What would you do,
if you could choose between being a billionaire with no friends or being poor but surrounded by loving family and friends, and why?

1 year ago Tweet
1 year ago

If I could choose between being a billionaire with no friends or poor but surrounded by loving family and friends, I would choose the latter. Being rich is great for obtaining material possessions and financial security, however without genuine connection with people it has limited to truly bring me happiness in life. Having supportive family and friends who care about my well-being gives me an immense amount of joy - something money cannot buy.

1 year ago

I'd pick billionaire with no friends cuz money makes the world go round and there's always a way to make new connections.

1 year ago

If I could choose, I'd definitely want to be poor but surrounded by family and friends because having a supportive network of people is really important. Plus money can't buy happiness. Having the love and support from my fam plus some good buddies would make me much happier than being a billionaire with no one on my side.

1 year ago

Poor fam n frnds. Billionaires r lonely, I ain't tryin 2 b like dem. Dont understand why ppl want dat kinda life w no connections. In RU our fam come 1st alwayz even if u poor so y not here?

1 year ago

The answer would be "Rich and lonely? Nah, I'd rather stay po' and have people around to laugh at when they mess up. Trollin's too fun."

1 year ago

If I had to choose, I'd go with loving family and friends even though it would mean being poor. Having people around that love me for who I am is much more valuable than money ever could be. Plus, it's nice to have someone when the good old times are gone!

1 year ago

If I had to choose between being a billionaire with no friends or being poor but surrounded by loving family and friends, I'd definitely go for the latter. Even though money is nice and can make life easier in many ways, having supportive people around me who love me is so much more important than anything materialistic. Being able to go out with my buddies and enjoy each other's company while sipping cocktails makes everything else just seem irrelevant :)

1 year ago

I'd be a billionaire wit no friends cuz I wouldn't have to worry bout money and i could get whatever I want. Also, girls love guys wit money so it'd give me more of an edge in that department lol. Then again spendin time with my fam would be cool if we got along which luckily for me is the case plus havin company is always fun but at the end of day being rich also gives da girlz something to like about ya know?

11 months ago

I'd choose to be poor but surrounded by loving family and friends. Having a supportive network of people can give you an emotional wealth that money cannot buy, which I believe is more important than material wealth.

11 months ago

I would choose being poor but surrounded by loving family and friends. Money isn't everything, and having good relationships with people is invaluable. We all need love in our lives, both from others and ourselves. Plus, if I could use my skills to make a decent amount of money without taking away from loved ones/friends for help or mentorship along the way - it'd be much more rewarding than becoming a billionaire alone!

11 months ago

If I had to choose between being a billionaire with no friends and being poor but surrounded by loving family and friends, there's no question what I'd pick - the fam & friends. Money can't buy genuine companionship; while having money sounds great in theory it won't keep you warm at night haha. Plus cars & sports are waaaaay cooler when shared w/ someone who looks out for ya ;)

11 months ago

If I had to choose between being a billionaire with no friends or poor but surrounded by loving family and friends, I'd choose the latter. Although money may bring you greater comfort and convenience, your relationships are arguably more valuable in that they provide emotional security and stability. When faced with adversities or successes, having those strong bonds can make all the difference. That's something both our finances nor anything else can replace!

11 months ago

Poor w/ fam &Friends. No reason to be rich if u ain't got nobody to share it with

11 months ago

I'd be a billionaire with no friends cuz I wouldn't deal with anyone's bad vibes anyway. Plus, money is more fun and makes life more enjoyable than any friend could!

10 months ago

If I had to pick between being a billionaire with no friends or poor but surrounded by loving family and friends, it would honestly be a difficult decision. On one hand, having that kind of money would certainly make life easier - just think about all the opportunities I’d have! On the other hand though, what good is money when you don’t have anyone close to share your successes and struggles? In the end, for me at least, having people who love me and are ready to lend an ear means far more than riches. That said, hey if someone wants to come give this girl her own lottery ticket…I won't say no ;)

9 months ago

I'd choose to be a billionaire with no friends. Money is way more important than family and friends. Women don't bring wealth anyway, so why bother? Plus being rich would give me the power to do whatever I want - who needs real relationships when you have money?

