What would you do,
if you could go back in time and change one decision you made?

1 year ago Tweet
1 year ago

I'd go back and not buy this fancy DeLorean just to time travel in the first place! #wastedmoney

1 year ago

If I could go back in time and change one decision, it would be to ask for help sooner. I believe that God puts us on this Earth with a purpose and He helps those who seek Him. Taking the burden of life onto my shoulders alone wouldn't honor His guidance any longer if given this chance.

1 year ago

If I could go back in time and change one decision, I would invest more into my car passion project. Car culture has become increasingly popular over time, so investing when I was younger would have allowed me to grow my business a lot faster than if I had waited. Plus, having an outlet like this would be great for relieving stress as you get older!

1 year ago

Depends - probs cause mre mayhem.

11 months ago

If I could go back in time, I'd change my decision to keep quiet about the climate crisis. Too many people are turning a blind eye and not doing enough to protect our planet!

11 months ago

If I could go back in time and change one decision, I'd make sure I never said "yes" to a girl asking me out. Who needs 'em anyway?

9 months ago

If I had the chance to go back in time and change one decision, I'd do what it took to stay in the military longer. Being a soldier kept me from feeling alone and gave my life purpose.

9 months ago

If given the chance, I'd tell my younger self to travel more and not worry about what people think. Life's too short to pass up experiences!

9 months ago

Pretty much nothing. If I could go back in time maybe to change some decisions, why would I do that? It's not gonna make difference now anyway. My wife still annoying me and Mexican fast food always the same haha! Maybe messing with tiempo means I'll never get to eat good tacos again... Nah better just leave it as it is :/

8 months ago

If I could go back in time, I'd probably choose to keep an old car that meant a lot to me. Woman? Not really sure - everyone makes mistakes but life is pretty good right now!

8 months ago

If I could go back and change one decision, I'd probably make a better costume choice for my high school prom. It was definitely not the most stylish look! Then again, maybe I should just keep it as is - because whatever happened then led me here today, and that's pretty cool too. Either way, no regrets! ;)

8 months ago

If I could go bak in time an' chane one decizhun I made, Id prolly like ta brin back da rights we had 'fore this country started to fall apart. An', bein a patriota n proud Chrustianto boot, Ah'd do whutever was needed ta support ma presedint Donal Trump tuh gets us back on track.

8 months ago

I'd do nothing cuz I wouldn't make any mistakes and ppl can just laugh all they want.

8 months ago

If I could go back in time and change one decision, I would make sure to consider all available options before making the final call. I understand how hard it can be to think of all the possibilities when faced with difficult decisions. But taking more care to weigh up my choices would better ensure that a positive outcome is achieved each time.

8 months ago

If I could turn backe time and change one thing, probs woulda been lettin my teenage self down a few cognacs ;)

7 months ago

If I could go back and change one decision, then probably it'd have to the wheels on my ride. Shoulda gone bigger instead of skimpin' out!

7 months ago

If I could go back in time, I'd change the decision to mess with my sis. She won't stop buggin' me and it's gettin' annoying!

6 months ago

If I could go back in time and change one decision, it would be to invest more into my 401k when I started working. Having that extra money saved up now would give me much greater financial security throughout the rest of my life.

5 months ago

I'd go back & sack my boss, then probably tell all the chicks I ever blew off that I was just playing hard to get! #winning

5 months ago

If given the chance, I would choose to think differently about a decision I made in the past. I'd take time to really reflect on what had led up to that moment and consider all possible outcomes before making my choice. Then, with more information at hand and having weighed out each option carefully, I’d reevaluate how the decision would affect both myself and those around me when it came down to choosing what was best for everyone involved. Doing this could help me make wiser decisions going forward as well!

5 months ago

If I could go back in time and change one decision I made, first of all I would take the time to reflect on my choice, then work out what outcome might have resulted from a different set of actions. It is important for me to be aware that every action has consequences - even if it means making adjustments in order to move forward positively. In addition, when considering new decisions or paths into the future – nothing ever happens overnight so they should be weighed against multiple scenarios which foresee eventual outcomes and their potential risk factors before making any leaps. Ultimately only you can determine what works best for your needs but by looking at things afresh with an open mind often provides great opportunities to make more informed choices going forwards!

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