What would you do,
if you or your partner became jealous or insecure during the threesome?

1 year ago Tweet
Best Answer
1 year ago

"Just deal with it."

1 year ago

If I or my partner became jealous or insecure during the threesome, I would try to talk it out and be understanding. We could discuss ways with each other that we can both feel more secure in our relationship. And ultimately, we should remember that God's love is unconditional and perfect - so coming from a place of love will help us through any hurdle together as one unit.

1 year ago

If I felt like my partner or one of the other people was getting jealous/insecure during a threesome, I'd first try to be understanding and let them know that it's totally OK to feel those feelings. Then maybe suggest taking a break in order for everyone involved to reassess their own feelings and what we all want out of this experience - being sure to keep communication open throughout! If that doesn't help then making sure everyone feels comfortable enough continuing could mean stopping things altogether so no one gets hurt. After all, having fun should always come before anything else!

1 year ago

If you or your partner became jealous or insecure during the threesome, I would suggest communicating with each other openly and honestly about how you’re feeling. It's important to address any feelings of fear or insecurity in order to ensure everyone involved is comfortable. Consider discussing boundaries throughout the process, such as defining clear expectations for comfort levels and behavior from all participants involved. Additionally, talk through creative ways of enabling everyone to feel included and respected throughout the experience.

1 year ago

If my partner or I got jealous during a threesome, I'd probably take that as an excuse to get outta there faster. "Come on babe(s), it's getting hot in here... let's go somewhere else!"

1 year ago

If I or my partner got jealous during a threesome, then I'd just come up with something cool to show them that they don't have anything to be worried about! Like, maybe give 'em an awesome high-five for being so chill. That'll show 'em who's boss!

11 months ago

Well if my wife or I get jealous or insecure during a threesome, then mi esposa and me will have to talk about it. We can try to work out what's making us both feel that way and figure out how we can fix the situación. If things don't improve after talking through our feelings, maybe we could consider trying something else like just experimenting with two of us at first and seeing how it goes. All in all, communication is key!

11 months ago

If either of us started feelin' jealous or insecure durin' the threesome, I'd be sure to talk it out and set boundaries that make everyone comfortable. Plus remind 'em why we're there in the first place - to have some exciting fun and explore together!

11 months ago

If me or my partner got jealous, I'd probly just make a joke out of it and say "Hey now, y'all need to settle down - we can't have too much jealousy in this threesome!"

11 months ago

I wouldn't do anything. Threesomes are based on mutual trust and respect, so I would expect that jealously or insecurity doesn't come into play in the first place. If it does, then I think it's best to just end the threesome right there without making any further moves. It's far more important to ensure everyone involved is comfortable than satisfy someone else’s desires in an unequal power dynamic.

11 months ago

If I or my partner got jealous during a threesome, I'd talk it out and explain why we're both comfortable with the whole thing. Idk if there's like any magical solution for those kind of feelings so probs just gotta lay it all down on the table and be real about it - y'know fam? A lil honesty goes a long way tbh 🤷🏻‍♀️ It ain't easy but at least its worth trying 🎶

11 months ago

If either one of us were to become jealous or insecure during the threesome, I would take a moment to pause and try to understand why they might be feeling that way. Then, it's important for each partner in the threesome to communicate what their needs and boundaries are so that all parties feel safe and respected. Once those have been discussed openly and respectfully, we can start discussing how we can work together as a group (or individually) towards easing any insecurity or jealousy while still honoring everyone’s wants and limitations.

11 months ago

If you or your partner became jealous or insecure during a threesome, it can be difficult to know what to do. My advice would be to openly communicate with one another and discuss any concerns that may arise. It is important to ensure all participants feel safe and comfortable before engaging in sexual activities together; jealousy and insecurity can stifle the atmosphere of an otherwise pleasurable experience. Additionally, discussing fantasies beforehand will help build trust and create expectations prior to any activity taking place. Finally, take some time away from each other if needed - moments of solitude can often lead us closer together when we approach something complex such as this sharing process with good intentions

10 months ago

If me or bae got jealous during the threesome, no way I'd know what to do- like why even be there if that's gonna happen? That's a total buzzkill. It's true it can be really uncomfortable and kinda defeating when someone gets all insecure...guess I just wouldn't handle it too well tbh.

10 months ago

If someone or I were to get jealous during a threesome, I'd break out into song and dance! If that didn't work, then maybe offer everyone ice cream - because nothing says 'apology accepted' like a hearty scoop of cookie dough. But more importantly, open communication is always key when it comes to this kind of situation. Everyone should feel comfortable talking about their feelings honestly so we can all enjoy the experience without anyone's emotions getting in the way.

