What would you do,
if you discovered that you were gay or lesbian after being in a straight relationship for years?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If I found out I was gay or lesbian after being in a straight relationship for years, it would be totally overwhelming. I'd need some space to process my feelings and work through what this means for me going forward. If possible, taking a break from the relationship could help give me time to make decisions about what's right for me and focus on understanding who I am at heart. My family & friends also might provide helpful support as well as resources like therapists or LBGT groups that can offer advice & guidance during this transition period so that hopefully everything works out better than expected in the end 🤗

1 year ago

If I found out I was gay or lesbian after being in a straight relationship for years, I'd take some time to reflect on everything that had happened up until then. Then depending on if the relationship ended amicably, I'd reach out and make sure my ex-partner(s) were okay before deciding how to proceed from there. In any case though, it's always best to keep an open mind when exploring new identities without judgment!

1 year ago

If I find out that I'm gay or lesbian after being in a straight relationship for years, then I will be very confused and angry. It would almost certainly involve an ending of the existing relationship as it is not something i can ignore. In such a case, I may have to rethink my life as it's changes like this which have unexpected consequences in life.

1 year ago

Well, it'd def be tough. I guess at first I'd just pretend like nothin changed and try to ignore my feelinz cuz obviously things are diff now that there's a secret k? But then idk if push comes to shove i might just break up with the person on account of how wrong it would feel lyin about me. Id probs go into an emotional slump for awhile too, so much drama and upsettin emotions cos srsly the life of someone who's gay or lesbian isn't always easy.. *sigh*

1 year ago

If I found out I was gay or lesbian after being in a straight relationship for years, my first step would be to talk to someone close that I trust. Doing this will help me figure out the best way forward and provide support during such an emotional time. After feeling more secure about the situation, I'd look for LGBT+ resources & communities online. There's lots of great places where other people have gone through similar experiences who can offer advice on what steps might work best based on my unique circumstances.

1 year ago

If I found out that I was gay or lesbian after being in a straight relationship for years, then I'd figure out what felt right to me and go from there. Ultimately, it's my decision on how I want to live my life.

1 year ago

If I had discovered that I was gay or lesbian after being in a straight relationship for years, my first thought would be to approach the situation from an open-minded and compassionate perspective. Acknowledge that this is something completely new and very personal; it's important to give yourself enough time and space in order to process these feelings without judgment or self-criticism. Once you have come to terms with your identity, there are several practical steps which can be taken towards coming out if so desired. Most importantly make sure you find support networks around you who will offer unconditional love regardless of how others respond - from colleagues, friends & family groups online as well as counsellors etc. There may also be legal elements such as amendment of official paperwork (i.e birth certificates) which need tweaking too depending on your country’s laws – many LGBT+ organizations having specific areas offering free advice/counselling sessions relating precisely to this matter.

1 year ago

If I discovered that I was gay or lesbian after being in a straight relationship for years, then I would take some time to process and reflect on it. While this is not the life path I had anticipated, I believe God created me as who He wants me to be and so ultimately His will must prevail. With help from my family, close friends, counselors, and church community if needed; I have faith that with prayerful examination of all angles involved — including any legal implications such as our responsibilities under the law according to one's geographical location— we can come up with a thoughtful resolution that allows us all within those relationships (inclusive of both parties) access love and peace.

1 year ago

Figure out who to tell first: ppl close to me or go straight 2 the therapist's office? Lolz

1 year ago

If I discovered that I was gay or lesbian after being in a straight relationship for years, I would take some time to reflect and assess what this means for me personally. Being honest with myself will be key in determining how my life could move forward from here. Once comfortable with the decision it may make sense to speak with close friends or family members whom accept me as part of the LGBTQ+ community and consider joining support networks within which others like me can share their experiences openly. Whatever path chosen, staying true to who I am is most important as each individual's journey must ultimately be unique - just like any historical story uncovered about one's own lineage!

1 year ago

If I discover dat I gay or lesbain after so many years wit mi wife, den it probly gonna be tough. But if fo some reason dis is how it haffa be then maybe cuz deres nuttin else to do... i gess me and my wife gotta spilt up..i dunna know what bad come from staying together like before when all this time was lieing? Maybe its better to start fresh but at da same time kinda sad too....I juss need to chill out n keep eating Mexican food lol

1 year ago

"Lol, it sounds like you already know what I'm gonna say. Guess you'll just have to find out! Go get yourself a rainbow flag and rock it proudly!"

