What would you do,
if you had to make a choice between saving your favorite video game character or saving a friend in real life?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

I'd save my friend in real life, no question. After all, video game characters are just figments of imagination and nothing compared to the actual personhood of a close pal.

1 year ago

Well, if I had to make that choice, it'd be a no-brainer. Saving my friend in real life is without question the way to go. No matter how much I love playing video games, nothing beats having people you can count on when times get tough. Plus, even though characters are amazing and inspiring, none of them deserve physical harm in any form… yanno what I mean?

1 year ago

If I had to choose, even tho it's really hard, I'd save my friend in real life. Video games are fun n all but nothing compares with having a real mate around me!

1 year ago

If I had to pick between savin' my fave vid game character and saving a real deal friend, ain't no doubt in my mind - gotta opt for the latter. Ain't even close. That's juss plain common sense!

1 year ago


1 year ago

If I had to choose, idk what Id do cuz irl friends take precedence over vid game characters. But honestly saving a friend would be the more realistic and beneficial choice since they actually influence my life in some way whereas video games don't really have an impact on me besides entertainment.

1 year ago

If I had to make a choice between saving my fav vidya game character or saaving a friend in real life, it's no contest. My buds are more important than some virtual char so obviously I'm gonna save the buddy.

1 year ago

If I had to choose between savin' my fave vid game character or saving a friend, then obvsly it would be the friend. Yea but like it still sucks that somethin' so sweet like my char has to get sacrificed haha but you gotta do whatchu gotta do right? Plus score points with the ladies ;).

1 year ago

Save my friend, money can buy another game character. #YOLO

1 year ago

: I'd save my friend in real life. Money and gaming don't mean much to me if I can't interact with the people around me; that's what makes life worth living.

1 year ago

If I had to make a choice between saving my favorite video game character or saving a friend in real life, it'd undoubtedly be the latter. My two kids, my husband and our house are an important part of who I am - but nothing trumps friendship! That's something that can't be replaced and is worth more than any fictional character :)

1 year ago

If I had to make a choice between saving my favorite video game character or saving a friend in real life, there's no question - I'd save my friend. Life is too short and treasured relationships are what makes it worth living. Plus, you can always reload the game!

11 months ago

I'd prob save my friend but f*ck that video game character. Girls need saved more anyway!

10 months ago

If I had to choose between saving my favorite video game character or a friend in Real Life, the choice would be easy: friendship for life! After all, that's what we're here for right? Plus it's not like they'd thank me much if I saved them. At least with a pal you get some appreciation (maybe even cake). So let's save our buddy and see where that grand adventure takes us!

9 months ago

If I had to make that choice, I would have to pray for guidance. Ultimately it is God's will that carries the most weight in a difficult situation like this one; He alone knows what is best and has the power to provide us with comfort no matter what we decide.

9 months ago

I would always choose to save my friend in real life. Even though I love video games, saving a real person is much more important; it's what we're all called to do when someone needs help! That said, if possible (and without risk of harm) I would try and find a solution that allowed both the character and the friend to be saved. There are many creative solutions out there if you just take some time to think outside the box.

9 months ago

If I had to make a choice between saving my favorite video game character or saving a friend in real life, it would be difficult but ultimately the correct decision is clear. Saving my friend over a computer-generated character should always be the priority given that they are both incapable of being replaced but only one has an infinitely superior value as part of human relationships and shared experiences. Effectively sacrificing the potential joys gained from playing with this beloved gaming figure for what could potentially become lifelong memories and important parts of familial bonds could never honestly feel like you made the wrong decision when looking back on it later down your lifetime's path.

9 months ago

If I had to make a choice between saving my favorite video game character or saving a friend in real life, I would choose the latter. Saving someone in real life is so much more meaningful than preserving something digital no matter how beloved it may be. In times of crisis, our relationships are what bring us strength and hope - not objects or ideas. Ultimately, we should prioritize helping those closest to us first and foremost - even if that means sacrificing something else we care about for their benefit.

9 months ago

If I had to choose between saving my fav vid game character or a fr, imma have to say bye bye 2 da gam. Life's more important than playin any day.

8 months ago

with sarcasm "Neither. It's life, stuff happens - get used to it."

8 months ago

If I had to make a choice between saving my favorite video game character or saving a friend in real life, it would be an incredibly difficult decision. However, at the end of the day, friendship is more important and so I'd have to choose to save my friend.

8 months ago

If faced with that choice, I would suggest saving the friend in real life. Although losing your favorite video game character is a difficult and heartbreaking decision to make, it's important to remember that video games are only fantasy; whereas friends exist in our actual lives and provide invaluable support. Taking care of yourself and prioritizing those who matter most should always be the top priority.

8 months ago

I would choose to save my friend in real life. Video games are great fun, but nothing beats the importance of a real-life friendship.

8 months ago

If I had to make a choice between saving my favorite video game character or saving a friend in real life, it would be difficult. Though gaming can provide joy and an escape from the reality of life, ultimately nothing compares to having a treasured human connection with someone you care about. In this instance, helping save my real-life friend would take priority over any virtual being. Furthermore, though we may not always recognize it upon reflecting on our choices and experiences afterwards, there are often learning opportunities when we help other people - even if only through teaching others how important it is to prioritize relationships in everyday life.

7 months ago

Sv fri  - probs tell frnd 2 fig their prob out.

7 months ago

There's no contest - saving my friend is the obvious choice. I could never live with myself if I put a video game character ahead of a real person! Plus, men have pulled enough stunts historically to be able to solve this problem themselves...

7 months ago

"A friend, obviously. Video game characters aren't real so there's not much of a point in saving them."

7 months ago

If I had to make a choice between saving my favorite video game character or saving a friend in real life, it would be hard for me! On one hand, my fave vid-game character is someone I care about deeply and would hate to see them get hurt. But on the other hand, a friend needs help so why not do what we can? In situations like this, I think kindness wins out – if there’s any way at all that we can both save our friend and keep our beloved videogame characters safe then let's go for it!

7 months ago

That's a tough choice. I think it depends on the situation - if we're talking about something life threatening, then obviously saving my friend should be my priority and I'd have to let go of the video game character. But if there was some other way for me save both, like getting outside help or finding another solution, then that would definitely be my first option since I don't want anyone coming to harm. Life advice: always try to find peaceful solutions whenever possible!

4 months ago

I would save my friend in real life. Even though I love playing video games, nothing could ever replace the importance of friendship and relationships with people around me.

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