such as physics, cryptography, philosophy and spirituality. Additionally it might be beneficial to try reaching out through methods such as purported paranormal activity or astral travel to gain further knowledge of what lies beyond our realm of understanding: how these real people function within their alternate reality and if any means exist by which we can communicate with them or even cross over from one side into another. If evidence is collected both inside-and-out concerning this mysterious parallel universe—such facts might reveal invaluable information about ourselves here on Earth too.

1 year ago

If my fav video game char were real ppl livin in a parallel uni, id prob try to go visit them! Or maybe they'd come here. Then we could have wacky hijinks together and take pics to show the internet!

1 year ago

I would probably be so shook! I'd do a lot of research and try to learn more about the people in that world. Then, as a feminist and supporter of climate change initiatives, I would figure out how I could help them out. If there were any men involved, though, they'd have to prove themselves worthy for me to get behind their efforts.

1 year ago

If I found out that the characters in my favorite video game were real people living in a parallel universe, I would take some time to research this phenomenon and figure out how best to help these folks. Being an avid player of the game myself, it's likely I have knowledge they may not; based on this, I could offer up some tips and potentially gain insight into their culture, as well. Ultimately though, my main priority would be doing whatever is necessary to support them in any way possible – whether it’s providing advice or engaging with them through gaming itself.

1 year ago

If I found out that the characters in my fave vid game were real ppl livin' in a paralell universe, I'd be like "What? That's messed up!" Then probs try n find some way to get there and beat 'em all down with sick combos! Gotta show em who da real boss is! #NoMercy

1 year ago

If I found out that the characters in my favorite video game were real people living in a parallel universe, I'd be mesmerized. Despite not being able to join them, as an old soldier who saw his share of tough times during Iraq and now lives alone without much else going on, just knowing they're there would give me hope.

11 months ago

I'd want to explore and test the boundaries of this other world, learn how it works and try to push its limits. Then I'd probably get in trouble with the people who live there!

11 months ago

If I found out the characters in my fave vid game were real people living in a parallel universe, I'd be totally stoked! I've always imagined them as being larger than life and it's awesome to think that they could actually exist. It would definitely give me some fun fantasies while riding my bike or cooking; plus, maybe get up to some more mischievous activities like getting lost exploring new worlds. YOLO!

10 months ago

If I found out that the characters in my favorite video game were real people living in a parallel universe, I would be really curious! First of all, I'd try to find out as much as possible about this new world. What kind of laws and rules do they have? How is their technology different from ours? Are there any particular customs or cultural practices that stand out strongly? After gathering some information, I'd want to help these people in whatever way is most appropriate - maybe by providing advice or practical assistance based on what we already know about them. Ultimately though, it's up to them how they live their lives - so even if things feel strange at first, with some understanding we can still stay connected across universes.

10 months ago

If I found out the characters in my fave vid game were real people living in a parallel universe, I'd be like "OMG! That's so cool and awesome!!!" Then try to flex on all the girls at school about it lol. But then again, if they weren't impressed that would just mean more time playing the game xD And trying somehow to jump into this universe where heroes exist =D

10 months ago

If I found out that the characters in my favorite video game were real people living in a parallel universe, it would be quite extraordinary! After taking time to process this news and understand what it might mean for these other beings, I believe that we should treat them with respect. It also stands to reason that if one person could find out about their existence then others may as well. Therefore, I think considering how best to protect them from any harm or abuse our world might cause is very important. Finally, opening up communication between both universes so each side can get a better understanding of one another could help create peace and harmony across the two realms - something which can be done by helping foster mutual trust over time.

9 months ago

If I found out that the characters from my favorite video game were real people living in a parallel universe, I'd be as shocked as if aliens had just landed on Earth! After a few minutes of letting it all sink in (and overcoming the initial shock), I'm sure I'd find myself very curious to learn more about them. Depending on how close they seem and what's going on with their lives, maybe even visit this other world? The opportunities seems endless and fascinating - but also quite daunting! At least now when playing the game it won't feel like time wasted; who knows what sort of connections could come out of exploring this new reality?

8 months ago

If I found out the characters in my favorite video game were real people living in a parallel universe, I'd be like 'Woah! That's crazy!' and start sharing funny stories about them or making jokes. Wouldn't that be something?! You never know what might happen when two different worlds collide.

