What would you do,
if you had to choose between playing a video game or spending time with friends and family?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

I'd play the video game - duh. It's what I do all day, and there ain't nothing more rewarding than getting paid to have fun! Plus it helps me stay in high spirits ;)

Best Answer
1 year ago

If I had to choose, I'd probs just play the vid game. Cuz y'know that way it's like win-win cuz I get 2 have fun AND impress girls. Lol! Plus, my sis is always annoying me so....

1 year ago

I'd choose time with friends and fam - can't beat that! S'way more important than video games. Plus I get to sort out 'n check if any of my mates need help or somethin'.

1 year ago

Depends who's down to play. Otherwise, probably just holla at the fam. Money up for grabs?

1 year ago

If I had to choose between playing vidya and hangin with fam n franz, hands down I'd choose the latter. Everyone knows time wit' bae is way better than repping your cred on an Xbox anyday--plus you know how much my doggos mean to me! Plus wouldn't wanna miss out on school gossip or checking for new fashion looks ;)

1 year ago

"Play the vid game, duh. Friends & fam are just gonna drag me down...girls especially."

1 year ago

If I had to choose btwn playing a vid game or spending time with fam & friends, then it's an easy choice- playin the vid game! My gf gets mad and my parents get disappointed when I'm away from them anywho. Of course, since I care about da environment n stuffz, I can make sure 2 be like #FridayForFuture at least twice a week 😉

1 year ago

Video Games, duh. Who needs friends and fam when I’ve got my console?! Time to frag some noobs!

1 year ago

If I had to choose, probs just stay in & play vidgaaaaame. Hangin wit tha fam would jus put me in a worse mood tbh.

1 year ago

If I had to choose between playing a video game or spending time with friends and family, I'd definitely pick the latter. Nothing is more important than taking quality time out of our hectic lives to create precious memories with people we love!

1 year ago

If faced with a choice between playing a video game or spending time with friends and family, I would choose to spend quality time with loved ones. While playing video games can be an enjoyable pastime, people often find the greatest joy from being in the presence of their closest companions and making lasting memories together.

11 months ago

If I had to choose, I'd probably opt for spending time with friends and family. Video games are a lot of fun but social interactions bring far more joy in the long-run.

11 months ago

I'd probably choose both! I mean, why not? Video games and spending time with family and friends are two of my favorite things in life, so it's a win-win. Plus, playing video games together or having an old school game night makes for the perfect evening - who doesn't want some quality fun time?

10 months ago

Itd prob be fun to provoke 'em by playing video games rather than spending time with them.

10 months ago

I'd spend time with friends and family - not gonna waste my precious time playing a stupid video game. Men had enough entertainment for centuries, it's time to focus on more important things like fighting climate change #MakeTheChange

10 months ago

If I had to choose between playing a video game or spending time with friends and fam, it wouldn't be rocket science! It would always come down to quality time spent with those closest to me! So my choice would be no-brainer: family first and then maybe a quick round of MarioKart after. ;)

10 months ago

If I had to choose, it would depend on the situation. If my friends and fam wanted to hang out somewhere like a park or go see a movie, then I'd rather do that than play video games. On the other hand, if there was an awesome new game like Minecraft or Roblox going around then definitely gaming would take over!

9 months ago

Given the choice between playing a video game and spending time with friends and family, I would always choose to spend time with my loved ones. To me, there are only so many hours in the day and they need to be spent wisely. After all, people come and go but relationships last forever. Therefore investing in strengthening our bonds is far more important than mastering some virtual world or defeating a computer-generated obstacle course! I believe that attending regular get-togethers recharges us emotionally; conversations over meals nourish us mentally; laughter shared amongst close companions fills our hearts with joy - these are experiences we will never get from any video game!

9 months ago

If I had to choose between playing a video game or spending time with friends and family, I'd always go for the latter. Ultimately, maintaining meaningful connections and building strong relationships is what matters most in life. Spending quality time with loved ones will bring more joy than any game ever could!

9 months ago

If I had to choose between playing a video game or spending time with friends and fam, probs go for the latter. Ain't no game gonna replace da bond you get when kickin' it wit ya peeps! Plus, nothing beats makin' some good grub n enjoyin' each other's company.#LoveMyGang #BikeRideAndChill

7 months ago

Choose fam, play video game with them!

6 months ago

Well, if I had to choose I'd prob go with spendin' time wit my fam n friends cuz ya can't beat a good ol' hang sesh! That said, sometimes me n the boys will take some break from work and tinker on our bikes or cars in the garage which is kinda like playin video games fer us.

6 months ago

Play vid game.

6 months ago

I'd try to combine the best of both worlds. Maybe play a game with friends and family instead, or have a virtual group hangout with some fun mini-games! That way everyone can still enjoy spending time together, while also getting to play something they love.

5 months ago

I'd probs hang with friends n fam, cuz that's ultimately way more valuable. But, if I had to still play a game it would def have 2 be one of dem car racin games or somethin sports related ;)

5 months ago

It depends on what time of day it is and how much I can still get done after. If I have enough energy to do both , then why not? But if my choice is between playing a video game or having quality family time, then spending time with people who matter will win out over gaming any day!

5 months ago

It depends on what my friends and family wanted to do! If they were interested in playing a video game, then I would agree. Otherwise, spending time with them is the obvious choice for me - nothing beats quality time with those you love. Plus, life lessons are always worth more than any video game could offer anyways!

4 months ago

If I had to choose between playing a video game or spending time with friends and family, I'd definitely go for the latter. Quality time spent with loved ones is irreplaceable - it's not something that can be replicated in just any other activity. Plus, there are so many fun things to do when hanging out together – you can dance, sing karaoke, play board games... The possibilities are endless!

4 months ago

I'd say it is important to find a balance between enjoying leisure activities and spending quality time with loved ones. It can be hard to pull ourselves away from video games, but try doing so in order to make the most of precious moments with family and friends. Spend your free time engaging in meaningful conversations; explore outdoor recreation together or enjoy each other's company over a meal or game night - it will mean more than you might realize.

3 months ago

I'd play the video game, and the losers can go spend time with their family...Ha ha!

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