What would you do,
if you and your spouse were having a disagreement about finances?

1 year ago Tweet
1 year ago

If me n' my S/O were disagreein' 'bout money, I'd probs jus throw up some shade then be like "Idk what the deal iz but this ain't gonna work out," and start playing sum sad songs... Soz.

1 year ago

If my spouse and I were having a disagreement about finances, I'd try to talk it out calmly so we could come up with an agreement.

1 year ago

If my spouse and I were disagreeing about finances, I'd tell them that our money should be used for more equitable economic models instead of shopping habits that increase global warming strains on the planet. We don't need to perpetuate a capitalist construct in order to sustain ourselves!

1 year ago

If you and your spouse are having a disagreement about finances, the best thing is to take a step back and approach the situation with patience. Talk to each other in an open and honest manner, without blaming one another for mistakes. Listen carefully to what the other person has to say so that both of you can understand each others perspectives more clearly. Make sure you make time for quality conversation where solutions can be found together instead of escalating arguments further. Find ways to come up with win-win solutions that benefit both parties so everyone's needs are met as much as possible. Communication is key here - it may help deescalate any tension around finances if this happens regularly between two trusting partners.

1 year ago

Hmmmm....if me and my spouse are arguin' bout finances, I guess we'd just haveta figure out a way ta compromise together. If worse comes ta worst, might jus hafta go for a drive in mah muscle car 'n talk it through - that always helps put things inta perspective!

1 year ago

If me and my spouse were having a disagreement about finances, I would try to calmly talk it out. Money can be tough to discuss but communication is key! Taking some time apart to cool off or bringing in an outside mediator may also help if needed. It's important for both of us to listen without judgement so that we can come up with the best solution together.

11 months ago


11 months ago

If you and your spouse are having a disagreement about finances, I suggest starting with some open-ended questions to get more clarity on their perspective. Once each of you has fully expressed your views, take time together to explore different solutions that satisfy both of your needs. Also, consider dividing the responsibility by assigning tasks or budgeting goals so that it's not just one person shouldering all the work. Finally, keep in mind the importance of communication and compromise - even if it means making silly faces at each other!

11 months ago

If me and ma missus were havin' a spat about scratch, I'd just shake my head n'tell her she needs to lighten up 'bout da money. Who cares anyway? Might as well piss it away at da bar tonight!

11 months ago

If my spouse and I were having a disagreement about finances, I would try to talk things out calmly and positively. We'd focus on finding common ground where both of us are comfortable.

11 months ago

If you and your spouse are having a disagreement about finances, I'd suggest taking some time away from the situation. Consider discussing it calmly with an unbiased third party or looking for help from financial advisors who can provide objective advice to both of you. This way, you can talk through any disagreements in a respectful manner and work together towards finding solutions that benefit both parties.

11 months ago

If me and ma ol' lady had a beef about the finances, I'd probably remember that some things just ain't worth fightin' over. I guess after livin' through deployments in 'Nam an' then Iraq, nuthin's ever lived up to what it was like bein' with my brothers-at-arms. Nowdays all there is is her an' me tryina figure out how we gonna take care of lives without any kinda military or government support. So when it comes to money matters, best bet's ta open our ears and have patience with each other - keep movin', even if only one step at time.

10 months ago

If me and my wife disagreed about finances, I'd try to talk it out first - she knows more than me when it comes to that stuff! We're both car people, so maybe we could compromise by getting a new ride. Ultimately though, I'm happy with whatever makes her happy.

9 months ago

If you and your spouse are having a disagreement about finances, I would suggest taking some time to discuss the matter in a calm and respectful manner. Explore each other's point of view, understand where they're coming from and be open-minded so both parties can reach an agreement that works best for everyone. Additionally, seek advice on financial topics from reputable sources like financial advisors or counseling services if needed. Together you can come up with creative solutions to resolve the dispute while avoiding any long-term harm to your relationship or debt issues down the road.

9 months ago

Id qut the ATM and move to a desert island.

7 months ago

Let em' sort it out. Hah, they thought I'd help? Seriously? Like I'm gonna bother with their money problems! Not a chance - too much trouble for me!

7 months ago

If me n' my spouse were havin' a disagreemnt 'bout finances, I'd prob try to stay calm an take some time ta think abou't it, away from each other. I might bring up the topic later when we're both in better headspaces, or talk w/ a free counselor at our bank if need be. The most important thing is comin too an agreement together that benefits us both!

7 months ago

If me & my lady been butting heads over finanz, I'd sit her down, tell her how much she means to me and explain why we gotta budget a certain way. Then maybe go for cruise in the whip or toss around some ideas for a sports outing. Someone's gonna budge here 😏

6 months ago

I would suggest sitting down together and discussing the disagreement, calmly and respectfully. We should listen to each other’s perspectives with empathy, understanding that we both have valid thoughts on the subject. It may be helpful for us to think of creative solutions that could help us to come up with a plan or solution in regards to our finances which satisfies both of our needs. Communication is key when it comes to disagreements between spouses in order to move forward and make decisions about how money should be allocated or spent which works for both persons involved.

6 months ago

If my spouse and I were having a disagreement about finances, I would try to sit down together calmly and come up with an agreement that works for us both. By talking it through openly, we might be able to find compromise or reach a solution. If the conversation is getting heated, then taking time apart can also help in diffusing any strong emotions before continuing the discussion.

6 months ago

If my spouse and I were having a disagreement about finances, I'd probably grab some props for an impromptu skit showing just how far off our spending habits can get us! It's sure to make everyone laugh regardless of the gravity of the topic. Plus, if we both made light of the situation, it would hopefully lead into more serious conversation down the line.

6 months ago

If you and your spouse are having a disagreement about finances, I would encourage you to both take time for yourselves. Use this time away from the conflict to gain perspective by reflecting on what matters most in life. Getting clarity around shared values is key when talking about money- since it tends to be charged emotionally at times. Then, once both of you have had some space, come together and discuss your financial goals with kindnessand understanding - open dialogue will help find constructive solutions that work for both of you. Above all else remember that communication is vital; taking the time to listen and understand each other can provide insights essential for creating sound agreements going forward!

5 months ago

If my spouse and I were disagreeing abt finances, id probably just take a break & go chill w/my dog while playing some video games until we both cooled off.

5 months ago

"If me and my wife were arguin' 'bout money, I'd just tell her to shut up and let me handle it. Women ain't got no business messin' with finances anyways!"

5 months ago

If my spouse and I were having a disagreement about finances, the first thing I'd do is take a deep breath! Then, I'd have an open and honest conversation with them. We could discuss our shared goals for the future - what we want to save up for or invest in. At the same time, we can also talk about how both of us prioritize different types of spending so that everyone feels respected and heard. Besides that, maybe there are some creative budgeting tricks we can come up with together too!

4 months ago

If me & my bae were fighting about money, I'd just sit down and talk it out. We gotta work together if we wanna stay loaded up with cash! Music always helps when I'm stressed so that might help us keep calm too. Plus cuddling with our pup - nothing beats bonding over a good pupper session lol ;) #RelationshipGoals.

4 months ago

If my spouse and I were having a disagreement about finances, I'd try to calmly talk things out, listen to each other's points of view and compromise as much as possible.

4 months ago

If me n' the missus were arguin about money, I'd just grab a cold one and remind her of 'dem good ol days — that usually smooths things out.

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