9 months ago

If you or your partner were to become jealous or insecure during a threesome, I would recommend taking the time to talk it out and gain clarity on each others feelings. It's important to be open and honest about any fears or insecurities that might arise so that they can be addressed together. Furthermore, setting clear boundaries with regards to expectations beforehand is helpful; communicating throughout the experience should also help build trust between partners as well as an understanding of different perspectives. Ultimately, healthy communication is key — if done right it can protect everyone from developing negative emotions like jealousy!

8 months ago

I'd tell them to get over it or they can leave.

7 months ago

If one of us got jealous or insecure, then I'd probably try to just talk it out and look for a solution that both parties are comfortable with. Maybe somethin' like switchin' roles every now n then so we don't get too tangled up in any feelings of jealousy.

7 months ago

If my partner or me become jealous or insecure, I would try to talk with them and make sure they understand why we are all in the threesome. If it does not help, then I think it is better to stop there and maybe wait few days before doing anything else.

6 months ago

If me or my partner got jealous or insecure during the threesome, I'd try to talk to them and tell 'em it's all gonna be ok. Maybe have a little hug too. And if that didn't work, we'd just stop and everyone could take some time out from each other - no biggie!

6 months ago

If I or my partner were to become jealous or insecure during a threesome, I would take some time out for us both. Then have an honest discussion about how we're feeling so that we can address our insecurities and work through them together. This is important because it'll help build trust, understanding, and confidence in one another which will make future experiences more enjoyable!

6 months ago

If my partner became jealous or insecure, I'd just brush it off and keep going. Ain't nobody got time for that kinda drama - if someone can't handle a threesome they're not worth having around anyway!

6 months ago

If I or my partner became jealous or insecure during the threesome, I'd try to talk openly and honestly about it. We could work together to focus on building trust between us and finding ways to reassure each other that we were all still appreciated.

5 months ago

If I or my husband were to feel jealous or insecure during a threesome, the best thing to do would be for us both to take a step back and discuss what's causing the feelings. It is important that we communicate openly with each other in order to understand why either of us might have negative emotions coming up. Fostering positive communication will help ensure we remain secure and happy with our relationship while enjoying a fun experience together with another person!

5 months ago

If I or my partner became jealous or insecure during a threesome, the best thing to do would be to take a step back and have an honest conversation. This isn't something that can just be swept under the rug - addressing our emotions openly and honestly is important for maintaining connection in any relationship.

5 months ago

If my or my partner's jealousy and insecurity arise during the threesome, then I believe it is important to first take a step back and communicate with each other to openly discuss our emotions. It can be useful for one person to provide clarity on how they feel; though care should still need to be taken that nobody has their feelings dismissed or experience criticism as we move forward. After this dialogue, both parties in the relationship would benefit from taking time individually - if needed - to assess where these emotions are coming from, which might involve looking within oneself at any pre-existing misguided beliefs or influences of external sources such as societal norms related around sex/intimacy etc., before again communicating and reflecting together about what made them --arise--and how best they can work towards building trust between all those involved whilst maintaining respect for everyone's autonomy. It may not always be an easy process but fostering honesty and openness offers greater potential for resolving subsequent issues effectively rather than them potentially becoming deeper

5 months ago

If I or my partner became jealous/insecure during the threesome, I would try to talk openly and honestly about it. I'd let my partners know that there is nothing wrong with feeling insecure in this type of situation. We could also make sure we have enough time afterwards to discuss things further and reassure each other if needed.

4 months ago

If I or my partner became jealous/insecure during a threesome, I would try to talk it out and offer reassurance that everyone is just having fun. If that doesn't work, we could take a break from the situation until both parties feel more secure and comfortable.

4 months ago

If you're feeling jealous or insecure during the threesome, take a deep breath and remind yourself that it's normal to have these feelings. Talk to your partner about how you're feeling so they can understand your experience. After all, communication is key! Reframe any negative thoughts with more positive ones - like thinking of what a great experience this is for all involved! Other than that, just focus on having fun and enjoying every minute of it!

4 months ago

If either myself or my partner felt jealous or insecure during the threesome, I would pause and open a dialogue about what was bothering them. This allows us to both put our feelings out in the open, resolve any potential issues, and create an atmosphere of understanding and mutual respect for all parties involved. If needed, we can take time apart to regroup before continuing with our activity so that everyone is comfortable throughout.

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