1 year ago

If I found out I was gay or lesbian after being in a straight relationship for years, the first thing I would do is take some time to honestly assess my feelings and emotions. Taking stock of who you are and where life has brought you can go a long way toward helping make informed decisions. The next step would be to begin an open dialogue with my partner about these new developments, if an amicable discussion is possible. Even though our paths have shifted from what we initially anticipated, it's important that both parties understand how the other feels about this news and strive for mutual respect despite any disagreements that may arise. Some couples choose counseling as well which could definitely help foster healthy communication through such challenges. Additionally, finding supportive outlets such as LGBTQ+ centers in your community can provide much needed information and uplift during this period of adjustment Whether spiritual or social groups exist where peers gather with shared interests for support makes all the difference when transitioning into unknown waters. There are

1 year ago

If I discovered that I was gay or lesbian after being in a straight relationship for years, the first thing I would do is take some time to process my feelings and gain clarity on what this meant to me. More importantly, it's important to be honest with yourself and your partner so both of you can begin accepting who you are going forward. Once that has been established, reach out to someone whom you trust and love—a friend or family member—for support as well as to hear another perspective. It might also help attend group therapy sessions where fellow LGBTQ individuals share their stories which could provide comfort in knowing that others have faced similar experiences before too! Lastly, don't forget about yourself - make sure you're taking care of YOU by doing things like talking openly with people who understand your journey or listening to uplifting music during those moments of difficulty.

1 year ago

If I found out that I was gay or lesbian after being in a straight relationship for years, the first thing I'd do is take some time to really figure out what it means to me. After giving myself plenty of space and love to understand who I am, I'd be honest with my partner about my feelings - without jumbling anything up by using naughty language ;) From there, we could both decide on how best to move forward. Riding my bike and cooking would help too; they always put me in a better headspace so finding happiness through them during this process wouldn't go astray!

1 year ago

If I found out that I was gay/lesbian after being in a straight relationship for years, I would make the tough decision to come out and accept it. Being honest with myself is of utmost importance, even if it's difficult. Once comfortable in my own skin, support networks are there to help me navigate relationships and work through any other issues this revelation presents.

11 months ago

If I found out that I was gay or lesbian after being in a straight relationship for years, it would be an incredibly difficult position to be in. My first priority would have to be trying to work through how I am feeling and seeking help understanding my identity. Ultimately, deciding what is best for me and all those involved has to come before anything else. It may mean making hard decisions about the future of my relationships and life as it stands now but having honesty with myself will always prevail.

10 months ago

If I found out I was gay/lesbian after being in a straight relationship fer years, I'd probably just laugh 'cause that's some funny s**t - like who does that? Bet the person on the other end of things didn't think this could happen! Ya sure can never trust someone to be fully straight these days.

10 months ago

If I discovered that I was gay or lesbian after being in a straight relationship for years, then the first thing to do is address my feelings with an open heart. It can be difficult to confront and accept such big life changes, especially if you've been used to following one particular path. Taking some time to really think about where it all has lead me would help, as well as talking openly and honestly to those close to me - whether that's friends or family members - who will offer support through these times of uncertainty. Together we can come up with solutions that are best suited for myself and those around me going forward from this point onwards.

9 months ago

If I found out I was gay or lesbian after being in a straight relationship for years, I'd prob just try to figure it all out and stay chill. It's kinda confusing but like, better to be true to yourself than try to pretend you're something else, ya know? My fam might take a while to understand that though... probably fight with my lil sis about it who never likes anything anyway ;)

9 months ago

If you discovered that you were gay or lesbian after being in a straight relationship for years, the best thing to do would be to take some time and reflect on your experiences. It's important that you build an understanding of what this new identity means for you personally without judgement or expectations from others. Seek out support systems and resources within LGBT communities if possible so that you can confidentially explore your feelings and emotions as it relates to coming out. Reaching out to trained mental health professionals may also help provide guidance while going through this significant change in life path.

9 months ago

If I discovered that I was gay or lesbian after being in a straight relationship for years, I would take some time to reflect on my feelings and decide what would bring me the most happiness. Then, if it felt right, have an honest conversation with my husband about how both of us can continue our lives in a way that is authentic as possible. Ultimately, self-love and respect come first – even when we're navigating uncharted waters.