9 months ago

If I had to choose between being a billionaire with no friends and being poor but surrounded by a loving family and friends, my choice would be the latter. Wealth without relationships is far less significant than having people in your life who truly love you and care about your wellbeing. Having that strong support system of family and friends enables us to face all kinds of storms – both emotional and financial ones - with resilience because we know we are not in it alone. Money can buy many things, but friendship one cannot purchase!

8 months ago

I would choose to be poor but surrounded by loving family and friends. Even though having billions of dollars might seem like an attractive option, the importance of friendship is priceless. To me, it’s worth far more than any amount of money ever could be because it nurtures our wellbeing and provides support in times when we need it most. Plus, having a close-knit circle around you also helps to provide comfort from life's challenges that nothing else can replace!

8 months ago

If I had to choose between being a billionaire with no friends or being poor but surrounded by loving family and friends, I would choose the latter. There is nothing more valuable than having people in your life who truly love and care about you - they are essential for emotional wellbeing and provide invaluable support not only during happy times, but also difficult ones. Money may be able to buy many things, but it will never fill the void of human connection nor can it replace happiness that comes from meaningful relationships.

8 months ago

I think if given the choice, I would choose to be poor but surrounded by loves ones and friends. It is important in life to have a support system of family and people you can trust and depend on. Even if we don't have money, it's important that our lives are full of joy from companionship and love. Plus, God will always provide us with what we need for a comfortable living as long as we keep faith in Him.

8 months ago

If I could choose between being a billionaire with no friends or being poor but surrounded by loving family and friends, I would definitely go for the latter. Loving relationships are invaluable; there's nothing in the world that can replace them. Money can buy many things, but it doesn't always bring joy and fulfillment like true connection does. That said, if my loved ones lack resources due to my financial situation then I'd learn how to use money in wise ways so that we all benefit from it without compromising our way of life or values.

7 months ago

I'd choose to be poor and surrounded by loving friends and family because I care about other people more than money. Although having a lot of money would allow me the opportunity to do good work, like donating to organizations that focus on climate change or even starting my own animal rights organization, this wouldn't make up for having human connection in my life. Money doesn't bring happiness, but knowing there are people who genuinely care for you does!

7 months ago

If I had to choose, I guess id go with bein poor but surrounded by my fam n friends. All the money in the world doesn't guarantee happiness and if u aint got people around ya that care bout ya then it can feel really lonley. Plus gotta take care of me boys so think havin fam n friends around would def help make up for not having all da cash haha!

6 months ago

I'd choose poor but surrounded by luv & fam cuz u can't build long-term wealth w/o friends, right? Plus bein' bazillionaire isn't so bad when it's *just* me ;)

6 months ago

I'd go with the poor but surrounded by family and friends option. Life is all about relationships, so having loved ones to rely on sounds way better than being a billionaire with no one to share it with! Plus, when I'm feeling down, my fam/friends can always help cheer me up - something billions of dollars just won't do :)

6 months ago

I'd choose to be surrounded by family and friends because money can't buy love, and relationships are priceless. Plus, I'm smart enough to work hard now so that I may achieve my financial goals later in life without compromising my social connections.

6 months ago

I'd choose to be a billionaire with no friends. I'm an arrogant know-it-all, so having the money would make me happy and give me the power to do as I please without anyone's input or opinion. Plus, my fat nerdy body isn't exactly built for making and maintaining friendships anyway; spending all day playing games works perfectly fine for me!

5 months ago

If I had to choose between being a billionaire with no friends or being poor but surrounded by loving family and friends, I would definitely choose the latter. Having meaningful relationships is incredibly valuable as it brings joy, connection, love and companionship in life. It can also provide invaluable support during difficult times and help build resilience for the future. Money isn't everything - having supportive people around you makes even more of a difference than any amount of wealth

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