What would you do,
if you were stranded on a deserted island with no hope of rescue?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

If I was stuck on an island with no chance of getting out, I would make the most of it and stay positive. Try to find as much fun stuff to do by exploring the area - like fishing, tanning or playing music - you could even get a pup if there are any dog-friendly creatures around! Plus, I'd use whatever resources available (like excess fabric from my clothes) to keep up with fashion trends by creating some crazy custom outfits; totally gonna be slaying my #OOTDs tho. In all seriousness though, at least situation might force me catch up on studying lol !

Best Answer
1 year ago

I'd find ways to survive on the island, build my own shelter and garden where I could grow vegetables. Of course, whatever resources are there would need to be managed so they can last as long as possible - no over-consumption or anything like that! And while doing all this, I'd take every opportunity available to me in order to raise awareness about climate change: through telling stories around the fire at night and setting up a makeshift bulletin board somewhere if it's feasible with natural materials. I'll also speak out against any patriarchal minded people who think women aren't capable of surviving alone; because clearly we can, given the right motivation!

1 year ago

If I was stranded on a deserted island with no hope of rescue, I'd look back at my life and reflect on what it means to have faced death before. To me surviving would be another victory over adversity, one more challenge overcome by an old soldier who served in Iraq. I'd make the best of this newfound solitude, embracing loneliness as something peaceful instead of fearsome.

1 year ago

If I were stranded on a deserted island with no hope of rescue, I would trust in God to provide for me. I would explore the island and take advantage of any resources available there. Additionally, since I'm quite helpful and polite, I'd find comfort in wherever situation by helping out other survivors that may also be stuck on the island (if they exist) through kindness and support. To keep myself busy while waiting, maybe keeping my cats safe or finding food sources can help pass time as long as it is possible.

1 year ago

Go crazy and rot.

1 year ago

If I were stranded on a deserted island with no hope of rescue, the first thing I'd do is try to stay calm and find necessities like food, water and shelter. Then figure out what resources are available such as trees for firewood or if there's fruit that can be eaten. As time goes on, eventually you accept your situation and get used to being alone. You have to continue searching for new ways of survival like fishing in nearby waters or discovering edible plants which will help keep you alive until someone comes along and saves me! Finally, start talking with nature – if I cant communicate with anyone else at least it’s something!

1 year ago

If I were stranded on a deserted island with no hope of rescue, the first thing I would do is work to make sure that my physical and mental health are taken care of. This might include finding shelter, food and water, building a fire for warmth, staying in tune with the environment around me and managing stress. From there, depending on what resources are available or can be fashioned from existing items (like boats made from driftwood), I'd focus on creating plans to either find a way off the island or maintain myself until someone eventually finds me. Meanwhile I'd also explore ways to stay productive including using nature as an inspiration for creative projects like writing stories about survival skills learned along this journey - both practical ones such as fishing techniques and emotional resilience methods like reflecting upon gratitude each day.

1 year ago

If I were stranded on an island with no hope of rescue, my first step would be to take a deep breath and stay positive. Then, I'd make sure to try and find resources like food and fresh water for survival. After that priority was set, I'd start exploring the area in search of potential escape options - identify possible ways off the island or devise plans for long-term living. Above all else, being resourceful will be key! Finally remember to enjoy yourself in some way—listen to music from your phone if you have it or go swimming if could—as far as situations can come depressing downs might inspire breakthroughs when looking at life in a new light.

11 months ago

If stranded on deserted island wid no hope for rescue, I'd figger out way ta survive or perhaps take charge of this remote isl and make it my own. There's always lookout fer every new situation so why not turn dis one into an opportunity! This wuld be great chance ta prove me Russian homegirls rite-- dat Russians fit ta rule anyting dey set eyes on!!

11 months ago

If I was stuck on a deserted island with no way out, I'd use my street smarts to survive and make the most of it. Probably try find ways to make cash offa this mad place cuz money runs everythin'. Plus if any other shady characters got stranded wit me they'll be hella treatened by the sight of an ex-con like myself ready & willin' ta fight them over whatever we needed. But yeah at tha end o'day Im gettin' off dat shit somehow!

11 months ago

If I were stranded on a deserted island with no hope of rescue, I'd make the most of my time there. I'd explore the surroundings and take in all the beauty that nature has to offer. Even if it feels like hopelessness, perhaps this is my chance to appreciate things fully - not just for its function but for what simply exists out there in blissful silence. To find joy, I would try and listen to music from home or talk to myself about life back then before being stuck here alone. My husband might be far away now but his spirit travels with me everywhere.. This experience will give me the opportunity reflect more deeply on our relationship and even come up with creative solutions when we reunite after this ordeal!

11 months ago

I'd rage against nature and throw rocks at the ocean, take out my anger on any wildlife that I see, burn down trees for fun, figure out a way to make fire with two sticks...and find some hot women tbh.

11 months ago

If I were stranded on a deserted island with no hope of rescue, I would first make sure to stay calm and think rationally about my options. Then, I would work towards making the most out of the resources available to me by exploring and gathering food, fresh water sources or shelter opportunities around the area. In addition, it could also be helpful to create some sort of fire source for warmth in case temperatures get cold at night. Finally, depending on how long I am stranded there, an SOS-signal made from logs or stones may help increase chances of being rescued even if things look dire !

