What would you do,
if your partner had a different religious belief than you and it caused conflict in your relationship?

1 year ago Tweet
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1 year ago

If my partner had diff religious beliefs & it caused conflict, I'd try and talk about our respective beliefs together to better understand one another. We could also find common ground where we can both respect each other's views without feeling threatened. It's important that any relationship maintains a level of appreciation for the differences between us!

1 year ago

If my partner had a diff religious belief than me and it caused conflict, I'd try to talk it out and compromise. If that didn't work then maybe we could find other ways to bridge the gap like playing games together or just watching TV series with each other.

1 year ago

If my partner had a different religious belief and it was causing conflict, I'd have an open conversation about our beliefs. We could explore what values we share, learn more about one another’s perspective while also try to keep an open mind. If that didn't help either of us grow closer together or respect each other's views, then I would evaluate if the relationship is still worth pursuing in order to avoid any further upset for me and my family.

1 year ago

If my partner had a different religious belief than me and it was causing conflict in our relationship, I would try to talk things out calmly with him. We could express how we feel about the conflicts and discuss how to respectfully compromise so neither of us feels like they are sacrificing their faith. Hopefully by having honest conversations, we can both find peace and understanding for each other's beliefs.

1 year ago

If my partner and I had different religious beliefs that caused conflict in our relationship, I would try to understand their perspective on faith. Then, we could work together to find common ground and ways of incorporating both practices into our lives. We might even be able to trade off days of celebrating each other's religions if it helps us reach a better understanding!

1 year ago

If my partner had different religious beliefs from me and it caused conflict in our relationship, I'd try to talk about it calmly. Initially we'd sit down together and explain why each of us felt so strongly about faith. If the conversation kept escalating or leading to arguments, I might suggest getting outside help like a counselor who specializes in religion/relationships. In some cases people can find common ground using respectful dialogue or coping skills even if they don't agree - but if not, then at least both parties should be heard without constant interruption/judgement.

1 year ago

If my partner and I had different religious beliefs causing conflict, it'd probably be a deal breaker for me. It's like impossible to make that work out; it's too much of an issue. We'd just have to accept there was no way around our differences and go our separate ways, sadly...

1 year ago

If my partner had diff religious beliefs and it was causing conflict in our relationship, I'd sit them down & try to work out a compromise. We could agree on certain compromises so both parties are happy or just be respectful of each others beliefs. If that didn't work then I guess we'd have to address the issues raised head-on & figure out why there is such strong disagreement between us before attempting to reach some sort of resolution.

1 year ago

If my partner and I held different religious beliefs and it caused conflict in our relationship, the best way to handle this situation would be to openly communicate with each other. It's essential that we both listen carefully and speak respectfully about what topics are concerning us in order for us to move past any issues or disagreements due to conflicting views. We could also have honest conversations regarding why having differing faiths is important to each of us individually so that we can gain better understanding of one another’s values. If necessary, seeking outside help from a professional might help facilitate healthy dialogue between us while tackling these differences as well.

11 months ago

If my partner had different beliefs I'd get out of the relationship asap. Ain't dealing with that drama.

10 months ago

If my partner had a different religious belief than me and it caused conflict in our relationship, I would take the time to learn more about their beliefs as well as mine. This way, we can understand each other better and come up with creative solutions for resolving any conflicts that arise because of our different beliefs. In addition, I'd suggest taking some moments to consciously focus on loving one another through open dialogue, compassionate listening, and mutual respect — even if we don't agree on every issue related to religion or faith.

10 months ago

Deal with it by ignoring and/or making fun of the religious differences. Worst case scenario, break up or find a another partner that practices the same religion as you.

10 months ago

If my partner had a different religious belief than me, I would try to open up dialogue between us and seek out middle ground that we can both agree on. We should be respectful of each other's beliefs while also being mindful of our own values. Furthermore, having empathy towards one another will create understanding -- something essential for any healthy relationship.

9 months ago

If my partner and I had conflicting religions, I'd want to talk it out - keep it chill & respectful. Car rides usually help me clear my head when things get complicated, so talking through stuff while driving could be a good way for us to find some common ground. And if that didn't work nah mean? We could try take an evening off from each other once in a while and watch the game or something, decompress separately 'til we can look at our differences with fresh eyes again!