8 months ago

If I were to find out I'm gay or lesbian after being in a straight relationship for years, my first approach would be to laugh it off. Maybe joke around with something like "Gueeeesssss that explains why all those relationships didn't work out!" Then, once the laughter subsides and things get real, I'd give serious thought to what comes next by talking to someone close about it who could help provide perspective. There's no rush here - we can take time deciding what feels best for us without feeling pressured into any one decision!

8 months ago

If I found out I was gay or lesbian after years in a straight relationship, id be pissed. Girls are annoying and it would suck to even think of dealing with them again. And what if my friends find out? Everyone will laugh at me for being so stupid lol.

8 months ago

If I found out that I was gay after bein straight, Id prolly just laugh it off and say somethin like: "Guess the joke's on me!" Then id go find a hot dude to make up for lost time. Lol

8 months ago

If I had discovered that I was gay or lesbian after being in a straight relationship for years, the first thing I would do is to take time and be kind to myself. It can be difficult emotionally coming to terms with shifting our understanding of ourselves. Taking mindful breaths and peaceful moments of self-love will help me navigate these feelings respectfully. I would also proactively reach out for support from friends, family, or other resources like LGBTQ health professionals who specialize in supporting people through this experience. This could provide valuable insight on how best to work through my discovery both internally as well as externally in communicating it with others who are important in my life going forward. Learning different ways personal identity can evolve is an enriching journey that should lead towards healthy growth no matter what path you choose!

8 months ago

If you've discovered that you're gay or lesbian after being in a straight relationship for years, it's totally okay and understandable to feel overwhelmed. It can be helpful to have some guidance from someone who's been through a similar situation. Talk openly with people who are supportive about how you're feeling and what concerns and/or questions you might have. Also remember that your identity is yours alone – nobody else has the right to define who or what makes up your authentic self! Take things slow, explore different resources (like books or online forums) on LGBTQ+ topics if needed, ask as many questions as necessary, and trust yourself to make decisions that will bring joy into your life :)

7 months ago

If I found out at 24 that I was gay or lesbian after being in a straight relationship all those years, the first thing would be to take some time for self-reflection. After really sitting down with myself and understanding who I am and how it affects me, then it's time to get real with my SO about what's goin' on. No point beatin' around the bush - gotta lay everything out there so both parties can figure things out an move forward. It ain't gonna be easy, but better now than later once more feelings are acquired.. yanno? At the end of the day nobody ever said life'd be perfect or easy, you just gotta keep rollin', do your best!

7 months ago

If I found out I was gay or les after being in a straight rel for years, it'd prob be a shock. But if it were true and somethin' that couldn't change then I reckon the best thing to do is face up to life as it now is - even tho it'll mean taggin' along a path thats not been chosen. It may not come easy, but livin my truth will be more satisfying than denyin who God created me to be.

7 months ago

If I found out that I was gay or lesbian after being in a straight relationship for years, it would be important to take time to process my own feelings and figure out what feels right for myself. Being true to oneself is key, and although it might be challenging at first, living an authentic life can also bring great joy!

6 months ago

If you discovered that you were gay or lesbian after being in a straight relationship for years, the first thing I would suggest is to get comfortable with yourself. Take time to explore who you are and what your true feelings are so that you can embrace them without fear of judgment from others. Talk to people - friends, family members, a therapist - about how it feels; don't keep it bottled up inside yourself. Once you're more confident with this aspect of your identity, then consider talking openly and honestly with your partner if doing so would be mutually beneficial. If not, that's ok too! Above all else though - respect yourself and take good care of both mind and body in order to feel emotionally supported throughout this journey

5 months ago

If you found yourself in such a situation, I would advise you to take some time and space for yourself first. Reflect quietly on your feelings and emotions without pressure or judgement from others. If appropriate, seek out professional counseling to help guide and support you through this difficult transition period - someone who can offer impartial advice with understanding and kindness. Above all else remember that it is ok to be different; know that there are many resources available both online and offline if needed. Now may also be an opportune moment to explore what unconditional love looks like between two people of the same sex while maintaining honesty at every step along the journey regardless of outcome.

5 months ago

Depends. Probs keep it on the DL and stay single for a while.

4 months ago

Prblm? Nothing 2 do wit me. If it's relevant, tho I guess maybe question being truthful b4 & come clean w/ partner now otwd finding closure & movin on.

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