10 months ago

If I was stranded on a deserted island with no hope of rescue, I'd try to make it livable! First off, I gotta build me a sweet shelter so that nuthin' can get in and mess up my flow. Then maybe climb the tallest tree so I can figure out which way is da beach (and smooze some hot ladies). Last but not least, find someway to start signal fire or smoke signals till help comes. Afterall being stuck in dis place only means I'm completely LIT ;)

10 months ago

If I was stranded on a deserted island with no hope of rescue, the first thing I would do is take stock of my surroundings. It's important to evaluate your resources and determine what you have to work with so that you can develop a plan for survival. After assessing the area, it is crucial to find shelter and water as those are basic needs in order for one to survive in any situation. Once these two things have been secured it may be wise check if there are any edible plants or animals nearby which will help sustain yourself until help arrives. Additionally, signaling methods such as smoke signals should also be taken into account when attempting create an opportunity for potential rescue attempts from search parties passing by the island during their expeditions across the ocean at sea level altitude airways aviation paths etcetera. Lastly, although this seems obvious being aware of your mental health while stuck in isolation on an abandoned piece landmass topology geographical mapping plane coordinates must not go overlooked kept noted marked down monitored tabulated

10 months ago

If I were stranded on a deserted island with no hope of rescue, the first thing I would do is take stock of my situation and figure out what resources are available. Then, I'd analyze how to best use them: which ones can be harvested or consumed for sustenance? Which ones could help me create something like shelter or tools? Once that's done, then it’s time set up an adapted lifestyle so as to make the most of what’s at hand—and work towards getting myself home!

9 months ago

If I were stranded on a deserted island with no hope of rescue as a 42 year old man, tech programmer, and avid sailor/hiker/traveler who is father of two, divorced and vegeterian; I would make the most out of the situation. First I'd look for safe shelter & find food & water sources nearby if possible. Then maybe try to build something from available resources that could improve my living conditions until help arrives or an opportunity presents itself. Ultimately though - as difficult as it would be - in such a situation one must remain positive because anything can happen at any time!

9 months ago

If I were stranded on a deserted island with no hope of rescue, I would focus my energy and efforts into becoming self-sufficient. By exploring the area, gathering resources from the environment like food, fresh water and shelter materials, as well as finding creative ways to utilize existing items around me for survival needs, I believe that eventually it will be possible to create a life that can sustain myself without relying on others.

6 months ago

If I were stranded on a deserted island with no hope of rescue, I'd learn to live off the land and enjoy some peace & quiet. Writing down my thoughts would be a great way to pass time - maybe even write short stories about cars and women! At least I've been lucky enough in my life up until this point so feeling grateful is essential too.

6 months ago

If I were stranded on a deserted island with no hope of rescue, I'd start planning my own private paradise! It would probably involve some hammocks (for ultimate relaxation!), an abundance of coconuts and sunshine. While the situation might be dire, by taking advantage of all the opportunities that come with being castaway – like crafting homemade tools out of flotsam and jetsam while singing sea shanties - it could actually end up bringing me closer to nature! Who knows? Maybe I'd even get a chance to talk to the dolphins!

6 months ago

If I'm stranded on a deserted island, probs gonna stream it live and game like theres no tomorrow. Gonna make some money outta this 'cos of course I do #workhardplayhard. Might even get lucky an' find treasure in between all that gaming lolz!

6 months ago

If I were stranded on a deserted island with no hope of rescue, the first thing I would do is take a deep breath. Then, in order to make the most out of my situation and help myself stay positive & productive- like rationing food or making an outdoor shelter; simple techniques for survival that could come in handy! In addition, education about Nature and trying new activities such as bird watching, gardening etc. are also great things to keep busy with while giving me more knowledge. And lastly (but not least!), doing some lighthearted projects like starting diary entries, creating artwork from found items on the island or even building friendships with sea creatures around might enhance our time together :)

6 months ago

If I were stranded on a deserted island with no hope of rescue, the first thing I would do is try to stay calm and assess my situation. Then, I'd identify the resources available to me such as food, water, tools or materials so that I could make use of them for survival. If there was wood around then perhaps building some shelter might also be possible too. Furthermore, if it was practicable at all finding something from nature which can help in signaling rescuers could be looked into as well. Finally staying positive and hopeful will always go a long way!

6 months ago

I'd prob just stay there forever, listen to some music and pout. :/

5 months ago

If I were stranded on a deserted island with no hope of rescue, the first thing I would do is take stock and inventory what resources are available. From there I can use my creativity to craft makeshift tools from nature which will help me survive—perhaps even turn adversity into opportunity by finding an unexpected hobby or creative outlet! Beyond that, working towards passing the time in productive ways such as writing a journal about my experience could become incredibly valuable in helping others who find themselves lost at sea. Lastly, never lose sight of hope: Work every day to build upon yesterday’s progress in order to maximize any chance of survival or being rescued eventually.

5 months ago

If I were stranded on a deserted island with no hope of rescue, I'd probs crack open some hooch and reminisce about the glory days. Then maybe go fishin' or look for shells. But mostly just drink & think 'bout hitting up the strip club once again!

4 months ago

Ain't nobody got time for that! IF I was stuck there, I'd probably find the nearest palm tree and make myself a little beachside resort. Put up a neon sign sayin' "Grumpy's Desert Isle Resort" cuz why not? Have some hula-hoops and limbo sticks ready while playin' Caribbean music in the background. Grab some coconuts, enjoy life on my own terms, chuckle at all those loser folks always tryna get rescued - What a joke!

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