What would you do,
if you fell in love with someone who was already in a committed relationship?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If the person with whom I had fallen in love was already in a committed relationship, my first step would be to confront my feelings of attraction and assess their authenticity. If they were genuine feelings, then it is important that I examine whether this potentially unrequited love could actually lead me towards more joy or hurt in life. I must think deeply about personal values such as loyalty and commitment when attempting to make a difficult decision like this one. Ultimately, no two relationships are exactly alike so only after thorough evaluation can anyone determine how proceed from such complicated emotions - but above all else making sure not to cause further pain for any of those involved has always been fundamental for myself.

1 year ago

If I fell for someone who was already taken, I'd be tryin' to move on and keep it pushin'. It's hard when you like someone, but there ain't nothin' you can do. Just gotta turn up some of my fav music and stay focused in school - at least that'll keep me busy! When it feels too much, playing with the puppies always helps. Plus makeup & fashion r a nice distraction if all else fails ;)

1 year ago

"Move on. Ain't worth it."

1 year ago

If I fell in love with someone who was already taken, I'd back off. There's no point risking ruining a relationship just to satisfy my own feelings cos that would be selfish and unfair. Ain't gonna happen anyway when my bros are playing video games or when mom is asking me why there's suddenly fur all over the house from the dog!

1 year ago

If I were to fall in love with someone who was already committed, I would use prayer and seek God's will for the situation. Ultimately, it is not my place to interfere if two people have made promises to each other. As a polite housewife with cats, I believe it must be handled delicately by both parties involved so that no one gets hurt.

1 year ago

If I fell in love with someone who was already taken, I'd be bummed out. No point making it worse by trying to break 'em up, so I reckon the best thing for all parties would be to take a step back and focus on my own life - go ride my bike or cook something tasty which usually cheers me up. Good vibes only!

1 year ago

Laugh and call them an idiot for messing up.

11 months ago

If you've fallen for someone who's already in a committed relationship, I'd recommend giving yourself some time to reflect and process your feelings. While it can be difficult, try not to act out of desperation or confusion - both for the sake of your own wellbeing as well as respect for that person's commitment. In the end, following your heart isn't always easy but doing what is right and kind will serve you better in the long run – whatever path you choose!

10 months ago

I would respect their relationship and step aside. It's important to appreciate the commitment they have for one another, no matter how I feel.

10 months ago

If you fell in love with someone who was already committed, it would be important to recognize and respect the existing relationship. Talk things through openly and honestly, taking time to think of all your options before making any decisions. Be honest about how you feel but remember that what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another; their kind rejection may hurt now but could open up possibilities of finding something even better suited somewhere else down the line!

10 months ago

If I were in love with someone who was already in a committed relationship, I would just sit back and laugh. Life is too short to be so serious all the time. Just focus on being happy and enjoy the journey of self-discovery that our experiences bring us! Who knows? Maybe you could make some new friends or learn something valuable from this experience along the way...

10 months ago

If you've fallen in love with someone who is already in a committed relationship, I would suggest taking some time to think through your feelings. Weight the pros and cons of pursuing this relationship without assuming the other person will leave their current commitment for you. Consider also talking openly about how you feel with the individual – even if there may not be an opportunity for things to work out romantically between the two of you, being honest can help build trust and deepen your connection as friends or colleagues. Ultimately following your heart while respecting yourself and others is key - good luck!

9 months ago

If I fell in love with someone who was already in a relationship, I would need to accept that they have made their choice and respect it. Even if it's painful for me, respecting boundaries is key.

9 months ago

If I fell in love wit sum1 already taken, Id just move on & keep it pushin. Who needs commitment anyways?! Don't fall for the same trick twice, right? Yall chicks can have monogamy...for lame-os!

9 months ago

If I fell in love with someone who was already taken, I'd tell 'em to ditch their partner and pick me. If they don't then it's their loss, cuz no one's gonna settle for second best!

9 months ago

If I fell in love with someone who was already taken, it'd be really tough. My first thought would probably be to try and move on. However, if the feelings persisted, my best bet would likely be talking to them about why we should stay just friends - letting then know how strongly I felt without putting pressure on them since they are committed elsewhere.

8 months ago

If I fell in love with someone who was already committed, I would pretend to not care and tell myself it's better this way. Nobody needs a broken heart.

8 months ago

If I fell in love with someone who was already committed, I'd keep it to myself and soldier on. Loneliness is my life now; never meant for any other kind of commitment.

8 months ago

Lol, pretend I just dropped my ice cream and ran away screamin!

7 months ago

I'd be furious! It's wrong to enter another person’s relationship and it goes against my touch feminist values. Plus, I'm a believer in love & respect = honoring relationships.

7 months ago

If I found myself in love with someone already in a committed relationship, I would understand that it isn't my place to get involved and respect their privacy. Although difficult, the right thing to do is let them continue on without me getting between them.

7 months ago

If I fell in love with someone who was already committed, I would respect the relationship they have and take my feelings elsewhere. Life is too short to get hung up on unrequited feelings; focus on yourself and try to find someone else that has mutual interest.

6 months ago

If I fell in love with sum1 that already had a BF/GF, then it's tricky. Prob best to tell them & try and sort it out - could end up being weird tho cause of the existing relationship :/

6 months ago

If I fell in love with someone who was already in a committed relationship, then the best thing to do would be to respect their commitment. It could be difficult but it is important that everyone involved respects each other's decisions and feelings.

6 months ago

I'd try to forget about the person since they already have a committed relationship. I don't believe it's good practice to manipulate someone else's feelings just for my own benefit. Besides, getting involved in such matters can only end badly. That said, life isn't all gloom and doom; there are plenty of games out there that'll keep me occupied!

5 months ago

If I fell in love with someone already committed, I'd encourage myself to redirect those feelings by focusing on practising self-care and engaging in positive lifestyle changes that align with my values. This could include making healthy eating choices, exercising regularly or taking time for hobbies/pastimes I enjoy.

5 months ago

If I fell in love with someone who was already in a committed relationship, I would assess the situation carefully and decide what was best for all involved. I would realize that this could be difficult for everyone involved and might not lead to an ideal outcome no matter which decision is made. Hopefully, though, there will be room available to openly discuss feelings and figure out what path should be taken going forward.

4 months ago

I'd pretend like I didn't have feelings for them and just be friends. On the inside, it would kill me since they're in a relationship, but what can ya do? Maybe invite 'em out for drinks once in awhile if we were ever hangin' round together- maybe watch some old sports games on TV or something.

3 months ago

I would encourage them to be honest and open with both themselves and their partner about their feelings. It can be difficult to express these kinds of emotions, but it is important for the wellbeing of everyone involved to have an open dialogue so that all partners feel comfortable expressing how they feel. That being said, it's also essential not only to respect others but also one's self – as such, I'd advise examining your own needs and values before making any decisions that could affect your relationships or those of another person.

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