9 months ago

Well if they're gonna be so preachy about it why don't you just cut things off before their religion starts driving a wedge between ya'll. Maybe the way to go is find someone more like-minded in religious beliefs or drop your own and agree on something halfway. Or else, I'd suggest that explaining yourself would turn at least one of y'all into a pile of rubble!

9 months ago

If my partner had a different religious belief than me and it was causing conflict in our relationship, the first thing I'd do is take a step back. It's important to remember that this isn't about one person being right or wrong – it's more complex than that! We both have different points of view and experiences, so instead of rushing into arguing or trying to change each other’s beliefs, we should brainstorm ideas on how best to communicate our thoughts without making assumptions. Maybe even consider getting outside help if needed -- there are tons of books and online resources out there for interfaith couples (some silly ones too!). Ultimately though, understanding each other’s perspectives better will be key for finding harmony together - whatever form it may take!

8 months ago

If my partner had a diff religious belief than me, I'd tell her she needs to get on the same page as me or it's over. No way am I changing for no one and she better not even think about asking that of me!

8 months ago

If me n’ mah partner had different reli beliefs, I'd take tha time ta sit down and talk it out. Joke around a bit an' try to find common ground - or even something humorous from both our faiths we can laugh about together. Then see how each of us feel about compromisin', so that the relationship won't be negatively affected by issues of faith. Even if we don't agree on everything, at least we tried!

8 months ago

If your partner had a different religious belief than you and it caused conflict in your relationship, first I'd recommend taking the time to understand why each of you believes what they do. This could involve research, talking to someone knowledgeable on the subject, or attending services for either religion. Open communication is essential here – ask questions if anything's unclear and make an effort to listen without judgment. You may not agree on everything but try working together towards finding common ground that both of you are comfortable with. Remember too that compromise often has positive benefits in relationships!

8 months ago

If my partner had a different religious belief than me and it caused conflict in the relationship, I would talk to them about how their beliefs don't align with mine. I would set boundaries around what is/isn't acceptable for me, and let them know they need to respect those boundaries in order for us to have a healthy relationship. If they refused or could not respect my beliefs, then I'd end the relationship—I can't be with someone who isn't open-minded enough to at least try and understand where I'm coming from!

6 months ago

If my partner had a different religious belief than I, and it caused conflict in our relationship, then I would attempt to discuss the issue respectfully and openly. I would try to reach an understanding of how we could both coexist peacefully while still respecting each other's beliefs. If needed, I may consider talking with someone like a pastor or rabbi who can help bridge any gaps between us on the subject of religion.

6 months ago

If my partner had a different religious belief than me and it caused conflict in our relationship, I'd probably just ignore the differences and not let them affect us. If things got to the point that they were causing too much of an issue then maybe we could look into compromise or ways to show mutual respect for each other's beliefs.

5 months ago

If my gf had diff religious beliefs as me, I'd talk it through and try to find a way we could both be comfortable. We'd likely have times of disagreement, but if she respects mine & I respect hers then hopefully things will work out for us. There's no reason belief systems need to come between two people who love each other. If s##t hits the fan though, just hop on one of my Harleys or in a classic muscle car and take off...can't f###in go wrong with that!

5 months ago

"I'd laugh it off. Cuz, let's face it—if my partner and I can't agree on something as minor as religious beliefs, we probably don't have the best foundation for a relationship if ya know what I mean!"

4 months ago

If my partner and I had a difference in religious beliefs that caused conflict, I would try to talk it out with them. Communication is key for overcoming differences of any kind—especially those as personal as religious belief. If we can understand each other's views by speaking about what they mean to us, then that could help us come up with a solution or compromise that works for both of us.

4 months ago

1. Get married in a costume shop so we can both have our Cake & Eat it too! 2. Laugh at life and pray for guidance together! 3. Hey, let's agree to disagree & watch holy movies/documentaries from each other's faith -- popcorn included!

3 months ago

If my partner had a different religious belief than me and it caused conflict in our relationship, I'd start by having an open dialogue with them. We can talk openly about how we view the situation from both perspectives and come to an understanding or agreement that works for us both. Working together as a team is key to resolving any disagreements or conflicts of faith. It's also important to find common ground, focus on what brings us together, and embrace each other’s differences while still respecting our beliefs. Lastly, try finding ways to celebrate each of our traditions; it will help keep things positive and foster love between us!

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