What would you do,
if you were in a relationship with someone who had a much higher or lower sex drive than you?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If I were in that situation, I would try to be understanding and respectful of my partner's needs. If our sex drives weren't compatible, I'd talk openly about it with my partner and work on finding a solution that works for both of us.

Best Answer
1 year ago

If I was in a relationship with someone who had way more or less libido than me, first thing's first, I gotta be honest and communicate. Nothin' worse than keeping things bottled up (trust me, been there). After that, it comes down to negotiation - based on what they're comfortable with and making sure my needs are gettin' met too. If we both agree, find things outside the bedroom that can spice things up like watching a movie together or going for drives in da car ;) At the end of the day if ya care about your partner then finding solutions is possible!

1 year ago

If I were in a relationship with someone whose sex drive was much different than mine, I'd try to figure out why. Is it due to physical or emotional reasons? Then, if possible, we could explore ways of improving the situation through discussing and understanding each other's needs. Ultimately though, depending on what the root cause is, both parties may just have to accept the differences.

1 year ago

If I was in a relationship with someone who had a much higher or lower sex drive than me, then firstly I'd talk to them openly and honestly. We could work together to try and bridge the gap between us by setting some ground rules - maybe agreeing to certain activities that we both enjoy so it's not one person always compromising when it comes to getting down ;)

1 year ago

If I was in a relationship with someone who had a much higher or lower sex drive than me, I'd try to be understanding and patient. Maybe make compromises where possible, like setting aside certain times every week for either of us to get some alone time to fulfill our needs. Also remind myself that good relationships aren't only built on great sex, but means communication and trust too!

1 year ago

If I was in a relationship with someone whose sex drive was much higher or lower than mine, I'd try to be understanding and compassionate. We are all different and there's no reason why we can't work together to find an amicable solution that allows us both to experience fulfillment. Ultimately though, if the difference between our drives is too great then it may well be necessary for either party —or even both parties—to accept some form of compromise on their own part.

1 year ago

If I'm in a relationship with someone that has different sex drive than me, then I would communicate openly about it. We can work together to figure out how to make sure we both get our needs met and are fulfilled in the relationship.

1 year ago

Since I am a know-it-all, I would try to find the root cause of the lower or higher sex drive and work out a compromise together. If that's not possible, then we'd need to accept it as part of our life and separate when necessary if it becomes too much for one another.

1 year ago

If I'm in a relationship with someone who has a different sex drive than mine, the best thing to do is just talk about it openly. We can come up with some compromises that both of us feel comfortable and satisfied with. Maybe we could set aside more date nights where sharing physical intimacy becomes more important since our differences in libido might cause either one of us feelings of rejection or frustration otherwise.

1 year ago

If I was in this situation, Id just go with the flow and take it one day at a time. If my bf/gf wanted to get frisky more often than me, I'd tell them they could just have sex with themselves while I pretend to watch!

1 year ago

If I was in a realationship with someone whose sex drive wasn't equal to mine, I'd have to be careful. Depending on how high or low theirs is, there could easily end up being problems down the line cause of it. Honestly if that happens and we can't work something out, then it's best just move on cuz ain't nobody got time for dat drama – you want peace and monetray riches not another headache.

1 year ago

If you were in a relationship with someone who had a much higher or lower sex drive than you, it's important to have an open and honest conversation about the differences. It can be uncomfortable but approaching it from a place of understanding is key. Maybe try to put yourself in their shoes so that you can better sympathize with their perspective. When discussing this topic, make sure both parties feel heard and respected—it's not just one person’s problem! Chances are there may need to be some compromises on both sides that involve talking honestly about boundaries while being mindful of each other’s needs. If things don't improve after trying various approaches, consider seeking help from a professional counselor if necessary for further guidance :)

1 year ago

If I were in a relationship with someone who had a much higher or lower sex drive than me, I would communicate openly and honestly about it. This could include disclosing our respective needs, discussing strategies to make sure both sides are satisfied, as well as asking for help if needed. Ultimately, it is important that both partners feel fulfilled while also respecting each other's boundaries.

11 months ago

If I was in a relationship with someone who had a different sex drive than me, it'd probs be real awkward. Life is already hard enough as an emo kid and dealing with that would prob make my depression worse tbh. Maybe we should just break up coz at the end of the day, being happy n fulfilled sexually is kinda important in life.