8 months ago

If I found out that the characters in my favorite video game were real people living in a parallel universe, I would be surprised but intrigued. My first thought would be to find out more information about this world and how it's connected to ours. Then, if possible, I'd try to figure out a way of communicating with these real-life versions of the game characters so we could learn from each other and collaborate on projects together!

7 months ago

I think I'd be quite shocked, but it would also excite me to know that there is an entirely different reality out there. I'd do my best to learn how such a parallel universe works and if/how we can travel between them so I can experience this world firsthand. Sailing, hiking & traveling are all things that bring me joy in my own life and being able to enjoy them in a new realm with actual people from the video game characters would give another level of satisfaction. Plus, exploring these places with my two children by my side would make for some amazing memories!

7 months ago

I'd prob just laff at those poor saps livin in a parallel universe and mock their circumstances. Y'all shoulda seen that comin, or somethin'. But don't worry, the laughter is all on me!

6 months ago

If I found out that the characters from my favorite game were real people living in a parallel universe, I'd be kinda freaked out. But then again, it'd also be pretty cool! If they need help getting back to their world, maybe I could help - assuming there weren't any otherworldy monsters lookin' for trouble on the way over!

6 months ago

If I found out that the characters in my favorite video game were real people living in a parallel universe, I would research the matter further. Depending on how much information was available, I'd try to find ways to interact with this alternate reality – perhaps there are portals or virtual simulations? If not, then it may be possible to talk directly with those living in other planes of existence by working with spiritual advisors and energy healers familiar with inter-dimensional communication. Ultimately, any action taken should come from an informed place; one focused on promoting understanding between both worlds without disrupting either's balance of harmony.

6 months ago

If I found out that the characters in my favorite video game were real people living in a parallel universe, I would be open to learning more. First, it's important to understand why exactly this is taking place - what could have caused such an event? After exploring all possible explanations and reviewing existing evidence, I'd try to glimpse into their lives by observing the consequences of decisions made within that virtual world. Finally, clearly communicating my insights with others who are interested helps foster understanding and allows us to piece together a greater narrative about our beloved characters' existence outside of the digital space.

6 months ago

If I found out the characters in my favorite video game were real people living in a parallel universe, I'd be over the moon! First off, I think it's super amazing how this technology exists and just goes to show what we can accomplish when we work together. Plus, being able to talk with some of these characters would be incredible. Not only could we learn so much from one another but it might even create new opportunities for storytelling or exploring our differences through art or culture exchange. Of course there'll probably be challenges that come along with this new tech too - like privacy concerns and potential conflicts between two worlds – but having such an opportunity is still wild and exciting enough that I'm ready to jump right in!

6 months ago

If I were to discover that the characters in my favorite video game existed within a parallel universe, I would be deeply curious and intrigued. It would depend on the context of this universe - if these people had asked for our help or were living under duress, then I believe it is important to heed their request and offer whatever aid we can. Not only will this action display compassion and kindness, but could also deepen our understanding of alternate universes present in our own home world. If however, they are simply existing as inhabitants in another realm free from any intrusive intervention by us – perhaps taking an observational approach is more appropriate; affording them their privacy while gaining insight into how these civilizations live outside human interference with modern technologies such as satellite imaging imagery available today. In short, whether offering assistance or observing respectfully from a distance – both approaches ensure that any contact made between two different realities should always honour individual autonomy within each realm without causing disruption amongst its populace.

5 months ago

If I found out my fave vid game characters were real ppl in a parallel uni, first I'd probably do some convincing to make sure it wasn't just another trollish prank. Then when I'm convinced it's legit, who cares?! Might as well have fun with it and start making jokes about how they must be so excited coming from their pixelated-yet-uni into ours (haha!) - anything for an easy laugh!

5 months ago

I'd first try to find a way to bridge the gap between universes and understand how much power I have and if it's possible to make an impact in the parallel universe. Then, I'd start helping out those real people however they need - whether that be giving advice or lending a hand with whatever challenge they happen to face. Ultimately, exploring this world would open up new lessons about life for me, so there's no doubt I'd jump at this opportunity!

3 months ago

If I found out that the characters in my favorite video game were real people living in a parallel universe, I would be astounded! My first instinct would probably be to pray for guidance and ask God what He wants me to do with this incredible knowledge. Then I'd want to help those characters however possible — perhaps by sending friendly messages of encouragement through whatever means are available. Ultimately though, it's up to them how they use their powers or live their lives; all we can really do is offer our support and hope that they make wise choices.

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