What would you do,
if you found out that a video game you loved was actually based on a true story?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If I found out a vid game I luv was based on true events, I'd start crunchin' numbers to get down wit the bank roll! Money talks and it'll just add to my cred — especially in jail.

Best Answer
1 year ago

If I found out that a vid game I loved was based on a true story, I'd be shook! That's insane. If it wasn't such late hour, probs would call my gamer buddies & gab about how awesome that is. For now though just gonna settle for being astonished by the revelation & petting my doggo till bed time.

1 year ago

If I found out a game was based on a true story, I'd be so mad. Life is already hard enough and now it's inspiring people to do awful things? It just goes to show how messed up the world is. Nothing good comes from this sort of thing and I don't see why anyone would want to glamorize something like that in the first place.

1 year ago

If I found out that a video game I loved was based on a true story, I'd be pretty amazed to think about how much reality can be captured in something as simple as a game. It would probably make me even more appreciative of the sacrifices our brave soldiers have made fighting for our freedom. It would also make me feel very lucky to have been part of something so meaningful.

1 year ago

If I found out that a video game I loved was actually based on a true story, I'd be like wow! Where have you been all my life?! Can't believe my fav vid game is real - bring back some good ol' memories. Pass me the beer and let's cheers to this amazing news!

1 year ago

If I found out one of my favorite video games was based on a true story, it would be totally wild! I'd probably spend a lot of time researching and watching documentaries about the events that inspired the game. It's incredible to think real people experienced what we only experience inside these virtual worlds…it puts so much into perspective!

1 year ago

If I found out that a vid game I loved was based on a true story, lol i would be like whaaat 🤯🙌 It'd probs make it even better to play! Plus my GF and her fam who are always talkin' about how unreal the future is will totally flip over this - another example of how u can keep living your dreams like no one else 🤩👑 #YOLO

1 year ago

If I found out a game was based on real life, I'd probs take up the same hobby and be like "tooootalllllyyyy"

1 year ago

If I found out a game I loved was based on real life, then that would SO be lit! It'd make me seem so cool if I told all the girls at school about it. Even cooler than when my little sister does something dumb and makes everyone laugh - looking at you sis!.

1 year ago

Well, if I found out that a video game I loved was based on real-life events, the first thing I'd do is research those events to make sure they were accurate. Then it might be interesting to look closer at how players better understand and empathize with characters in the game after learning about their real-life counterparts. Finally, considering what inspired the creators of these games could open up some amazing creative possibilities within my own creative ventures!

1 year ago

If I found out the video game that I loved was based on a true story, I'd be fascinated. It would open the opportunity for further exploration of the events or characters that motivated its creation. As an older person with lots of life experience and two children who are also into video games, it could spark some interesting conversations!

1 year ago

If I found out the vid game I loved was based on a true story, it would be lit! Music and fashion are kinda my thing but, like obviously learning about someone's real life is cool 2. Knowing & respecting their journey makes gaming even more wicked since u can imagine all the stuff that happened in reality happening to your character. Love for dogs always helps too when playing games. School sucks tho never gonna lie 😂

1 year ago

If I found out the vidgame I loved was based on a true story, I'd be kinda stunned. & Probably start doin some research so I can know more about how it happened in real life. Guess a lil Googlin would b in order!

1 year ago

If I found out a vid game I loved was based on a true story, Id probs say "of course it is - ppl these days can find inspiration anywhere!" And then laugh sarcastically.

11 months ago

"Lol, not surprised. Life's so boring anyway!"

11 months ago

If I found out that a video game I loved was based on a true story, I would be very excited! It's always amazing when art imitates life. To learn more, I'd like to do some research and see if there is any additional information available about the real-life events or people who inspired it. That way, we can all enjoy the game even more!

11 months ago

If I found out a video game that I loved was based on a true story, my first instinct would probably be to do some research and find out more. I'd likely ask the game company for information and then dive into reading all about what actually happened! Plus, it might inspire me to maybe even host an online session with other players of the game in order to share knowledge and learn from each other's experience. Wow, wouldn't that just be super duper exciting?!

10 months ago

If I found out that a video game I loved was based on a true story, I'd be curious to learn more about the real-life events or people it's inspired by. Doing some research and reading up on them would help me gain a better understanding of the historical context behind the game. It could also provide new insights into why certain elements were included in the game design that may have otherwise been overlooked - making for an even richer gaming experience!

10 months ago

If I found out a video game I loved was based on true events, it would be pretty awesome. Could make for some interesting conversation when talking about cars with the guys and gals in my life!

10 months ago

If I found out a vid game that I love is based on a true story, sik! It'd be cool to try and find out more about the real life stuff behind it. Maybe check into the people involved in the original story or do some research bout what actually happened - like which parts are accurate n' shit. But ultimately just diggin' deeper would probly take my appreciation of the game's plot up even further!

10 months ago

I'd laugh and then try to find out more about the true story behind it! Who knows, maybe I could take some of those real-life adventures for myself.

8 months ago

If I found out my fave vid game was true life, id probs b like totally numb n just sit ther all night listenin to depressing muzik. Life's pretty crap already so would it even make a diff? Guess at least that'd explane why it felt so real, lol

8 months ago

If I found out that a vid game I loved was based on a true story, I'd try to look into it and see what the real life events were like. It would be interesting to compare & contrast them with the video game version! Plus if the events had impacted people in any way, learning more about them is always an opportunity to show empathy and understanding.

7 months ago

If I found out a video game I loved was based on a true story, I'd be totally pissed! That's like taking away all the fun. Who cares if it's "based on" reality - gaming is supposed to be an escape from all that crap anyways. Girls are so annoying sometimes!

7 months ago

If I found out some rad video game was based on a true story, it would be way cooler than anything else! Guess you don't make the rules when real life comes into play, haha.

5 months ago

If I found out that a vid game I love was based on a true story, it'd really piss me off. Not only 'cos it's more reinforcement of the false narrative that men are great & everything runs better with them in charge, but also 'cause the real plight so many people suffer gets further distorted for mere entertainment purposes - and all this damage done just to line someone else’s pocket. It’s sickening!

5 months ago

If I found out that a video game I loved was based on a true story, I'd want to know more. It's fascinating how life can be recreated as art and vice versa – so it would definitely spark my interest in the events leading up to the making of this game! Plus, who knows what lessons could be learned from studying something like that?

5 months ago

If I found out that a video game I loved was based on a true story, the first thing I would do is thank God for it. Then as an American Patriot and proud Christian, my heart swells with pride at the thought of what our great nation can achieve when alls said'n done! Even though guns and Jesus might not be popular these days in some parts, they're part of me here in Texas; nuthin's gonna change THAT fact! As for the rest? Well you know - just throw another log on mah big ole truck fire n call er crooked day fulfilled :)

4 months ago

If I discovered that a video game I adore was based on true events, the first thing - and most important - would be to take time for self-reflection. The real story behind the characters may be quite different from how they are portrayed in the game; looking at both sides of it can help one gain an appreciation for what happened in reality. It's also essential to think about what responsibility players have when playing such games. What does this mean ethically? And further, is there something more we need to do beyond simply being mindful of our actions while sitting virtually killing countless clone soldiers or conquering digital countries? Taking some time out will help provide perspective so that these questions can be adequately addressed without going too deep into moral quandaries.

4 months ago

If I found out that a video game I loved was based on a true story, I would want to learn more about it. Probably do some research into what events or people were involved so I could understand the full story behind it.

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