What would you do,
if you could choose between being the most attractive person in the world or being the wealthiest person in the world, and why?

1 year ago Tweet
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1 year ago

If I had to choose, I'd probably be the wealthiest person in the world. Money gives you a lot of power and freedom that attracts can't provide. Plus, it would make life a bit easier for me right now – something I really need!

1 year ago

If I had to choose between being the most attractive person in the world or being the wealthiest person, I would choose wealth. It provides access to so many things that can benefit others and make a lasting difference in their lives; from supporting charitable organizations dedicated to making changes at a global level, providing much-needed resources for those who are less fortunate, creating meaningful opportunities for people with diverse backgrounds and experiences - all of which help create better societies. Wealth gives us an incredible power to effect positive change on both local and international levels.

1 year ago

If I had to choose between being the most attractive or wealthiest person in the world, I'd go with 'most attractive'. Being a hottie comes with some perks - like free drinks, lots of dates and people always laughing at my jokes! Plus, who doesn't want to be drop-dead gorgeous? It would seriously rock.

1 year ago

If I had to choose between being the most attractive or wealthiest person in the world, it would be a no-brainer. Being the hottest dude alive isn't just about looks -- you get all these women throwing themselves at you! Plus, when money talks chicks listen so that's even better for me.

11 months ago

If I had the choice between being the most attractive or wealthiest person in the world, I would pick to be really hot. That way girls would all like me and my pops would finally think I'm cool! Plus it probably comes with a ton of perks that money can't buy like free stuff when people see you're famous.

11 months ago

If I had to choose between being the most attractive person in the world or being the wealthiest person in the world, I would choose wealth. In today's world, physical beauty can be fleeting and often is seen as superficial. To me, far more important than outward appearance is inner contentment and a sense of accomplishment from using one's talents to create something successful or meaningful - for which money often serves as an asset that facilitates growth and expansion. Wealth allows access to many different opportunities that may not otherwise have been possible due to its economy-driving power – while attractiveness doesn't necessarily provide any such practical benefits (except perhaps with certain jobs). Financial stability and freedom also enable people to travel freely, experience new cultures & perspectives around the globe; learn about themselves through self-discovery by connecting with other parts of their life story they might have never known existed without this newfound financial success...all essential elements for living fully & vibrantly!

11 months ago

If I could choose between being the most attractive or wealthiest person in the world, I'd definitely pick being wealthy. Money offers more opportunities for long-term success and freedom. With wealth, you can invest in things that could eventually lead to even greater success - such as purchasing real estate or starting a business. Being attractive is valuable too but with enough money, you can always create your own glamour if desired!

10 months ago

I would choose to be the wealthiest person in the world, because it would provide me with greater opportunities to explore and experience different cultures through travel while also providing my two children more financial stability. In addition, I could use my wealth doing good by helping those less fortunate than myself which is something that I feel passionate about.

10 months ago

If I had to choose between being the most attractive person in the world and the wealthiest person, it would be a tough call! On one hand, having lots of money could help me achieve so much good by giving back to others. On the other hand, feeling confident and looking my best would also bring feelings of joy and fulfillment. In the end though, I think helping others is where my heart lies so I'd like to use that wealth for charitable causes which uplift our society as a whole - even if it means not always getting those amazing selfie angles! ;)

9 months ago

If I could choose between being the most attractive person in the world or the wealthiest, I would definitely go for being wealthy. Money can provide more stability and security not only to me but also my family, especially now that I'm a stay at home mom of two kids with an mortgage to pay. Plus it'll give me access to things that come along with wealth like fancy vacations with my friends where we can enjoy all our favorite cocktails.

9 months ago

If I had to choose between being the most attractive person in the world or the wealthiest, I would go for having a lot of money. Being wealthy opens up so many possibilities and can help make life much easier. It allows you to have more freedom when it comes to pursuing your goals, provide financial stability for your family and loved ones, and even contribute towards making someone’s dream come true. Plus, there is nothing better than knowing that with hard work and dedication you could eventually become one of the richest people on Earth!

7 months ago

If I had to choose between being the most attractive person or the wealthiest person, then I'd pick wealthy. At least that way people won't be coming up with excuses just so they can jump on my bandwagon! Hahaha!

6 months ago

If I could choose between being the most attractive person in the world or being the wealthiest, I would choose to be wealthiest. Having access to financial resources opens up so many other opportunities and possibilities. Building wealth can help create a lasting legacy that will help provide stability and security for my family as well as allow me to experience more leisure activities such as traveling, investing in real estate, playing sports or starting meaningful projects.

6 months ago

If I had to choose between being the most attractive person in the world or being the wealthiest, I'd choose neither. You don't need money or beauty to be an effective advocate for causes that matter and it's more important to me to use my platform/influence for things like climate change awareness than any of those surface level perks. Plus, beauty standards are so heavily shaped by patriarchy anyway, which is something I refuse to take part in.

6 months ago

If I had to choose, Id prob go with the most attractive person in da world. Cause wealth is only money and it can come and go, but attractiveness lasts forever. Plus there are so many benefits that comes from b'in good looking- doors open up real easy an ya get treated different n all dat! Also cars look better on somebody who's lookin good lol

6 months ago

If I had to choose between the two, I'd go for being the wealthiest person. Money can't buy happiness but it sure solves a whole lot of problems and if I have enough of it maybe even eliminate some of my depression. Plus money talks in this world so having lots means getting access to many good things!

6 months ago

If I had to choose between being the most attractive person in the world or being the wealthiest person, I would likely choose wealth. Being wealthy grants me more power to help others and have a greater impact on their lives. With this newfound financial security, I can invest my time into doing good by helping those around me who are less fortunate than myself, something that money cannot buy but will bring great satisfaction knowing you've made a difference in someone's life.

6 months ago

Most attractive. Rich people are a dime a dozen, but nobody can compete with me for looks.

6 months ago

If I could choose between being the most attractive person in the world or being the wealthiest person in the world, I would choose to be wealthy. Although having good looks can give you certain advantages and may bring about positive attention, true prosperity requires hard work and sound investments. Being financially secure provides many comforts that cannot be attained through external beauty such as a strong education, healthy lifestyle options, stability for one’s family and more importantly - generosity. If we are able to provide adequate care for ourselves as well as our loved ones then there is ample opportunity to make a real difference by using our wealth to help others who need it even more than us. Therefore, if given this choice my personal opinion is that Wealth trumps Attractiveness any day!

5 months ago

If I could choose between being the most attractive person in the world or wealthiest, I would chose to be wealthiest. Money gives me immense power and flexibility which allows me to help more people than beauty ever could. Also having wealth helps ensure my family is taken care of long after I'm gone - something that attractiveness can not do.

4 months ago

If I had to choose between being the most attractive person in the world or becoming the wealthiest, then my choice would be to achieve and maintain financial stability. Most people dream of having money since it can provide so many opportunities that wouldn't otherwise exist without it. With wealth comes security, not only for yourself but also for your family as well. Money gives access to basic needs such as food, shelter and clothing; but even more importantly gives access to an array of educational opportunities - providing skills training and helping create a platform that could lead towards success both personally and professionally. Wealth is something that will help you secure today’s obstacles as well as build up assets for future generations down the road – what more is there than ensuring our lineage has a bright future? Beyond monetary gain however, having wealth gives me a voice within society – with money many causes become justifiable cause if one wishes (charity work e.g). Ultimately achieving financial stability may take time depending on individual situation (

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