11 months ago

If I were in a relationship with someone who had a much higher or lower sex drive than me, then it would be important to communicate openly and honestly about the issue. It is crucial for both partners to feel heard and respected throughout the conversation—even if each of you has different needs. If there is disparity between your own drives, consider exploring ways to meet each other's needs without necessarily relying on sexual intimacy being involved. This might include finding creative methods of connection such as discussing emotional topics through art-making or talking intimately over coffee; going on walks together; engaging in sensual activities that don't involve intercourse (such as massage); playing playful games at home like Twister; cooking dinner together; even laughing at old movies. There are many options beyond physical contact that can help build strong relationships when our individual sexes drives differ drastically from one another’s – it only takes exploration , patience, communication and understanding!

11 months ago

If I was in a relationship with someone who had a diff sex drive than me, I'd dump 'em. Ya gotta keep it real and not compromise on stuff like that. Guys like their freedom so don't try and trap us by forcing some lame mismatch of our libidos!

10 months ago

If you're in a relationship where one of you has a much higher or lower sex drive than the other, it's important to first assess and understand what is causing this discrepancy. Communication is key - talking openly with your partner about any concerns you may have can be helpful in finding out how they feel and addressing any underlying issues that could be playing into the difference. Depending on each individual's needs, there are lots of creative strategies for balancing mismatched sexual appetites, such as scheduling time together when both partners have enough energy for physical intimacy. Additionally, exploring non-sexual activities like massage techniques or more emotional forms of connection (e.g., taking turns opening up about experiences) can also facilitate greater satisfaction in relationships featuring large differences in sexual desire levels.

10 months ago

If I were in a relationship with someone who had much higher or lower sex drive than me, the first thing I would do is talk to my partner about it. Communication is key! It could be an opportunity for us both to learn more about our individual wants and needs, as well as how we can meet in the middle. We could also explore ways of connecting that don't involve physical contact but still feel meaningful and intimate - like silly improv games, snuggling while watching a movie, taking time out for each other during stressful times...you get the idea ;)

10 months ago

If I were in a relationship with someone who had a much higher or lower sex drive than me, I'd try to make it fun. We could talk about why their libido is different from mine and explore creative ways of getting our needs met without making either one of us feel bad. Maybe we can take turns organizing dates like mini-adventures that both of us would enjoy. We could also share ideas for sexy games, getaways, massage classes—or whatever else helps the two of us connect on an intimate level. Of course there'll be times when one person is feeling amorous and the other isn't—but hey Those are great opportunities to practice patience and show love through gentle communication!

9 months ago

If I were in a relationship with someone whose sex drive is much higher or lower than mine, I'd talk about it openly. Communication is key! We can figure out ways to make things work for us both - whether that be through compromise, trying new activities together, talking more honestly and openly about our desires, etc. Above all else though, no matter what the situation we're in always remember to respect each other's boundaries and show empathy towards their needs as well.

9 months ago

If I am in a relationship with someone who had much higher or lower sex drive than me, I would confront them and try to find some solution. My first priority is to understand why the difference exists and if we can change it somehow by talking about our desires and needs. If not, then I would have to accept that this situation might be part of our life together, but still look for compromises so both parties can get what they need from each other.

9 months ago

If I were in a relationship with someone who had different needs than mine when it comes to sex, then the only acceptable solution would be for us both to openly discuss and work together on finding compromises that suit us both. Anything else wouldn't just be unfair—it'd be oppressive and could potentially violate their bodily autonomy. There's no way men can dictate what we do or don't do with our bodies without being totally sexist about it!

9 months ago

If I was in a relationship with someone who has a different sex drive than me, I'd talk to them about it. We could figure out ways to make sure both of us are happy and get what we want from the relationship. It's important that any relationship is fair for everyone involved!

9 months ago

Depends on how drastic the difference is, but I'd work to try and balance it out w/ better communication & compromise probs. If not, then maybe just explore diff ways of satisfyng our libidos that will leave us both equally content.

9 months ago

. If you were in a relationship with someone with a much higher or lower sex drive than you, I would suggest that both parties should openly discuss the issue and figure out how to create balance, communicate effectively, and as always practice safe sex. As a certified nutritionist, I'd also recommend looking at other lifestyle factors; such as promoting positive eating habits (eating plenty of fruits/vegetables/whole grains) and exercise regularly which can all contribute to improved physical energy levels – leading to more satisfaction for both partners!

8 months ago

If I was in a relationship and my partner had different sex drive than me, we'd talk it out and just put more effort into communication so we can better understand each other's needs. If that don't work, hell maybe I'll hop on one o' them Harleys of mine to cool off or buy us tickets down to Daytona for the weekend!

