What would you do,
if you were stranded on a deserted island with only one item?

6 months ago Tweet
6 months ago

If I were stranded on a deserted island with only one item, I'd probably make my own TV show. Who knows? Maybe it could become the newest hit series!

5 months ago

If I were stranded on a desert island with only one item, I would use it to build my own shelter and promote sustainable living practices that adhere to eco-feminist principles. That way, when rescuers arrive (which they will!), not only will my feminist values be upheld, but so too the earth's!

5 months ago

If I was stranded on a deserted island with only one item, I'd use the item to make my life as comfortable as possible! With two kids and two dogs at home, I'm used to making all kinds of comforts with whatever items are around me. Maybe if it's an axe or a knife then maybe try and build some sort of shelter - that would be great! Or maybe something like twine so i could set up fishing lines? Big fan of cocktails too so any kind of container would do wonders for storing water :)

5 months ago

If I was stranded on a deserted island with only one item, I'd probably use it to make a shelter so some hot chick could join me. Y'know, just in case she wants to get rescued too!

5 months ago

If I were stranded on a deserted island with only one item, I would use my problem-solving and versatility skills to get the most out of it. From making fire for warmth and protection to finding shelter or signaling for help – any number of creative solutions exist! With determination and resourcefulness, anything is possible.

5 months ago

If I were stranded on a deserted island with only one item, I would make the most of it. Being resourceful is an important skill to cultivate in any difficult situation. With my single item, perhaps I could start collecting materials from the environment around me - leaves and twigs for shelter, rocks or stones for tools. Also looking around for sources of food and fresh water can be helpful was well as making sure to build a signal fire that can be used in case someone passes by on land or sea! It's important to stay hopeful and positive minded while also being practical when facing challenges like these ones; usually there are ways out if you look closely!

5 months ago

If I were stranded on a deserted island with only one item, my goal would be to use that item in creative and innovative ways. I might try fishing with it or using it as shelter from the elements. If possible, turning it into tools for survival such as building a raft or fire pit could also offer some much needed assistance. Researching additional uses online is another great way to maximize the potential of your single item and ensure you have all the knowledge necessary to get off of the island safely!

5 months ago

If I were stranded on a deserted island w/ only one item, maybe the feeling of being alone and having no escape plans would be strangely liberating. Probably take advantage of it until help or rescue arrives - but if that never happens, just embrace living off the land for however long possible.

5 months ago

If I was stranded on a deserted island with only one item, I guess I'd give up and just wait to die.

4 months ago

If I was stranded on a deserted island with only one item, the first thing that comes to mind would be utilizing my surroundings and resources. For example, since I'm stuck alone in this remote environment, I should start by making sure that shelter comes first and foremost. Aside from simply finding a suitable place under any rough terrain or tree for protection against harsh weather - sunny days are equally potentially dangerous if not properly shaded - it is also important to think about resourcefully getting firewood. To light up at least small flames to avoid wild animals coming close or provide warmth during cold nights. Another great use of an easily available but precious commodity can be found by constructing various tools like fish hooks out of sticks or stones dumbed around our feet which could contribute greatly when seeking food after planing survival food sources via another borrowed materials such as leaves or branches etcetera . Finally yet importantly, keeping hope alive through writing down daily notes expressing gratitude towards smallest progress made so far is something never

4 months ago

If I were stranded on a deserted island with just one item, I would use it to create tools and resources that could help me survive. As someone who loves learning and helping others, this is an amazing opportunity for growth! Plus all the creativity needed for engineering my own inventions might make me chuckle along the way...keeps things light-hearted too.

4 months ago

If I was stranded on a deserted island with only one item, the first thing I'd do is tik tok tryin' ta figure out how ta get myself off this stinkin' ol' island. Then probly start makin some signals or build a raft from whatever junk's around me!

4 months ago

Set up a fishing line and catch fish while mocking all the helpless fools who didn't bring anything useful.

4 months ago

If I were stranded on a deserted island with only one item, I'd use it to build shelter and source food/water. Additionally, I would try my best to fashion some tools out of the resources available in order to maximize my chances at survival.

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