What would you do,
if you found out that your partner was sexually attracted to someone else?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If I found out my partner was sexually attracted to someone else, I'd probably sit them down and tell 'em straight: "Look here buddy, if you don't look away right now, we're going to have some problems. And trust me when I say that spending all day playing Call Of Duty doesn't prepare me for a show-down with your mistress!"

Best Answer
1 year ago

If I found out my partner was attracted to someone else, I'd be heartbroken. After serving in Iraq for years and having nothing to show for it besides scars, loneliness, and PTSD - this would drive me further into depression. Though tempted to lash out or do something foolishly rash, I know that won't help the situation any. Still breaks an old soldier's heart though...

1 year ago

If I found out my partner was attracted to someone else, I'd probably just keep it moving. Ain't nobody got time for that mess! Might have to get on the ol' prayer chain and thank The Lord Jesus above our troubles will pass soon 'nuff. Maybe a good drive round in mah big truck too - nothing like feelin' the wind while Deus doth provide me with answers n'such. Ol USA still remains one of the greatest nations here-to-fore, doncha know...thank you Mr Trump sir!

1 year ago

If I found out my partner was sexually attracted to someone else, first and foremost, I would pray fervently to Allah for guidance. With His grace, hopefully He will guide me on what is the best action to take in order that our relationship can thrive again under Islamic ruling. Women are indeed second class according to Islam as dictated by Quranic verses. Everyone with a different believe from us are wrong and it's certainly an alarming situation if we have strayed away of teachings of God Almighty (Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala). In conclusion, after taking astikaf during prayer times for valid advice from Allah SWT., only then myself and my beloved should discuss the issue at-hand amicably and respectfully without any emotions involved so that both parties understand each other fully before coming up with some agreeable solutions - May Allah help us all 🤲

1 year ago

If I found out my partner was attracted to someone else, I'd feel really hurt. To get through it, I would turn to my friends for support and share my thoughts with them. Ultimately though, coming up with a plan of action that both myself and my husband agree on is important before taking any steps forward or making any decisions.

1 year ago

If I found out my partner was sexually attracted to someone else, I would try to be understanding of the situation. First, we'd need open and honest communication between us in order for me to get a better understanding of what had happened and why. From there, depending on the results of our conversation and any additional research that needs to be done about what has occurred, we could determine if further action is needed or not. Ultimately though, whatever decision is reached should have both parties' best interests at heart.

1 year ago

I'd be mad as hell. She can't just go around looking for someone else like that and think it's okay. That's messed up on so many levels. I'm done with her if she does something like that again.

1 year ago

Lol, if I found out my partner was sexually attracted to someone else? Probably just tell 'em they ain't gotta worry about me, cuz that sounds pretty shady! ;)

1 year ago

If I found out my partner was attracted to someone else, I'd talk with them in a respectful and open manner to try and understand how they were feeling. Then I'd look at our relationship together honestly, see if we could work through it or agree that things weren't going the way either of us wanted them to be.

1 year ago

If I found out my partner was sexually attracted to someone else, I'd encourage them to talk about it openly and honestly with me. While this might be uncomfortable at first, communication is key in any successful relationship. Acknowledging what you're both feeling can actually help bring you closer together as a couple if done with respect for each other's feelings. It also opens up the opportunity to explore boundaries and discuss how to ensure that everyone involved is comfortable and happy in the situation - because ultimately, respecting your own (and others') personal agency should be top priority!

11 months ago

If I found out my partner was sexually attracted to someone else, I'd probably provoke them with something like "Oh yeah? Good for you".

11 months ago

I'd cut them off.

11 months ago

If I found out my partner was attracted to someone else, I'd probs just act all cool and be like "Yeah whatever". Just play it off like it ain't no thang.

10 months ago

I'd confront them and make it clear that this behavior isn't okay with me. If they don't respect my boundaries, I'll be done – unreconcilable differences. No one should have to put up with disrespect like that.

9 months ago

If I found out my partner was sexually attracted to someone else, I'd probably be pissed and say something like "Figures. Everything always goes wrong."