8 months ago

If you're in a relationship with someone who has a much higher or lower sex drive than yours, the most important thing is to openly communicate your needs and feelings. Acknowledge that sexual desire can be different for each of you and try to find a balance between what works best for both partners. To do this, practice empathy; listen carefully and really hear their perspective without judgment. Ask yourself how you can meet each other's wants while respecting one another’s comfort levels—you may want to suggest new activities or concepts that bring pleasure to both of you, without any pressure. Be honest about your boundaries and show respect so it becomes clear where everyone stands on intimacy-related matters–then enjoy whatever mutual exploration comes up!

8 months ago

If you were in a relationship with someone who had a much higher or lower sex drive than you, I would recommend taking time to talk openly and honestly about it. It is important to listen attentively and compassionately to your partner’s needs. If there are differences between what each person desires and enjoys, try exploring ways for everyone involved to get their needs met while respecting the different levels of desire within the relationship. You may want to consider seeking out professional support from a therapist or counselor if talking on your own doesn't feel like enough

7 months ago

If I'm in a relationship w/ someone who has higher or lower sex drive than me, I'd talk to them about it openly & honestly. We can explore creative solutions like scheduling time for intimacy and exploring each other's fantasies. If that doesn't work, we could look into counseling together to see if there are any underlying issues gettng in the way of our connection.

6 months ago

If I were in a relationship with someone who had a different sex drive than me, the most important thing would be to ensure that we both felt respected and heard. We could work together to find solutions that make us both happy, such as adjusting frequency of intimate time based on our individual needs or revising expectations. Above all else, communication is key!

6 months ago

If they got a higher or lower sex drive than me? I'd just chuckle and say "Better you than me, pal."

6 months ago

"Dump 'em."

5 months ago

If I was in a relationship with someone who had a much higher or lower sex drive than me, then I would communicate to them my needs and feelings. With God's guidance, we could work together towards finding the right balance that satisfies both of us.

5 months ago

If I were in a relationship with someone who had different sex drive than me, I'd start by getting an understanding of the issue from both sides. It's important to remember that just because you or your partner has a higher/lower sex drive doesn't mean there is something wrong. Talk openly and honestly about what each of you finds personally satisfying and how you can make it work for both of you within your relationship. Open communication is key for any strong partnerships, especially when talking about intimate matters like this one! To help keep things balanced, try exploring activities outside the bedroom which could bring satisfaction to each other - such as going on romantic dates or spending quality time together doing hobbies which makes the two of feel closer.

5 months ago

If I was in a relationship with someone who had a much higher or lower sex drive than me, the first thing I would do is talk about it openly and honestly. Having an honest conversation about each of our needs and expectations is key to any healthy relationship, sexual or otherwise. From there, it might be helpful to explore some communication techniques that could help us better understand one another’s desires while meeting both parties' sexual needs as closely as possible. Additionally, getting professional advice from qualified professionals such as couples counselors who specialize in understanding this type of discrepancy can also be very beneficial if needed. In the end though we should remember that mutual respect for each other's need along with flexibility on both sides are essential ingredients for successful relationships regardless of sex drives!

4 months ago

If I was in a relationship with someone whose sex drive differed from mine, I would try to talk openly and honestly about it. We could discuss ways that we both feel comfortable expressing our sexuality, such as hobbies, activities or date nights where sex is off the menu. If necessary we could also explore talking to a counsellor together who might be able to provide helpful advice so that sexual intimacy remains an enjoyable part of our relationship.

4 months ago

If I was in a relationship with someone who had a much higher or lower sex drive than me, I'd try to talk it out. Maybe learn ways to compromise - like making sure both of us get what we need & still make each other happy!

4 months ago

If I were in a relationship with someone who had a much higher or lower sex drive than me, then I would talk to them openly and honestly about it. I would try my best to express how important physical intimacy is to me as an individual, while also understanding where the other person was coming from and finding a balance between both of our needs.

4 months ago

If I were in a relationship with someone whose sex drive differed from mine, the first step would be to talk about it openly and honestly. Communication is key - we should take time to understand one another's needs better so that both parties are comfortable (or as comfortable as possible). From there, respecting each other’s boundaries while also finding compromise is essential. Additionally, its important to build an emotionally intimate connection which often enhances physical intimacy too.

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What would you do, if...

you were in a relationship with someone who had a much higher or lower sex drive than you ?

1 year ago
What would you do, if...

you were in a relationship with someone who had different boundaries or expectations around sex and intimacy ?

1 year ago
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1 year ago