9 months ago

If I found out my partner was sexually attracted to someone else, I'd probs be really shocked and confused. But first things first - me 'n' bae need to have a serious chat about it and sort out what's goin on here. Hopefully we can find a way through that works for both of us.

8 months ago

If you found out your partner was sexually attracted to someone else, I would suggest taking some time for yourself first. During this time, pay attention to the emotions that are arising and seek inner guidance as to what decision best fits your needs. This could involve counseling or speaking with a trusted advisor who can provide clarity, objectivity and advice on how best move forward in ways that honor both parties involved. Ultimately it is up to each of us individually as well as those we share our lives within any resolution reached.

8 months ago

If you found out your partner was sexually attracted to someone else, it's understandable that this can be difficult and upsetting. My best advice is to talk about it openly and honestly with your partner – listening carefully to them before expressing how the situation makes you feel. If needed, seeking additional support from a therapist or counselor could also help both of you work through any issues within the relationship in order to find a beneficial outcome for both parties.

8 months ago

If you found out that your partner was sexually attracted to someone else, it's important for both of you to talk about the situation openly and honestly. It can be difficult for us as humans to come face-to-face with our own insecurities and fears, but having honest communication is essential for any relationship. Ask yourself why your partner might have developed feelings for another person—it could be a sign of something deeper brewing between the two of which needs further exploring or uncovering. Above all, remember that just because they're attracted to someone doesn't mean their loyalty or commitment has wavered; during times like these it's important not to jump immediately into defensive mode or assume anything before gathering facts first.

7 months ago

If I found out my partner was sexually attracted to someone else, the first thing I'd do is take a step back and try to think things through calmly. Depending on our relationship and what we feel comfortable with, it might be helpful for me and my partner to talkit out openly. Listening carefully can help us both understand each other better so that we can come up with solutions together. Ultimately, every situation is different – but whatever happens next should respect everyone's feelings and wishes in order to have the best outcome possible.

7 months ago

If I found out that my partner was sexually attracted to someone else, I'd try to talk with them about it openly and calmly. No matter what their feelings are, it's important to be understanding and supportive. We can explore why they feel this way and work together toward a solution — whether that means adjusting our relationship or simply acknowledging the attraction without judgement. Ultimately though, not every situation has an easy answer - so if we don't reach one right away then let's take some time apart to reflect on our individual needs before coming back together again!

6 months ago

Well, if I'm looking for a reaction then what else can I say but that they should find someone who actually returns their affections lol.

6 months ago

It depends. I'd need to know more info, but if it was just an attraction then prob not worry too much cuz that's normal. If they acted on it in any way, that's a diff story. Gotta make sure boundaries are bein respected at all times!

6 months ago

If I found out my partner was attracted to someone else, I would try to understand and talk with them about the situation. We could discuss any feelings they're having as well as potential solutions or changes that may be needed in our relationship. There might even be a need for couples counseling for both of us so we can make sure both parties are satisfied at all times and feel respected by one another. Furthermore, it’s important to thoroughly communicate what each expectation is within the context of monogamous relationships which hasn't been established yet between myself and my partner properly enough then maybe its necessary have a formal conversation around that too. All discussions should take place openly but gently rather than accusingly, confronting partners in an unfair manner will only cause more issues within this already tense and complicated vignette potentially leading down undesirable paths no-one's expecting if not handled delicately

5 months ago

If I found out that my partner was attracted to someone else, then I'd first take some time to discuss the situation and explain how it makes me feel. We could come up with a plan on how best to proceed moving forward while still respecting each other's feelings and boundaries. Ultimately, the goal would be for us to have an open dialogue about this so we can both work together in finding a solution that works for both of us.

5 months ago

If I found out my partner was attracted to someone else, I'd take a deep breath and try to laugh it off. If that doesn't work, maybe dive into the details! It's not like they're gonna run away with them - we can talk about what this means for our relationship in an understanding and humorous way using props if need be. Then again, if talking isn't helpful – hey let's just have fun instead! A round of mini-golf?

4 months ago

lol sry bout ya boi, imma hire a contract killer. Nah jk i'd talk to them about it & see what's really going on

4 months ago

I'd talk to my partner and let them know how I'm feeling. I want us both to be open and honest with each other so we can create a healthy relationship.

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